Source code for

import logging
import warnings
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Union, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np
from alibi_detect.base import BaseDetector, concept_drift_dict
from import get_input_shape
from alibi_detect.utils.state import StateMixin
from alibi_detect.utils._types import Literal

    import torch
    import tensorflow as tf

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class BaseMultiDriftOnline(BaseDetector, StateMixin): t: int = 0 thresholds: np.ndarray backend: Literal['pytorch', 'tensorflow'] online_state_keys: Tuple[str, ...]
[docs] def __init__( self, x_ref: Union[np.ndarray, list], ert: float, window_size: int, preprocess_fn: Optional[Callable] = None, x_ref_preprocessed: bool = False, n_bootstraps: int = 1000, verbose: bool = True, input_shape: Optional[tuple] = None, data_type: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ Base class for multivariate online drift detectors. Parameters ---------- x_ref Data used as reference distribution. ert The expected run-time (ERT) in the absence of drift. For the multivariate detectors, the ERT is defined as the expected run-time from t=0. window_size The size of the sliding test-window used to compute the test-statistic. Smaller windows focus on responding quickly to severe drift, larger windows focus on ability to detect slight drift. preprocess_fn Function to preprocess the data before computing the data drift metrics. x_ref_preprocessed Whether the given reference data `x_ref` has been preprocessed yet. If `x_ref_preprocessed=True`, only the test data `x` will be preprocessed at prediction time. If `x_ref_preprocessed=False`, the reference data will also be preprocessed. n_bootstraps The number of bootstrap simulations used to configure the thresholds. The larger this is the more accurately the desired ERT will be targeted. Should ideally be at least an order of magnitude larger than the ert. verbose Whether or not to print progress during configuration. input_shape Shape of input data. data_type Optionally specify the data type (tabular, image or time-series). Added to metadata. """ super().__init__() if ert is None: logger.warning('No expected run-time set for the drift threshold. Need to set it to detect data drift.') self.ert = ert self.fpr = 1 / ert self.window_size = window_size # x_ref preprocessing self.x_ref_preprocessed = x_ref_preprocessed if preprocess_fn is not None and not isinstance(preprocess_fn, Callable): # type: ignore[arg-type] raise ValueError("`preprocess_fn` is not a valid Callable.") if not self.x_ref_preprocessed and preprocess_fn is not None: self.x_ref = preprocess_fn(x_ref) else: self.x_ref = x_ref # Other attributes self.preprocess_fn = preprocess_fn self.n = len(x_ref) self.n_bootstraps = n_bootstraps # nb of samples used to estimate thresholds self.verbose = verbose # store input shape for save and load functionality self.input_shape = get_input_shape(input_shape, x_ref) # set metadata self.meta['detector_type'] = 'drift' self.meta['data_type'] = data_type self.meta['online'] = True
@abstractmethod def _configure_thresholds(self): pass @abstractmethod def _configure_ref_subset(self): pass @abstractmethod def _update_state(self, x_t: Union[np.ndarray, 'tf.Tensor', 'torch.Tensor']): pass def _preprocess_xt(self, x_t: Union[np.ndarray, Any]) -> np.ndarray: """ Private method to preprocess a single test instance ready for _update_state. Parameters ---------- x_t A single test instance to be preprocessed. Returns ------- The preprocessed test instance `x_t`. """ # preprocess if necessary if self.preprocess_fn is not None: x_t = x_t[None, :] if isinstance(x_t, np.ndarray) else [x_t] x_t = self.preprocess_fn(x_t)[0] return x_t[None, :]
[docs] def get_threshold(self, t: int) -> float: """ Return the threshold for timestep `t`. Parameters ---------- t The timestep to return a threshold for. Returns ------- The threshold at timestep `t`. """ return self.thresholds[t] if t < self.window_size else self.thresholds[-1]
def _initialise_state(self) -> None: """ Initialise online state (the stateful attributes updated by `score` and `predict`). If a subclassed detector has additional online state, an additional `_initialise_state` should be defined, with a call to `super()._initialise_state()` included (see `LSDDDriftOnlineTorch._initialise_state()` for an example). """ self.t = 0 # corresponds to a test set of ref data self.test_stats = np.array([]) self.drift_preds = np.array([])
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: """ Deprecated reset method. This method will be repurposed or removed in the future. To reset the detector to its initial state (`t=0`) use :meth:`reset_state`. """ self.reset_state() warnings.warn('This method is deprecated and will be removed/repurposed in the future. To reset the detector ' 'to its initial state use `reset_state`.', DeprecationWarning)
