Source code for

from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Optional, Union
from alibi_detect.base import DriftConfigMixin
from import BaseUniDriftOnline
from alibi_detect.utils.misc import quantile
from scipy.stats import hypergeom
import numba as nb
import warnings

[docs] class FETDriftOnline(BaseUniDriftOnline, DriftConfigMixin): online_state_keys = ('t', 'test_stats', 'drift_preds', 'xs')
[docs] def __init__( self, x_ref: Union[np.ndarray, list], ert: float, window_sizes: List[int], preprocess_fn: Optional[Callable] = None, x_ref_preprocessed: bool = False, n_bootstraps: int = 10000, t_max: Optional[int] = None, alternative: str = 'greater', lam: float = 0.99, n_features: Optional[int] = None, verbose: bool = True, input_shape: Optional[tuple] = None, data_type: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: """ Online Fisher exact test (FET) data drift detector using preconfigured thresholds, which tests for a change in the mean of binary univariate data. This detector is an adaption of that proposed by :cite:t:`Ross2012b`. For multivariate data, the detector makes a correction similar to the Bonferroni correction used for the offline detector. Given :math:`d` features, the detector configures thresholds by targeting the :math:`1-\\beta` quantile of test statistics over the simulated streams, where :math:`\\beta = 1 - (1-(1/ERT))^{(1/d)}`. For the univariate case, this simplifies to :math:`\\beta = 1/ERT`. At prediction time, drift is flagged if the test statistic of any feature stream exceed the thresholds. Note ---- In the multivariate case, for the ERT to be accurately targeted the feature streams must be independent. Parameters ---------- x_ref Data used as reference distribution. ert The expected run-time (ERT) in the absence of drift. For the univariate detectors, the ERT is defined as the expected run-time after the smallest window is full i.e. the run-time from t=min(windows_sizes). window_sizes window sizes for the sliding test-windows used to compute the test-statistic. Smaller windows focus on responding quickly to severe drift, larger windows focus on ability to detect slight drift. preprocess_fn Function to preprocess the data before computing the data drift metrics. x_ref_preprocessed Whether the given reference data `x_ref` has been preprocessed yet. If `x_ref_preprocessed=True`, only the test data `x` will be preprocessed at prediction time. If `x_ref_preprocessed=False`, the reference data will also be preprocessed. n_bootstraps The number of bootstrap simulations used to configure the thresholds. The larger this is the more accurately the desired ERT will be targeted. Should ideally be at least an order of magnitude larger than the ERT. t_max Length of the streams to simulate when configuring thresholds. If `None`, this is set to 2 * max(`window_sizes`) - 1. alternative Defines the alternative hypothesis. Options are 'greater' or 'less', which correspond to an increase or decrease in the mean of the Bernoulli stream. lam Smoothing coefficient used for exponential moving average. n_features Number of features used in the statistical test. No need to pass it if no preprocessing takes place. In case of a preprocessing step, this can also be inferred automatically but could be more expensive to compute. verbose Whether or not to print progress during configuration. input_shape Shape of input data. data_type Optionally specify the data type (tabular, image or time-series). Added to metadata. """ super().