Source code for alibi.explainers.cfrl_tabular

from functools import partial
from itertools import count
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast

import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm

from alibi.api.interfaces import Explainer, Explanation
from alibi.explainers.backends.cfrl_tabular import (get_conditional_vector,
                                                    get_statistics, sample)
from alibi.explainers.cfrl_base import (_PARAM_TYPES, CounterfactualRL,
from alibi.utils.frameworks import has_pytorch, has_tensorflow

    import tensorflow
    import torch

if has_pytorch:
    # import pytorch backend
    from alibi.explainers.backends.pytorch import cfrl_tabular as pytorch_tabular_backend

if has_tensorflow:
    # import tensorflow backend
    from alibi.explainers.backends.tensorflow import cfrl_tabular as tensorflow_tabular_backend

[docs] class SampleTabularPostprocessing(Postprocessing): """ Tabular sampling post-processing. Given the output of the heterogeneous auto-encoder the post-processing functions samples the output according to the conditional vector. Note that the original input instance is required to perform the conditional sampling. """
[docs] def __init__(self, category_map: Dict[int, List[str]], stats: Dict[int, Dict[str, float]]): """ Constructor. Parameters ---------- category_map Dictionary of category mapping. The keys are column indexes and the values are lists containing the possible feature values. stats Dictionary of statistic of the training data. Contains the minimum and maximum value of each numerical feature in the training set. Each key is an index of the column and each value is another dictionary containing ``'min'`` and ``'max'`` keys. """ super().__init__() self.category_map = category_map self.stats = stats
[docs] def __call__(self, X_cf: List[np.ndarray], X: np.ndarray, C: Optional[np.ndarray]) -> List[np.ndarray]: """ Performs counterfactual conditional sampling according to the conditional vector and the original input. Parameters ---------- X_cf Decoder reconstruction of the counterfactual instance. The decoded instance is a list where each element in the list correspond to the reconstruction of a feature. X Input instance. C Conditional vector. Returns ------- Conditional sampled counterfactual instance. """ return sample(X_hat_split=X_cf, X_ohe=X, C=C, stats=self.stats, category_map=self.category_map)
[docs] class ConcatTabularPostprocessing(Postprocessing): """ Tabular feature columns concatenation post-processing. """
[docs] def __call__(self, X_cf: List[np.ndarray], X: np.ndarray, C: Optional[np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray: """ Performs a concatenation of the counterfactual feature columns along the axis 1. Parameters ---------- X_cf List of counterfactual feature columns. X Input instance. Not used. Included for consistency. C Conditional vector. Not used. Included for consistency. Returns ------- Concatenation of the counterfactual feature columns. """ return np.concatenate(X_cf, axis=1)
# update parameter types for the tabular case _PARAM_TYPES["complex"] += ["conditional_vector", "stats"]
[docs] class CounterfactualRLTabular(CounterfactualRL): """ Counterfactual Reinforcement Learning Tabular. """
[docs] def __init__(self, predictor: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray], encoder: 'Union[tensorflow.keras.Model, torch.nn.Module]', decoder: 'Union[tensorflow.keras.Model, torch.nn.Module]', encoder_preprocessor: Callable, decoder_inv_preprocessor: Callable, coeff_sparsity: float, coeff_consistency: float, feature_names: List[str], category_map: Dict[int, List[str]], immutable_features: Optional[List[str]] = None, ranges: Optional[Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]]] = None, weight_num: float = 1.0, weight_cat: float = 1.0, latent_dim: Optional[int] = None, backend: str = "tensorflow", seed: int = 0, **kwargs): """ Constructor. Parameters ---------- predictor A callable that takes a `numpy` array of `N` data points as inputs and returns `N` outputs. For classification task, the second dimension of the output should match the number of classes. Thus, the output can be either a soft label distribution or a hard label distribution (i.e. one-hot encoding) without affecting the performance since `argmax` is applied to the predictor's output. encoder Pretrained heterogeneous encoder network. decoder Pretrained heterogeneous decoder network. The output of the decoder must be a list of tensors. encoder_preprocessor Auto-encoder data pre-processor. Depending on the input format, the pre-processor can normalize numerical attributes, transform label encoding to one-hot encoding etc. decoder_inv_preprocessor Auto-encoder data inverse pre-processor. This is the inverse function of the pre-processor. It can denormalize numerical attributes, transform one-hot encoding to label encoding, feature type casting etc. coeff_sparsity Sparsity loss