[docs] def reset_state(self) -> None: """ Resets the detector to its initial state (`t=0`). This does not include reconfiguring thresholds. """ self._initialise_state()
[docs] def predict(self, x_t: Union[np.ndarray, Any], return_test_stat: bool = True, ) -> Dict[Dict[str, str], Dict[str, Union[int, float]]]: """ Predict whether the most recent window of data has drifted from the reference data. Parameters ---------- x_t A single instance to be added to the test-window. return_test_stat Whether to return the test statistic and threshold. Returns ------- Dictionary containing ``'meta'`` and ``'data'`` dictionaries. - ``'meta'`` has the model's metadata. - ``'data'`` contains the drift prediction and optionally the test-statistic and threshold. """ # Compute test stat and check for drift test_stat = self.score(x_t) threshold = self.get_threshold(self.t) drift_pred = int(test_stat > threshold) self.test_stats = np.concatenate([self.test_stats, np.array([test_stat])]) self.drift_preds = np.concatenate([self.drift_preds, np.array([drift_pred])]) # populate drift dict cd = concept_drift_dict() cd['meta'] = self.meta cd['data']['is_drift'] = drift_pred cd['data']['time'] = self.t cd['data']['ert'] = self.ert if return_test_stat: cd['data']['test_stat'] = test_stat cd['data']['threshold'] = threshold return cd
[docs] class BaseUniDriftOnline(BaseDetector, StateMixin): t: int = 0 thresholds: np.ndarray online_state_keys: Tuple[str, ...]
[docs] def __init__( self, x_ref: Union[np.ndarray, list], ert: float, window_sizes: List[int], preprocess_fn: Optional[Callable] = None, x_ref_preprocessed: bool = False, n_bootstraps: int = 1000, n_features: Optional[int] = None, verbose: bool = True, input_shape: Optional[tuple] = None, data_type: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ Base class for univariate online drift detectors. If n_features > 1, a multivariate correction is used to aggregate p-values during threshold configuration, thus allowing the requested expected run time (ERT) to be targeted. The multivariate correction assumes independence between the features. Parameters ---------- x_ref Data used as reference distribution. ert The expected run-time (ERT) in the absence of drift. For the univariate detectors, the ERT is defined as the expected run-time after the smallest window is full i.e. the run-time from t=min(windows_sizes)-1. window_sizes The sizes of the sliding test-windows used to compute the test-statistic. Smaller windows focus on responding quickly to severe drift, larger windows focus on ability to detect slight drift. preprocess_fn Function to preprocess the data before computing the data drift metrics. x_ref_preprocessed Whether the given reference data `x_ref` has been preprocessed yet. If `x_ref_preprocessed=True`, only the test data `x` will be preprocessed at prediction time. If `x_ref_preprocessed=False`, the reference data will also be preprocessed. n_bootstraps The number of bootstrap simulations used to configure the thresholds. The larger this is the more accurately the desired ERT will be targeted. Should ideally be at least an order of magnitude larger than the ert. n_features Number of features used in the statistical test. No need to pass it if no preprocessing takes place. In case of a preprocessing step, this can also be inferred automatically but could be more expensive to compute. verbose Whether or not to print progress during configuration. input_shape Shape of input data. data_type Optionally specify the data type (tabular, image or time-series). Added to metadata. """ super().__init__() if ert is None: logger.warning('No expected run-time set for the drift threshold. Need to set it to detect data drift.') self.ert = ert self.fpr = 1 / ert # Window sizes self.window_sizes = window_sizes self.max_ws = np.max(self.window_sizes) self.min_ws = np.min(self.window_sizes) # x_ref preprocessing self.x_ref_preprocessed = x_ref_preprocessed if preprocess_fn is not None and not isinstance(preprocess_fn, Callable): # type: ignore[arg-type] raise ValueError("`preprocess_fn` is not a valid Callable.") if not self.x_ref_preprocessed and preprocess_fn is not None: self.x_ref = preprocess_fn(x_ref) else: self.x_ref = x_ref # Check the (optionally preprocessed) x_ref data is a 2D ndarray self.x_ref = self._check_x(self.x_ref, x_ref=True) # Other attributes self.preprocess_fn = preprocess_fn self.n = len(x_ref) self.n_bootstraps = n_bootstraps # nb of samples used to estimate thresholds self.verbose = verbose # compute number of features for the univariate tests if isinstance(n_features, int): self.n_features = n_features elif not isinstance(preprocess_fn, Callable) or x_ref_preprocessed: # infer features from preprocessed reference data self.n_features = self.x_ref.reshape(self.x_ref.shape[0], -1).shape[-1] else: # infer number of features after applying preprocessing step x = self.preprocess_fn(x_ref[0:1]) self.n_features = x.reshape(x.shape[0], -1).shape[-1] # store input shape for save and load functionality self.input_shape = get_input_shape(input_shape, x_ref) # set metadata self.meta['detector_type'] = 'drift' self.meta['data_type'] = data_type self.meta['online'] = True