__init__( x_ref=x_ref, ert=ert, window_sizes=window_sizes, preprocess_fn=preprocess_fn, x_ref_preprocessed=x_ref_preprocessed, n_bootstraps=n_bootstraps, n_features=n_features, verbose=verbose, input_shape=input_shape, data_type=data_type ) # Set config self._set_config(locals()) self.lam = lam if alternative.lower() not in ['greater', 'less']: raise ValueError("`alternative` must be either 'greater' or 'less'.") self.alternative = alternative.lower() # Stream length if t_max is not None: if t_max < 2 * self.max_ws - 1: raise ValueError("`t_max` must be >= 2 * max(`window_sizes`) for the FETDriftOnline detector.") else: t_max = 2 * self.max_ws - 1 self.t_max = t_max # Check data is only [False, True] or [0, 1] values = set(np.unique(self.x_ref)) if not set(values).issubset(['0', '1', True, False]): raise ValueError("The `x_ref` data must consist of only (0,1)'s or (False,True)'s for the " "FETDriftOnline detector.") if len(np.unique(self.x_ref.astype('int'))) == 1: raise ValueError("The `x_ref` data consists of all 0's or all 1's. Thresholds cannot be configured.") # Configure thresholds and initialise detector self._initialise_state() self._configure_thresholds() self._configure_ref()
def _configure_ref(self) -> None: """ Configure the reference data. """ self.sum_ref = np.sum(self.x_ref, axis=0) def _configure_thresholds(self) -> None: """ A function that simulates trajectories of the (smoothed) Fisher exact test statistic for the desired reference set and window sizes under the null distribution, where both the reference set and deployment stream follow the same distribution. It then uses these simulated trajectories to estimate thresholds. The test statistics are smoothed using an exponential moving average to remove their discreteness and therefore allow more precise quantiles to be targeted. In the unsmoothed case the thresholds should stop changing after t=(2*max-window-size - 1) and therefore we need only simulate trajectories and estimate thresholds up to this point. If heavy smoothing is applied (i.e. if `lam`<<1), a larger `t_max` may be necessary in order to ensure the thresholds have converged. """ if self.verbose: print("Using %d bootstrap simulations to configure thresholds..." % self.n_bootstraps) # Assuming independent features, calibrate to beta = 1 - (1-FPR)^(1/n_features) beta = 1 - (1-self.fpr)**(1/self.n_features) # Init progress bar if self.verbose: if self.n_features > 1: msg = "Simulating streams for %d window(s) and %d features(s)" \ % (len(self.window_sizes), self.n_features) else: msg = "Simulating streams for %d window(s)" % len(self.window_sizes) pbar = tqdm(total=int(self.n_features*len(self.window_sizes)), desc=msg) else: pbar = None # Compute test statistic at each t_max number of t's, for each stream and each feature self.permit_probs = np.full((self.t_max, self.n_features), np.nan) thresholds = np.full((self.t_max, self.n_features), np.nan, dtype=np.float32) for f in range(self.n_features): # Compute stats for given feature (for each stream) stats = self._simulate_streams(self.x_ref[:, f], pbar) # At each t for each stream, find max stats. over window sizes with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings(action='ignore', message='All-NaN slice encountered') max_stats = np.nanmax(stats, -1) # Find threshold (at each t) that satisfies eqn. (2) in Ross et al. for t in range(np.min(self.window_sizes)-1, self.t_max): # Compute (1-beta) quantile of max_stats at a given t, over all streams threshold = np.float32(quantile(max_stats[:, t], 1 - beta, interpolate=False, type=6)) stats_below = max_stats[max_stats[:, t] < threshold] # Check for stats equal to threshold prob_of_equal = (max_stats[:, t] <= threshold).mean() - (max_stats[:, t] < threshold).mean() if prob_of_equal == 0.0: permit_prob = np.inf max_stats = stats_below # Remove streams where change point detected else: undershoot = 1 - beta - (max_stats[:, t] < threshold).mean() permit_prob = undershoot / prob_of_equal stats_equal = max_stats[max_stats[:, t] == threshold] n_keep_equal = np.random.binomial(len(stats_equal), permit_prob) # Remove streams where change point detected, but allow permit_prob streams where stats=thresh max_stats = np.concatenate([stats_below, stats_equal[:n_keep_equal]]) thresholds[t, f] = threshold self.permit_probs[t, f] = permit_prob self.thresholds = thresholds def _simulate_streams(self, x_ref: np.ndarray, pbar: Optional[tqdm]) -> np.ndarray: """ Computes test statistic for each stream. Almost all of the work done here is done in a call to scipy's