Source code for alibi_detect.utils.perturbation

import random
from io import BytesIO
from typing import List, Tuple, Union

import cv2
import numpy as np
import skimage as sk
from import Bunch
from alibi_detect.utils.discretizer import Discretizer
from alibi_detect.utils.distance import abdm, multidim_scaling
from alibi_detect.utils.mapping import ohe2ord
from PIL import Image
from scipy.ndimage import zoom
from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import map_coordinates
from skimage.filters import gaussian

[docs] def apply_mask(X: np.ndarray, mask_size: tuple = (4, 4), n_masks: int = 1, coord: tuple = None, channels: list = [0, 1, 2], mask_type: str = 'uniform', noise_distr: tuple = (0, 1), noise_rng: tuple = (0, 1), clip_rng: tuple = (0, 1) ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Mask images. Can zero out image patches or add normal or uniformly distributed noise. Parameters ---------- X Batch of instances to be masked. mask_size Tuple with the size of the mask. n_masks Number of masks applied for each instance in the batch X. coord Upper left (x,y)-coordinates for the mask. channels Channels of the image to apply the mask to. mask_type Type of mask. One of 'uniform', 'random' (both additive noise) or 'zero' (zero values for mask). noise_distr Mean and standard deviation for noise of 'random' mask type. noise_rng Min and max value for noise of 'uniform' type. clip_rng Min and max values for the masked instances. Returns ------- Tuple with masked instances and the masks. """ X_shape = X.shape # initialize mask if mask_type != 'zero': mask = np.zeros((n_masks,) + X_shape[1:]) elif mask_type == 'zero': mask = np.ones((n_masks,) + X_shape[1:]) else: raise ValueError('Only `normal`, `uniform` and `zero` masking available.') # create noise for mask if mask_type == 'normal': noise = np.random.normal(loc=noise_distr[0], scale=noise_distr[1], size=(n_masks,) + mask_size) elif mask_type == 'uniform': noise = np.random.uniform(low=noise_rng[0], high=noise_rng[1], size=(n_masks,) + mask_size) # find upper left coordinate for mask if coord is None: x_start = np.random.randint(0, X_shape[1] - mask_size[0], n_masks) y_start = np.random.randint(0, X_shape[2] - mask_size[1], n_masks) else: x_start, y_start = coord # update masks for _ in range(x_start.shape[0]): if mask_type == 'zero': update_val: Union[float, np.ndarray] = 0.0 else: update_val = noise[_] for c in channels: mask[ _, x_start[_]:x_start[_] + mask_size[0], y_start[_]:y_start[_] + mask_size[1], c ] = update_val # apply masks to instances X_masks = [] for _ in range(X_shape[0]): if mask_type == 'zero': X_mask_ = X[_].reshape((1,) + X_shape[1:]) * mask else: X_mask_ = np.clip(X[_].reshape((1,) + X_shape[1:]) + mask, clip_rng[0], clip_rng[1]) X_masks.append(X_mask_) X_mask = np.concatenate(X_masks, axis=0) return X_mask, mask
[docs] def inject_outlier_ts(X: np.ndarray, perc_outlier: int, perc_window: int = 10, n_std: float = 2., min_std: float = 1. ) -> Bunch: """ Inject outliers in both univariate and multivariate time series data. Parameters ---------- X Time series data to perturb (inject outliers). perc_outlier Percentage of observations which are perturbed to outliers. For multivariate data, the percentage is evenly split across the individual time series. perc_window Percentage of the observations used to compute the standard deviation used in the perturbation. n_std Number of standard deviations in the window used to perturb the original data. min_std Minimum number of standard deviations away from the current observation. This is included because of the stochastic nature of the perturbation which could lead to minimal perturbations without a floor. Returns ------- Bunch