Source code for alibi_detect.utils.distance

import numpy as np
from sklearn.manifold import MDS
from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple

[docs] def norm(x: np.ndarray, p: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Compute p-norm across the features of a batch of instances. Parameters ---------- x Batch of instances of shape [N, features]. p Power of the norm. Returns ------- Array where p-norm is applied to the features. """ return (x ** p).sum(axis=1) ** (1 / p)
[docs] def pairwise_distance(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, p: int = 2) -> np.ndarray: """ Compute pairwise distance between 2 samples. Parameters ---------- x Batch of instances of shape [Nx, features]. y Batch of instances of shape [Ny, features]. p Power of the norm used to compute the distance. Returns ------- [Nx, Ny] matrix with pairwise distances. """ assert len(x.shape) == len(y.shape) and len(x.shape) == 2 and x.shape[-1] == y.shape[-1] diff = x.reshape(x.shape + (1,)) - y.T.reshape((1,) + y.T.shape) # [Nx,F,1]-[1,F,Ny]=[Nx,F,Ny] dist = norm(diff, p) # [Nx,Ny] return dist
[docs] def cityblock_batch(X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculate the L1 distances between a batch of arrays X and an array of the same shape y. Parameters ---------- X Batch of arrays to calculate the distances from y Array to calculate the distance to Returns ------- Array of distances from each array in X to y """ X_dim = len(X.shape) y_dim = len(y.shape) if X_dim == y_dim: assert y.shape[0] == 1, 'y must have batch size equal to 1' else: assert X.shape[1:] == y.shape, 'X and y must have matching shapes' return np.abs(X - y).sum(axis=tuple(np.arange(1, X_dim))).reshape(X.shape[0], -1)
[docs] def mvdm(X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, cat_vars: dict, alpha: int = 1) -> Dict[Any, np.ndarray]: """ Calculate the pair-wise distances between categories of a categorical variable using the Modified Value Difference Measure based on Cost et al (1993). Parameters ---------- X Batch of arrays. y Batch of labels or predictions. cat_vars Dict with as keys the categorical columns and as optional values the number of categories per categorical variable. alpha Power of absolute difference between conditional probabilities. Returns ------- Dict with as keys the categorical columns and as values the pairwise distance matrix for the variable. """ # TODO: handle triangular inequality # infer number of categories per categorical variable n_y = len(np.unique(y)) cat_cols = list(cat_vars.keys()) for col in cat_cols: if cat_vars[col] is not None: continue cat_vars[col] = len(np.unique(X[:, col])) # conditional probabilities and pairwise distance matrix d_pair = {} for col, n_cat in cat_vars.items(): d_pair_col = np.zeros([n_cat, n_cat]) p_cond_col = np.zeros([n_cat, n_y]) for i in range(n_cat): idx = np.where(X[:, col] == i)[0] for i_y in range(n_y): p_cond_col[i, i_y] = np.sum(y[idx] == i_y) / (y[idx].shape[0] + 1e-12) for i in range(n_cat): j = 0 while j < i: # symmetrical matrix d_pair_col[i, j] = np.sum(np.abs(p_cond_col[i, :] - p_cond_col[j, :]) ** alpha) j += 1 d_pair_col += d_pair_col.T d_pair[col] = d_pair_col return d_pair
[docs] def abdm(X: np.ndarray, cat_vars: dict, cat_vars_bin: dict = dict()) -> dict: """ Calculate the pair-wise distances between categories of a categorical variable using the Association-Based Distance Metric based on Le et al (2005). Parameters ---------- X Batch of arrays. cat_vars Dict with as keys the categorical columns and as optional values the number of categories per categorical variable. cat_vars_bin Dict with as keys the binned numerical columns and as optional values the number of bins per variable. Returns ------- Dict with as keys the categorical columns and as values the pairwise distance matrix for the variable. """ # TODO: handle triangular inequality # ensure numerical stability eps = 1e-12 # infer number of categories per categorical variable cat_cols = list(cat_vars.keys()) for col in cat_cols: if cat_vars[col] is not None: continue cat_vars[col] = len(np.unique(X[:, col])) # combine dict for categorical with binned features cat_vars_combined = {**cat_vars, **cat_vars_bin} d_pair: Dict = {} X_cat_eq: Dict = {} for col, n_cat in cat_vars.items(): X_cat_eq[col] = [] for i in range(n_cat): # for each category in categorical variable, store instances of each category idx = np.where(X[:, col] == i)[0] X_cat_eq[col].append(X[idx, :]) # conditional probabilities, also use the binned numerical features p_cond = [] for col_t, n_cat_t in cat_vars_combined.items(): if col == col_t: continue p_cond_t = np.zeros([n_cat_t, n_cat]) for i in range(n_cat_t): for j, X_cat_j in enumerate(X_cat_eq[col]): idx = np.where(X_cat_j[:, col_t] == i)[0] p_cond_t[i, j] = len(idx) / (X_cat_j.shape[0] + eps) p_cond.append(p_cond_t) # pairwise distance matrix d_pair_col = np.zeros([n_cat, n_cat]) for i in range(n_cat): j = 0 while j < i: d_ij_tmp = 0 for p in p_cond: # loop over other categorical variables for t in range(p.shape[0]): # loop over categories of each categorical variable a, b = p[t, i], p[t, j] d_ij_t = a * np.log((a + eps) / (b + eps)) + b * np.log((b + eps) / (a + eps)) # KL divergence d_ij_tmp += d_ij_t d_pair_col[i, j] = d_ij_tmp j += 1 d_pair_col += d_pair_col.T d_pair[col] = d_pair_col return d_pair
[docs] def multidim_scaling(d_pair: dict, n_components: int = 2, use_metric: bool = True, standardize_cat_vars: bool = True, feature_range: tuple = None, smooth: float = 1., center: bool = True, update_feature_range: bool = True) -> Tuple[dict, tuple]: """ Apply multidimensional scaling to pairwise distance matrices. Parameters ---------- d_pair Dict with as keys the column index of the categorical variables and as values a pairwise distance matrix for the categories of the variable. n_components Number of dimensions in which to immerse the dissimilarities. use_metric If True, perform metric MDS; otherwise, perform nonmetric MDS. standardize_cat_vars Standardize numerical values of categorical variables if True. feature_range Tuple with min and max ranges to allow for perturbed instances. Min and max ranges can be floats or numpy arrays with dimension (1 x nb of features) for feature-wise ranges. smooth Smoothing exponent between 0 and 1 for the distances. Lower values of l will smooth the difference in distance metric between different features. center Whether to center the scaled distance measures. If False, the min distance for each feature except for the feature with the highest raw max distance will be the lower bound of the feature range, but the upper bound will be below the max feature range. update_feature_range Update feature range with scaled values. Returns ------- Dict with multidimensional scaled version of pairwise distance matrices. """ d_abs = {} d_min, d_max = 1e10, 0 for k, v in d_pair.items(): # distance smoothening v **= smooth # fit multi-dimensional scaler mds = MDS(n_components=n_components, max_iter=5000, eps=1e-9, random_state=0, n_init=4, dissimilarity="precomputed", metric=use_metric) d_fit = emb = d_fit.embedding_ # coordinates in embedding space # use biggest single observation Frobenius norm as origin origin = np.argsort(np.linalg.norm(emb, axis=1))[-1] # calculate distance from origin for each category d_origin = np.linalg.norm(emb - emb[origin].reshape(1, -1), axis=1) # assign to category d_abs[k] = d_origin # update min and max distance d_min_k, d_max_k = d_origin.min(), d_origin.max() d_min = d_min_k if d_min_k < d_min else d_min d_max = d_max_k if d_max_k > d_max else d_max d_abs_scaled = {} new_feature_range = tuple([f.copy() for f in feature_range]) for k, v in d_abs.items(): if standardize_cat_vars: # scale numerical values for the category d_scaled = (v - v.mean()) / (v.std() + 1e-12) else: # scale by overall min and max try: rng = (feature_range[0][0, k], feature_range[1][0, k]) except TypeError: raise TypeError('Feature-wise min and max ranges need to be specified.') d_scaled = (v - d_min) / (d_max - d_min) * (rng[1] - rng[0]) + rng[0] if center: # center the numerical feature values between the min and max feature range d_scaled -= .5 * (d_scaled.max() + d_scaled.min()) if update_feature_range: new_feature_range[0][0, k] = d_scaled.min() new_feature_range[1][0, k] = d_scaled.max() d_abs_scaled[k] = d_scaled # scaled distance from the origin for each category if update_feature_range: feature_range = new_feature_range return d_abs_scaled, feature_range