

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

CONSTANT = 'constant'
REFLECT = 'reflect'
REPLICATE = 'replicate'

Returns format using actual value type unless __str__ has been overridden.


Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

BILATERAL = 'bilateral'
LEFT = 'left'
RIGHT = 'right'

Returns format using actual value type unless __str__ has been overridden.

class, window_amp=None, window_local=None, padding_amp_method='reflect', padding_local_method='reflect', padding_amp_side='bilateral', n_est_points=None, n_grad_points=5)[source]

Bases: BaseDetector, ThresholdMixin

__init__(threshold=None, window_amp=None, window_local=None, padding_amp_method='reflect', padding_local_method='reflect', padding_amp_side='bilateral', n_est_points=None, n_grad_points=5)[source]

Outlier detector for time-series data using the spectral residual algorithm. Based on “Time-Series Anomaly Detection Service at Microsoft” (Ren et al., 2019)

  • threshold (Optional[float]) – Threshold used to classify outliers. Relative saliency map distance from the moving average.

  • window_amp (Optional[int]) – Window for the average log amplitude.

  • window_local (Optional[int]) – Window for the local average of the saliency map. Note that the averaging is performed over the previous window_local data points (i.e., is a local average of the preceding window_local points for the current index).

  • padding_amp_method (Literal['constant', 'replicate', 'reflect']) –

    Padding method to be used prior to each convolution over log amplitude. Possible values: constant | replicate | reflect. Default value: replicate.

    • constant - padding with constant 0.

    • replicate - repeats the last/extreme value.

    • reflect - reflects the time series.

  • padding_local_method (Literal['constant', 'replicate', 'reflect']) –

    Padding method to be used prior to each convolution over saliency map. Possible values: constant | replicate | reflect. Default value: replicate.

    • constant - padding with constant 0.

    • replicate - repeats the last/extreme value.

    • reflect - reflects the time series.

  • padding_amp_side (Literal['bilateral', 'left', 'right']) – Whether to pad the amplitudes on both sides or only on one side. Possible values: bilateral | left | right.

  • n_est_points (Optional[int]) – Number of estimated points padded to the end of the sequence.

  • n_grad_points (int) – Number of points used for the gradient estimation of the additional points padded to the end of the sequence.

add_est_points(X, t)[source]

Pad the time series with additional points since the method works better if the anomaly point is towards the center of the sliding window.

  • X (ndarray) – Uniformly sampled time series instances.

  • t (ndarray) – Equidistant timestamps corresponding to each input instances (i.e, the array should contain numerical values in increasing order).

Return type:



Padded version of X.

compute_grads(X, t)[source]

Slope of the straight line between different points of the time series multiplied by the average time step size.

  • X (ndarray) – Uniformly sampled time series instances.

  • t (ndarray) – Equidistant timestamps corresponding to each input instances (i.e, the array should contain numerical values in increasing order).

Return type:



Array with slope values.

infer_threshold(X, t=None, threshold_perc=95.0)[source]

Update threshold by a value inferred from the percentage of instances considered to be outliers in a sample of the dataset.

  • X (ndarray) – Uniformly sampled time series instances.

  • t (Optional[ndarray]) – Equidistant timestamps corresponding to each input instances (i.e, the array should contain numerical values in increasing order). If not provided, the timestamps will be replaced by an array of integers [0, 1, … , N - 1], where N is the size of the input time series.

  • threshold_perc (float) – Percentage of X considered to be normal based on the outlier score.

Return type:


static pad_same(X, W, method='replicate', side='bilateral')[source]

Adds padding to the time series X such that after applying a valid convolution with a kernel/filter w, the resulting time series has the same shape as the input X.

  • X (ndarray) – Time series to be padded

  • W (ndarray) – Convolution kernel/filter.

  • method (str) –

    Padding method to be used. Possible values:

    • constant - padding with constant 0.

    • replicate - repeats the last/extreme value.

    • reflect - reflects the time series.

  • side (str) –

    Whether to pad the time series bilateral or only on one side. Possible values:

    • bilateral - time series is padded on both sides.

    • left - time series is padded only on the left hand side.

    • right - time series is padded only on the right hand side.

Return type:



Padded time series.

predict(X, t=None, return_instance_score=True)[source]

Compute outlier scores and transform into outlier predictions.

  • X (ndarray) – Uniformly sampled time series instances.

  • t (Optional[ndarray]) – Equidistant timestamps corresponding to each input instances (i.e, the array should contain numerical values in increasing order). If not provided, the timestamps will be replaced by an array of integers [0, 1, … , N - 1], where N is the size of the input time series.

  • return_instance_score (bool) – Whether to return instance level outlier scores.

Return type:

Dict[Dict[str, str], Dict[ndarray, ndarray]]


Dictionary containing meta and data dictionaries. –

  • meta - has the model’s metadata.

  • data - contains the outlier predictions and instance level outlier scores.


Compute saliency map.


X (ndarray) – Uniformly sampled time series instances.

Return type:



Array with saliency map values.

score(X, t=None)[source]

Compute outlier scores.

  • X (ndarray) – Uniformly sampled time series instances.

  • t (Optional[ndarray]) – Equidistant timestamps corresponding to each input instances (i.e, the array should contain numerical values in increasing order). If not provided, the timestamps will be replaced by an array of integers [0, 1, … , N - 1], where N is the size of the input time series.

Return type:



Array with outlier scores for each instance in the batch.