object with the perturbed time series and the outlier labels. """ n_dim = len(X.shape) if n_dim == 1: X = X.reshape(-1, 1) n_samples, n_ts = X.shape X_outlier = X.copy() is_outlier = np.zeros(n_samples) # one sided window used to compute mean and stdev from window = int(perc_window * n_samples * .5 / 100) # distribute outliers evenly over different time series n_outlier = int(n_samples * perc_outlier * .01 / n_ts) if n_outlier == 0: return Bunch(data=X_outlier, target=is_outlier, target_names=['normal', 'outlier']) for s in range(n_ts): outlier_idx = np.sort(random.sample(range(n_samples), n_outlier)) window_idx = [ np.maximum(outlier_idx - window, 0), np.minimum(outlier_idx + window, n_samples) ] stdev = np.array([X_outlier[window_idx[0][i]:window_idx[1][i], s].std() for i in range(len(outlier_idx))]) rnd = np.random.normal(size=n_outlier) X_outlier[outlier_idx, s] += np.sign(rnd) * np.maximum(np.abs(rnd * n_std), min_std) * stdev is_outlier[outlier_idx] = 1 if n_dim == 1: X_outlier = X_outlier.reshape(n_samples, ) return Bunch(data=X_outlier, target=is_outlier, target_names=['normal', 'outlier'])
[docs] def inject_outlier_tabular(X: np.ndarray, cols: List[int], perc_outlier: int, y: np.ndarray = None, n_std: float = 2., min_std: float = 1. ) -> Bunch: """ Inject outliers in numerical tabular data. Parameters ---------- X Tabular data to perturb (inject outliers). cols Columns of X that are numerical and can be perturbed. perc_outlier Percentage of observations which are perturbed to outliers. For multiple numerical features, the percentage is evenly split across the features. y Outlier labels. n_std Number of feature-wise standard deviations used to perturb the original data. min_std Minimum number of standard deviations away from the current observation. This is included because of the stochastic nature of the perturbation which could lead to minimal perturbations without a floor. Returns ------- Bunch object with the perturbed tabular data and the outlier labels. """ n_dim = len(X.shape) if n_dim == 1: X = X.reshape(-1, 1) n_samples, n_features = X.shape X_outlier = X.astype(np.float32).copy() if y is None: is_outlier = np.zeros(n_samples) else: is_outlier = y n_cols = len(cols) # distribute outliers evenly over different columns n_outlier = int(n_samples * perc_outlier * .01 / n_cols) if n_outlier == 0: return Bunch(data=X_outlier, target=is_outlier, target_names=['normal', 'outlier']) # add perturbations stdev = X_outlier.std(axis=0) for col in cols: outlier_idx = np.sort(random.sample(range(n_samples), n_outlier)) rnd = np.random.normal(size=n_outlier) X_outlier[outlier_idx, col] += np.sign(rnd) * np.maximum(np.abs(rnd * n_std), min_std) * stdev[col] is_outlier[outlier_idx] = 1 if n_dim == 1: X_outlier = X_outlier.reshape(n_samples, ) return Bunch(data=X_outlier, target=is_outlier, target_names=['normal', 'outlier'])
[docs] def inject_outlier_categorical(X: np.ndarray, cols: List[int], perc_outlier: int, y: np.ndarray = None, cat_perturb: dict = None, X_fit: np.ndarray = None, disc_perc: list = [25, 50, 75], smooth: float = 1. ) -> Bunch: """ Inject outliers in categorical variables of tabular data. Parameters ---------- X Tabular data with categorical variables to perturb (inject outliers). cols Columns of X that are categorical and can be perturbed. perc_outlier Percentage of observations which are perturbed to outliers. For multiple numerical features, the percentage is evenly split across the features. y Outlier labels. cat_perturb Dictionary mapping each category in the categorical variables to their furthest neighbour. X_fit Optional data used to infer pairwise distances from. disc_perc List with percentiles used in binning of numerical