hypergeom for each window size. """ n_windows = len(self.window_sizes) stats = np.full((self.n_bootstraps, self.t_max, n_windows), np.nan, dtype=np.float32) p = np.mean(x_ref) sum_ref = np.sum(x_ref) x_stream = np.random.choice([False, True], (self.n_bootstraps, self.t_max), p=[1 - p, p]) cumsums_stream = np.cumsum(x_stream, axis=-1) cumsums_stream = np.concatenate([np.zeros_like(cumsums_stream[..., 0:1]), cumsums_stream], axis=-1) for k in range(n_windows): if pbar is not None: pbar.update(1) ws = self.window_sizes[k] cumsums_last_ws = cumsums_stream[:, ws:] - cumsums_stream[:, :-ws] # Perform FET with hypergeom.cdf (this is vectorised over streams) if self.alternative == 'greater': p_val = hypergeom.cdf(sum_ref, self.n+ws, sum_ref + cumsums_last_ws, self.n) else: p_val = hypergeom.cdf(cumsums_last_ws, self.n+ws, sum_ref + cumsums_last_ws, ws) stats[:, (ws - 1):, k] = self._exp_moving_avg(1 - p_val, self.lam) return stats @staticmethod @nb.njit(cache=True) def _exp_moving_avg(arr: np.ndarray, lam: float) -> np.ndarray: """ Apply exponential moving average over the final axis.""" output = np.zeros_like(arr) output[..., 0] = arr[..., 0] for i in range(1, arr.shape[-1]): output[..., i] = (1 - lam) * output[..., i - 1] + lam * arr[..., i] return output def _update_state(self, x_t: np.ndarray): """ Update online state based on the provided test instance. Parameters ---------- x_t The test instance. """ self.t += 1 if self.t == 1: # Initialise stream self.xs = x_t else: # Update stream self.xs = np.concatenate([self.xs, x_t]) def _check_drift(self, test_stats: np.ndarray, thresholds: np.ndarray) -> int: """ Private method to compare test stats to thresholds. The max stats over all windows are compute for each feature. Drift is flagged if `max_stats` for any feature exceeds the thresholds for that feature. Parameters ---------- test_stats Array of test statistics with shape (n_windows, n_features) thresholds Array of thresholds with shape (t_max, n_features). Returns ------- An int equal to 1 if drift, 0 otherwise. """ with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings(action='ignore', message='All-NaN slice encountered') max_stats = np.nanmax(test_stats, axis=0) # If any stats greater than thresholds, flag drift and return if (max_stats > thresholds).any(): return 1 # If still no drift, check if any stats equal to threshold. If so, flag drift with proba self.probs_when_equal equal_inds = np.where(max_stats == thresholds)[0] for equal_ind in equal_inds: if np.random.uniform() > self.permit_probs[min(self.t-1, len(self.thresholds)-1), equal_ind]: return 1 return 0
[docs] def score(self, x_t: Union[np.ndarray, Any]) -> np.ndarray: """ Compute the test-statistic (FET) between the reference window(s) and test window. If a given test-window is not yet full then a test-statistic of np.nan is returned for that window. Parameters ---------- x_t A single instance. Returns ------- Estimated FET test statistics (1-p_val) between reference window and test windows. """ values = set(np.unique(x_t)) if not set(values).issubset(['0', '1', True, False]): raise ValueError("The `x_t` data must consist of only (0,1)'s or (False,True)'s for the " "FETDriftOnline detector.") x_t = super()._preprocess_xt(x_t) self._update_state(x_t) stats = np.zeros((len(self.window_sizes), self.n_features), dtype=np.float32) for k, ws in enumerate(self.window_sizes): if self.t >= ws: sum_last_ws = np.sum(self.xs[-ws:, :], axis=0) # Perform FET with hypergeom.cdf (this is vectorised over features) if self.alternative == 'greater': p_vals = hypergeom.cdf(self.sum_ref, self.n+ws, self.sum_ref + sum_last_ws, self.n) else: p_vals = hypergeom.cdf(sum_last_ws, self.n+ws, self.sum_ref + sum_last_ws, ws) # Compute test stat and apply smoothing stats_k = 1 - p_vals for f in range(self.n_features): if len(self.test_stats) != 0 and not np.isnan(self.test_stats[-1, k, f]): stats_k[f] = (1 - self.lam) * self.test_stats[-1, k, f] + self.lam * stats_k[f] stats[k, :] = stats_k else: stats[k, :] = np.nan return stats