coefficient. coeff_consistency Consistency loss coefficient. feature_names List of feature names. This should be provided by the dataset. category_map Dictionary of category mapping. The keys are column indexes and the values are lists containing the possible values for a feature. This should be provided by the dataset. immutable_features List of immutable features. ranges Numerical feature ranges. Note that exist numerical features such as ``'Age'``, which are allowed to increase only. We denote those by ``'inc_feat'``. Similarly, there exist features allowed to decrease only. We denote them by ``'dec_feat'``. Finally, there are some free feature, which we denote by ``'free_feat'``. With the previous notation, we can define ``range = {'inc_feat': [0, 1], 'dec_feat': [-1, 0], 'free_feat': [-1, 1]}``. ``'free_feat'`` can be omitted, as any unspecified feature is considered free. Having the ranges of a feature `{'feat': [a_low, a_high}`, when sampling is performed the numerical value will be clipped between `[a_low * (max_val - min_val), a_high * [max_val - min_val]]`, where `a_low` and `a_high` are the minimum and maximum values the feature ``'feat'``. This implies that `a_low` and `a_high` are not restricted to ``{-1, 0}`` and ``{0, 1}``, but can be any float number in-between `[-1, 0]` and `[0, 1]`. weight_num Numerical loss weight. weight_cat Categorical loss weight. latent_dim Auto-encoder latent dimension. Can be omitted if the actor network is user specified. backend Deep learning backend: ``'tensorflow'`` | ``'pytorch'``. Default ``'tensorflow'``. seed Seed for reproducibility. The results are not reproducible for ``'tensorflow'`` backend. **kwargs Used to replace any default parameter from :py:data:`alibi.explainers.cfrl_base.DEFAULT_BASE_PARAMS`. """ super().__init__(encoder=encoder, decoder=decoder, latent_dim=latent_dim, predictor=predictor, coeff_sparsity=coeff_sparsity, coeff_consistency=coeff_consistency, backend=backend, seed=seed, **kwargs) # Set encoder preprocessor and decoder inverse preprocessor. self.params["encoder_preprocessor"] = encoder_preprocessor self.params["decoder_inv_preprocessor"] = decoder_inv_preprocessor # Set dataset specific arguments. self.params["category_map"] = category_map self.params["feature_names"] = feature_names self.params["ranges"] = ranges if (ranges is not None) else dict() self.params["immutable_features"] = immutable_features if (immutable_features is not None) else list() self.params["weight_num"] = weight_num self.params["weight_cat"] = weight_cat # Set sparsity loss if not user-specified. if "sparsity_loss" not in kwargs: self.params["sparsity_loss"] = partial(self.backend.sparsity_loss, category_map=self.params["category_map"], weight_num=weight_num, weight_cat=weight_cat) # Set consistency loss if not user-specified. if "consistency_loss" not in kwargs: self.params["consistency_loss"] = self.backend.consistency_loss # Set training conditional function generator if not user-specified. if "conditional_func" not in kwargs: self.params["conditional_func"] = partial(self.backend.generate_condition, feature_names=self.params["feature_names"], category_map=self.params["category_map"], ranges=self.params["ranges"], immutable_features=self.params["immutable_features"]) # Set testing conditional function generator if not user-specified. if "conditional_vector" not in kwargs: self.params["conditional_vector"] = partial(get_conditional_vector, preprocessor=self.params["encoder_preprocessor"], feature_names=self.params["feature_names"], category_map=self.params["category_map"], ranges=self.params["ranges"], immutable_features=self.params["immutable_features"]) # update metadata self.meta["params"].update(CounterfactualRLTabular._serialize_params(self.params))
def _select_backend(self, backend, **kwargs): """ Selects the backend according to the `backend` flag. Parameters ---------- backend Deep learning backend. ``'tensorflow'`` | ``'pytorch'``. Default ``'tensorflow'``. """ return tensorflow_tabular_backend if backend == "tensorflow" else pytorch_tabular_backend def _validate_input(self, X: np.ndarray): """ Validates the input instances by checking the appropriate dimensions. Parameters ---------- X Input instances. """ if len(X.shape) != 2: raise ValueError(f"The input should be a 2D array. Found {len(X.shape)}D instead.") # Check if the number of features matches the expected one. if X.shape[1] != len(self.params["feature_names"]): raise ValueError(f"Unexpected number of features. The expected number " f"is {len(self.params['feature_names'])}, but the input has {X.shape[1]} features.") return X
[docs] def fit(self, X: np.ndarray) -> 'Explainer': # Compute vector of statistics to clamp numerical values between the minimum and maximum # value from the training set. self.params["stats"] = get_statistics(X=X, preprocessor=self.params["encoder_preprocessor"], category_map=self.params["category_map"]) # Set postprocessing functions. Needs `stats`. self.params["postprocessing_funcs"] = [ SampleTabularPostprocessing(stats=self.params["stats"], category_map=self.params["category_map"]), ConcatTabularPostprocessing(), ] # update metadata self.meta["params"].update(CounterfactualRLTabular._serialize_params(self.params)) # validate dataset self._validate_input(X) # call base class fit return super().fit(X)