features used for the 'abdm' pairwise distance measure. smooth Smoothing exponent between 0 and 1 for the distances. Lower values will smooth the difference in distance metric between different features. Returns ------- Bunch object with the perturbed tabular data, outlier labels and \ a dictionary used to map categories to their furthest neighbour. """ if cat_perturb is None: # transform the categorical variables into numerical ones via # pairwise distances computed with abdm and multidim scaling X_fit = X.copy() if X_fit is None else X_fit # find number of categories for each categorical variable cat_vars = {k: None for k in cols} for k in cols: cat_vars[k] = len(np.unique(X_fit[:, k])) # type: ignore # TODO: extend method for OHE ohe = False if ohe: X_ord, cat_vars_ord = ohe2ord(X, cat_vars) else: X_ord, cat_vars_ord = X, cat_vars # bin numerical features to compute the pairwise distance matrices n_ord = X_ord.shape[1] if len(cols) != n_ord: fnames = [str(_) for _ in range(n_ord)] disc = Discretizer(X_ord, cols, fnames, percentiles=disc_perc) X_bin = disc.discretize(X_ord) cat_vars_bin = {k: len(disc.names[k]) for k in range(n_ord) if k not in cols} else: X_bin = X_ord cat_vars_bin = {} # pairwise distances for categorical variables d_pair = abdm(X_bin, cat_vars_ord, cat_vars_bin) # multidim scaling feature_range = (np.ones((1, n_ord)) * -1e10, np.ones((1, n_ord)) * 1e10) d_abs = multidim_scaling(d_pair, n_components=2, use_metric=True, standardize_cat_vars=True, smooth=smooth, feature_range=feature_range, update_feature_range=False)[0] # find furthest category away for each category in the categorical variables cat_perturb = {k: np.zeros(len(v)) for k, v in d_abs.items()} for k, v in d_abs.items(): for i in range(len(v)): cat_perturb[k][i] = np.argmax(np.abs(v[i] - v)) else: d_abs = None n_dim = len(X.shape) if n_dim == 1: X = X.reshape(-1, 1) n_samples, n_features = X.shape X_outlier = X.astype(np.float32).copy() if y is None: is_outlier = np.zeros(n_samples) else: is_outlier = y n_cols = len(cols) # distribute outliers evenly over different columns n_outlier = int(n_samples * perc_outlier * .01 / n_cols) for col in cols: outlier_idx = np.sort(random.sample(range(n_samples), n_outlier)) col_cat = X_outlier[outlier_idx, col].astype(int) col_map = np.tile(cat_perturb[col], (n_outlier, 1)) X_outlier[outlier_idx, col] = np.diag(col_map.T[col_cat]) is_outlier[outlier_idx] = 1 if n_dim == 1: X_outlier = X_outlier.reshape(n_samples, ) return Bunch(data=X_outlier, target=is_outlier, cat_perturb=cat_perturb, d_abs=d_abs, target_names=['normal', 'outlier'])
# Note: the perturbation functions below are adopted from # # and used in Dan Hendrycks and Thomas Dietterich, "Benchmarking Neural Network Robustness to Common # Corruptions and Perturbations" (ICLR 2019). # TODO: add proper batch support
[docs] def scale_minmax(x: np.ndarray, xrange: tuple = None) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, bool]: """ Minmax scaling to [0,1]. Parameters ---------- x Numpy array to be scaled. xrange Tuple with min and max data range. Returns ------- Scaled array and boolean whether the array is actually scaled. """ scale_back = False if isinstance(xrange, tuple): scale_back = True x = (x - xrange[0]) / (xrange[1] - xrange[0]) return x, scale_back
# Noise
[docs] def gaussian_noise(x: np.ndarray, stdev: float, xrange: tuple = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Inject Gaussian noise. Parameters ---------- x Instance to be perturbed. stdev Standard deviation of noise. xrange Tuple with min and max data range. Returns ------- Perturbed instance. """ x, scale_back = scale_minmax(x, xrange) x_gn = x + np.random.normal(size=x.shape, scale=stdev) if scale_back: x_gn = x_gn * (xrange[1] - xrange[0]) + xrange[0] if isinstance(xrange, tuple): return np.clip(x_gn, xrange[0], xrange[1]) else: return x_gn