@abstractmethod def _configure_thresholds(self): pass @abstractmethod def _configure_ref(self): pass @abstractmethod def _update_state(self, x_t: np.ndarray): pass def _check_x(self, x: Any, x_ref: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """ Check the type and shape of the data `x`, and coerces it to the correct shape if possible. Parameters ---------- x The data to be checked. x_ref Whether `x` is a batch of reference data instances (if `True`), or a single test data instance (if `False`). Returns ------- The checked data, coerced to be a np.ndarray of the correct shape. """ # Check the type of x if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): pass elif isinstance(x, (int, float)): x = np.array([x]) else: raise TypeError("Detectors expect data to be 2D np.ndarray's. If data is passed as another type, a " "`preprocess_fn` should be given to convert this data to 2D np.ndarray's.") # Check the shape of x if x_ref: x = x.reshape(x.shape[0], -1) else: x = x.reshape(1, -1) if x.shape[1] != self.x_ref.shape[1]: raise ValueError("Dimensions do not match. `x` has shape (%d,%d) and `x_ref` has shape (%d,%d)." % (x.shape[0], x.shape[1], self.x_ref.shape[0], self.x_ref.shape[1])) return x def _preprocess_xt(self, x_t: Union[np.ndarray, Any]) -> np.ndarray: """ Private method to preprocess a single test instance ready for _update_state. Parameters ---------- x_t A single test instance to be preprocessed. Returns ------- The preprocessed test instance `x_t`. """ # preprocess if necessary if self.preprocess_fn is not None: x_t = x_t[None, :] if isinstance(x_t, np.ndarray) else [x_t] x_t = self.preprocess_fn(x_t)[0] # Now check the final data is a 2D ndarray x_t = self._check_x(x_t) return x_t
[docs] def get_threshold(self, t: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Return the threshold for timestep `t`. Parameters ---------- t The timestep to return a threshold for. Returns ------- The threshold at timestep `t`. """ return self.thresholds[t] if t < len(self.thresholds) else self.thresholds[-1]
def _initialise_state(self) -> None: """ Initialise online state (the stateful attributes updated by `score` and `predict`). If a subclassed detector has additional online state, an additional `_initialise_state` should be defined, with a call to `super()._initialise_state()` included (see `CVMDriftOnlineTorch._initialise_state()` for an example). """ self.t = 0 self.xs = np.array([]) self.test_stats = np.empty([0, len(self.window_sizes), self.n_features]) self.drift_preds = np.array([]) @abstractmethod def _check_drift(self, test_stats: np.ndarray, thresholds: np.ndarray) -> int: pass
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: """ Deprecated reset method. This method will be repurposed or removed in the future. To reset the detector to its initial state (`t=0`) use :meth:`reset_state`. """ self.reset_state() warnings.warn('This method is deprecated and will be removed/repurposed in the future. To reset the detector ' 'to its initial state use `reset_state`.', DeprecationWarning)
[docs] def reset_state(self) -> None: """ Resets the detector to its initial state (`t=0`). This does not include reconfiguring thresholds. """ self._initialise_state()
[docs] def predict(self, x_t: Union[np.ndarray, Any], return_test_stat: bool = True, ) -> Dict[Dict[str, str], Dict[str, Union[int, float]]]: """ Predict whether the most recent window(s) of data have drifted from the reference data. Parameters ---------- x_t A single instance to be added to the test-window(s). return_test_stat Whether to return the test statistic and threshold. Returns ------- Dictionary containing ``'meta'`` and ``'data'`` dictionaries. - ``'meta'`` has the model's metadata. - ``'data'`` contains the drift prediction and optionally the test-statistic and threshold. """ # Compute test stat and check for drift test_stats = self.score(x_t) thresholds = self.get_threshold(self.t - 1) # Note t-1 here, has we wish to use the unconditional thresholds drift_pred = self._check_drift(test_stats, thresholds) # Update results attributes self.test_stats = np.concatenate([self.test_stats, test_stats[None, :, :]]) self.drift_preds = np.concatenate([self.drift_preds, np.array([drift_pred])]) # populate drift dict cd = concept_drift_dict() cd['meta'] = self.meta cd['data']['is_drift'] = drift_pred cd['data']['time'] = self.t cd['data']['ert'] = self.ert if return_test_stat: cd['data']['test_stat'] = test_stats cd['data']['threshold'] = thresholds return cd