[docs] def shot_noise(x: np.ndarray, lam: float, xrange: tuple = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Inject Poisson noise. Parameters ---------- x Instance to be perturbed. lam Scalar for the lambda parameter determining the expectation of the interval. xrange Tuple with min and max data range. Returns ------- Perturbed instance. """ x, scale_back = scale_minmax(x, xrange) x_sn = np.random.poisson(x * lam) / float(lam) if scale_back: x_sn = x_sn * (xrange[1] - xrange[0]) + xrange[0] if isinstance(xrange, tuple): return np.clip(x_sn, xrange[0], xrange[1]) else: return x_sn
[docs] def speckle_noise(x: np.ndarray, stdev: float, xrange: tuple = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Inject speckle noise. Parameters ---------- x Instance to be perturbed. stdev Standard deviation of noise. xrange Tuple with min and max data range. Returns ------- Perturbed instance. """ x, scale_back = scale_minmax(x, xrange) x_sp = x * (1 + np.random.normal(size=x.shape, scale=stdev)) if scale_back: x_sp = x_sp * (xrange[1] - xrange[0]) + xrange[0] if isinstance(xrange, tuple): return np.clip(x_sp, xrange[0], xrange[1]) else: return x_sp
[docs] def impulse_noise(x: np.ndarray, amount: float, xrange: tuple = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Inject salt & pepper noise. Parameters ---------- x Instance to be perturbed. amount Proportion of pixels to replace with noise. xrange Tuple with min and max data range. Returns ------- Perturbed instance. """ if isinstance(xrange, tuple): xmin, xmax = xrange[0], xrange[1] else: xmin, xmax = x.min(), x.max() x_sc = (x - xmin) / (xmax - xmin) # scale to [0,1] x_in = sk.util.random_noise(x_sc, mode='s&p', amount=amount) # inject noise x_in = x_in * (xmax - xmin) + xmin # scale back if isinstance(xrange, tuple): return np.clip(x_in, xrange[0], xrange[1]) else: return x_in
# Blur
[docs] def gaussian_blur(x: np.ndarray, sigma: float, channel_axis: int = -1, xrange: tuple = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Apply Gaussian blur. Parameters ---------- x Instance to be perturbed. sigma Standard deviation determining the strength of the blur. channel_axis Denotes the axis of the colour channel. If `None` the image is assumed to be grayscale. xrange Tuple with min and max data range. Returns ------- Perturbed instance. """ x, scale_back = scale_minmax(x, xrange) x_gb = gaussian(x, sigma=sigma, channel_axis=channel_axis) if scale_back: x_gb = x_gb * (xrange[1] - xrange[0]) + xrange[0] if isinstance(xrange, tuple): return np.clip(x_gb, xrange[0], xrange[1]) else: return x_gb
[docs] def clipped_zoom(x: np.ndarray, zoom_factor: float) -> np.ndarray: """ Helper function for zoom blur. Parameters ---------- x Instance to be perturbed. zoom_factor Zoom strength. Returns ------- Cropped and zoomed instance. """ h = x.shape[0] ch = int(np.ceil(h / float(zoom_factor))) # ceil crop height(= crop width) top = (h - ch) // 2 x = zoom(x[top:top + ch, top:top + ch], (zoom_factor, zoom_factor, 1), order=1) trim_top = (x.shape[0] - h) // 2 # trim off any extra pixels return x[trim_top:trim_top + h, trim_top:trim_top + h]
[docs] def zoom_blur(x: np.ndarray, max_zoom: float, step_zoom: float, xrange: tuple = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Apply zoom blur. Parameters ---------- x Instance to be perturbed. max_zoom Max zoom strength. step_zoom Step size to go from 1 to `max_zoom` strength. xrange Tuple with min and max data range. Returns ------- Perturbed instance. """ x, scale_back = scale_minmax(x, xrange) zoom_factors = np.arange(1, max_zoom, step_zoom) out = np.zeros_like(x) for zoom_factor in zoom_factors: out += clipped_zoom(x, zoom_factor) x_z = (x + out) / (len(zoom_factors) + 1) if scale_back: x_z = x_z * (xrange[1] - xrange[0]) + xrange[0] if isinstance(xrange, tuple): return np.clip(x_z, xrange[0], xrange[1]) else: return x_z
[docs] def glass_blur(x: np.ndarray, sigma: float, max_delta: int, iterations: int, xrange: tuple = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Apply glass blur. Parameters ---------- x Instance to be perturbed. sigma Standard deviation determining the strength of the Gaussian perturbation. max_delta Maximum pixel range for the blurring. iterations Number of blurring iterations. xrange Tuple with min and max data range. Returns ------- Perturbed instance. """ nrows, ncols = x.shape[:2] if not isinstance(xrange, tuple): xrange = (x.min(), x.max()) if xrange[0] != 0 or xrange[1] != 255: x = (x - xrange[0]) / (xrange[1] - xrange[0]) * 255 x = gaussian(x, sigma=sigma, channel_axis=-1).astype(np.uint8) # assume [h, w, c] image layout for i in range(iterations): for h in range(nrows - max_delta, max_delta, -1): for w in range(ncols - max_delta, max_delta, -1): dx, dy = np.random.randint(-max_delta, max_delta, size=(2,)) h_prime, w_prime = h + dy, w + dx x[h, w], x[h_prime, w_prime] = x[h_prime, w_prime], x[h, w] x_gb = gaussian(x / 255, sigma=sigma, channel_axis=-1) x_gb = x_gb * (xrange[1] - xrange[0]) + xrange[0] if isinstance(xrange, tuple): return np.clip(x_gb, xrange[0], xrange[1]) else: return x_gb
[docs] def disk(radius: float, alias_blur: float = 0.1, dtype=np.float32) -> np.ndarray: """ Helper function for defocus blur. Parameters ---------- radius Radius for the Gaussian kernel. alias_blur Standard deviation for the Gaussian kernel in both X and Y directions. dtype Data type. Returns ------- Kernel used for Gaussian blurring. """ if radius <= 8.: L = np.arange(-8., 8. + 1) ksize = (3, 3) else: L = np.arange(-radius, radius + 1) ksize = (5, 5) X, Y = np.meshgrid(L, L) aliased_disk = np.array((X ** 2 + Y ** 2) <= radius ** 2, dtype=dtype) aliased_disk /= np.sum(aliased_disk) # supersample disk to antialias return cv2.GaussianBlur(aliased_disk, ksize=ksize, sigmaX=alias_blur)
[docs] def defocus_blur(x: np.ndarray, radius: int, alias_blur: float, xrange: tuple = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Apply defocus blur. Parameters ---------- x Instance to be perturbed. radius Radius for the Gaussian kernel. alias_blur Standard deviation for the Gaussian kernel in both X and Y directions. xrange Tuple with min and max data range. Returns ------- Perturbed instance. """ x, scale_back = scale_minmax(x, xrange) kernel = disk(radius=radius, alias_blur=alias_blur) channels = [] for d in range(3): channels.append(cv2.filter2D(x[:, :, d], -1, kernel)) x_db = np.array(channels).transpose((1, 2, 0)) if scale_back: x_db = x_db * (xrange[1] - xrange[0]) + xrange[0] if isinstance(xrange, tuple): return np.clip(x_db, xrange[0], xrange[1]) else: return x_db
[docs] def plasma_fractal(mapsize: int = 256, wibbledecay: float = 3.) -> np.ndarray: """ Helper function to apply fog to instance. Generates a heightmap using diamond-square algorithm. Returns a square 2d array, side length 'mapsize', of floats in range 0-255. 'mapsize' must be a power of two. """ assert (mapsize & (mapsize - 1) == 0) maparray = np.empty((mapsize, mapsize), dtype=np.float_) maparray[0, 0] = 0 stepsize = mapsize wibble = 100. def wibbledmean(array): return array / 4 + wibble * np.random.uniform(-wibble, wibble, array.shape) def fillsquares(): """For each square of points stepsize apart, calculate middle value as mean of points + wibble""" cornerref = maparray[0:mapsize:stepsize, 0:mapsize:stepsize] squareaccum = cornerref + np.roll(cornerref, shift=-1, axis=0) squareaccum += np.roll(squareaccum, shift=-1, axis=1) maparray[stepsize // 2:mapsize:stepsize, stepsize // 2:mapsize:stepsize] = wibbledmean(squareaccum) def filldiamonds(): """For each diamond of points stepsize apart, calculate middle value as mean of points + wibble""" mapsize = maparray.shape[0] drgrid = maparray[stepsize // 2:mapsize:stepsize, stepsize // 2:mapsize:stepsize] ulgrid = maparray[0:mapsize:stepsize, 0:mapsize:stepsize] ldrsum = drgrid + np.roll(drgrid, 1, axis=0) lulsum = ulgrid + np.roll(ulgrid, -1, axis=1) ltsum = ldrsum + lulsum maparray[0:mapsize:stepsize, stepsize // 2:mapsize:stepsize] = wibbledmean(ltsum) tdrsum = drgrid + np.roll(drgrid, 1, axis=1) tulsum = ulgrid + np.roll(ulgrid, -1, axis=0) ttsum = tdrsum + tulsum maparray[stepsize // 2:mapsize:stepsize, 0:mapsize:stepsize] = wibbledmean(ttsum) while stepsize >= 2: fillsquares() filldiamonds() stepsize //= 2 wibble /= wibbledecay maparray -= maparray.min() return maparray / maparray.max()
[docs] def fog(x: np.ndarray, fractal_mult: float, wibbledecay: float, xrange: tuple = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Apply fog to instance. Parameters ---------- x Instance to be perturbed. fractal_mult Strength applied to `plasma_fractal` output. wibbledecay Decay factor for size of noise that is applied. xrange Tuple with min and max data range. Returns ------- Perturbed instance. """ x, scale_back = scale_minmax(x, xrange) max_val = x.max() nrows, ncols = x.shape[:2] x_fo = x + fractal_mult * plasma_fractal(wibbledecay=wibbledecay)[:nrows, :ncols][..., np.newaxis] x_fo = x_fo * max_val / (max_val + fractal_mult) if scale_back: x_fo = x_fo * (xrange[1] - xrange[0]) + xrange[0] if isinstance(xrange, tuple): return np.clip(x_fo, xrange[0], xrange[1]) else: return x_fo
# Digital
[docs] def contrast(x: np.ndarray, strength: float, xrange: tuple = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Change contrast of image. Parameters ---------- x Instance to be perturbed. strength Strength of contrast change. Lower is actually more contrast. xrange Tuple with min and max data range. Returns ------- Perturbed instance. """ x, scale_back = scale_minmax(x, xrange) means = np.mean(x, axis=(0, 1), keepdims=True) x_co = (x - means) * strength + means if scale_back: x_co = x_co * (xrange[1] - xrange[0]) + xrange[0] if isinstance(xrange, tuple): return np.clip(x_co, xrange[0], xrange[1]) else: return x_co
[docs] def brightness(x: np.ndarray, strength: float, xrange: tuple = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Change brightness of image. Parameters ---------- x Instance to be perturbed. strength Strength of brightness change. xrange Tuple with min and max data range. Returns ------- Perturbed instance. """ x, scale_back = scale_minmax(x, xrange) x = sk.color.rgb2hsv(x) x[:, :, 2] = np.clip(x[:, :, 2] + strength, xrange[0], xrange[1]) x_br = sk.color.hsv2rgb(x) if scale_back: x_br = x_br * (xrange[1] - xrange[0]) + xrange[0] if isinstance(xrange, tuple): return np.clip(x_br, xrange[0], xrange[1]) else: return x_br
[docs] def saturate(x: np.ndarray, strength: tuple, xrange: tuple = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Change colour saturation of image. Parameters ---------- x Instance to be perturbed. strength Strength of saturation change. Tuple consists of (multiplier, shift) of the perturbation. xrange Tuple with min and max data range. Returns ------- Perturbed instance. """ x, scale_back = scale_minmax(x, xrange) x = sk.color.rgb2hsv(x) x[:, :, 1] = x[:, :, 1] * strength[0] + strength[1] if isinstance(xrange, tuple): x[:, :, 1] = np.clip(x[:, :, 1], xrange[0], xrange[1]) x_sa = sk.color.hsv2rgb(x) if scale_back: x_sa = x_sa * (xrange[1] - xrange[0]) + xrange[0] if isinstance(xrange, tuple): return np.clip(x_sa, xrange[0], xrange[1]) else: return x_sa
[docs] def pixelate(x: np.ndarray, strength: float, xrange: tuple = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Change coarseness of pixels for an image. Parameters ---------- x Instance to be perturbed. strength Strength of pixelation (<1). Lower is actually more pixelated. xrange Tuple with min and max data range. Returns ------- Perturbed instance. """ rows, cols = x.shape[:2] if not isinstance(xrange, tuple): xrange = (x.min(), x.max()) if xrange[0] != 0 or xrange[1] != 255: x = (x - xrange[0]) / (xrange[1] - xrange[0]) * 255 im = Image.fromarray(x.astype('uint8'), mode='RGB') im = im.resize((int(rows * strength), int(cols * strength)), Image.BOX) im = im.resize((rows, cols), Image.BOX) x_pi = np.array(im, dtype=np.float32) / 255 x_pi = x_pi * (xrange[1] - xrange[0]) + xrange[0] return x_pi
[docs] def jpeg_compression(x: np.ndarray, strength: float, xrange: tuple = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Simulate changes due to JPEG compression for an image. Parameters ---------- x Instance to be perturbed. strength Strength of compression (>1). Lower is actually more compressed. xrange Tuple with min and max data range. Returns ------- Perturbed instance. """ if not isinstance(xrange, tuple): xrange = (x.min(), x.max()) if xrange[0] != 0 or xrange[1] != 255: x = (x - xrange[0]) / (xrange[1] - xrange[0]) * 255 x = Image.fromarray(x.astype('uint8'), mode='RGB') output = BytesIO(), 'JPEG', quality=strength) # type: ignore[attr-defined] # TODO: allow redefinition x = x_jpeg = np.array(x, dtype=np.float32) / 255 x_jpeg = x_jpeg * (xrange[1] - xrange[0]) + xrange[0] return x_jpeg
[docs] def elastic_transform(x: np.ndarray, mult_dxdy: float, sigma: float, rnd_rng: float, xrange: tuple = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Apply elastic transformation to instance. Parameters ---------- x Instance to be perturbed. mult_dxdy Multiplier for the Gaussian noise in x and y directions. sigma Standard deviation determining the strength of the Gaussian perturbation. rnd_rng Range for random uniform noise. xrange Tuple with min and max data range. Returns ------- Perturbed instance. """ x, scale_back = scale_minmax(x, xrange) shape = x.shape shape_size = shape[:2] mult_dxdy *= shape[0] sigma *= shape[0] rnd_rng *= shape[0] # random affine center_square = np.asarray(shape_size, dtype=np.float32) // 2 square_size = min(shape_size) // 3 pts1 = np.asarray([center_square + square_size, [center_square[0] + square_size, center_square[1] - square_size], center_square - square_size], dtype=np.float32) pts2 = pts1 + np.random.uniform(-rnd_rng, rnd_rng, size=pts1.shape).astype(np.float32) M = cv2.getAffineTransform(pts1, pts2) image = cv2.warpAffine(x, M, shape_size[::-1], borderMode=cv2.BORDER_REFLECT_101) dx = (gaussian(np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=shape_size), sigma, mode='reflect', truncate=3) * mult_dxdy).astype(np.float32) dy = (gaussian(np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=shape_size), sigma, mode='reflect', truncate=3) * mult_dxdy).astype(np.float32) dx, dy = dx[..., np.newaxis], dy[..., np.newaxis] x, y, z = np.meshgrid(np.arange(shape[1]), np.arange(shape[0]), np.arange(shape[2])) indices = np.reshape(y + dy, (-1, 1)), np.reshape(x + dx, (-1, 1)), np.reshape(z, (-1, 1)) x_et = map_coordinates(image, indices, order=1, mode='reflect').reshape(shape) if scale_back: x_et = x_et * (xrange[1] - xrange[0]) + xrange[0] if isinstance(xrange, tuple): return np.clip(x_et, xrange[0], xrange[1]) else: return x_et