[docs] def explain(self, # type: ignore[override] X: np.ndarray, Y_t: np.ndarray, C: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[Union[str, float]]]]] = None, batch_size: int = 100, diversity: bool = False, num_samples: int = 1, patience: int = 1000, tolerance: float = 1e-3) -> Explanation: """ Computes counterfactuals for the given instances conditioned on the target and the conditional vector. Parameters ---------- X Input instances to generate counterfactuals for. Y_t Target labels. C List of conditional dictionaries. If ``None``, it means that no conditioning was used during training (i.e. the `conditional_func` returns ``None``). If conditioning was used during training but no conditioning is desired for the current input, an empty list is expected. diversity Whether to generate diverse counterfactual set for the given instance. Only supported for a single input instance. num_samples Number of diversity samples to be generated. Considered only if ``diversity=True``. batch_size Batch size to use when generating counterfactuals. patience Maximum number of iterations to perform diversity search stops. If -1, the search stops only if the desired number of samples has been found. tolerance Tolerance to distinguish two counterfactual instances. Returns ------- explanation `Explanation` object containing the counterfactual with additional metadata as attributes. \ See usage `CFRL examples`_ for details. .. _CFRL examples: """ # General validation. self._validate_input(X) self._validate_target(Y_t) # Check if diversity flag is on. if diversity: return self._diversity(X=X, Y_t=Y_t, C=C, num_samples=num_samples, batch_size=batch_size, patience=patience, tolerance=tolerance) # Get conditioning for a zero input. Used for a sanity check of the user-specified conditioning. X_zeros = np.zeros((1, X.shape[1])) C_zeros = self.params["conditional_func"](X_zeros) # If the conditional vector is `None`. This is equivalent of no conditioning at all, not even during training. if C is None: # Check if the conditional function actually a `None` conditioning if C_zeros is not None: raise ValueError("A `None` conditioning is not a valid input when training with conditioning. " "If no feature conditioning is desired for the given input, `C` is expected to be an " "empty list. A `None` conditioning is valid only when no conditioning was used " "during training (i.e. `conditional_func` returns `None`).") return super().explain(X=X, Y_t=Y_t, C=C, batch_size=batch_size) elif C_zeros is None: raise ValueError("Conditioning different than `None` is not a valid input when training without " "conditioning. If feature conditioning is desired, consider defining an appropriate " "`conditional_func` that does not return `None`.") # Define conditional vector if an empty list. This is equivalent of no conditioning, but the conditional # vector was used during training. if len(C) == 0: C = [dict()] # Check the number of conditions. if len(C) != 1 and len(C) != X.shape[0]: raise ValueError("The number of conditions should be 1 or equals the number of samples in X.") # If only one condition is passed. if len(C) == 1: C_vec = self.params["conditional_vector"](X=X, condition=C[0], stats=self.params["stats"]) else: # If multiple conditions were passed. C_vecs = [] for i in range(len(C)): # Generate conditional vector for each instance. Note that this depends on the input instance. C_vecs.append(self.params["conditional_vector"](X=np.atleast_2d(X[i]), condition=C[i], stats=self.params["stats"])) # Concatenate all conditional vectors. C_vec = np.concatenate(C_vecs, axis=0) explanation = super().explain(X=X, Y_t=Y_t, C=C_vec, batch_size=batch_size){"condition": C}) return explanation
def _diversity(self, X: np.ndarray, Y_t: np.ndarray, C: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[Union[str, float]]]]], num_samples: int = 1, batch_size: int = 100, patience: int = 1000, tolerance: float = 1e-3) -> Explanation: """ Generates a set of diverse counterfactuals given a single instance, target and conditioning. Parameters ---------- X Input instance. Y_t Target label. C List of conditional dictionaries. If ``None``, it means that no conditioning was used during training (i.e. the `conditional_func` returns ``None``). num_samples Number of counterfactual samples to be generated. batch_size Batch size used at inference. num_samples Number of diversity samples to be generated. Considered only if ``diversity=True``. batch_size Batch size to use when generating counterfactuals. patience Maximum number of iterations to perform diversity search stops. If -1, the search stops only if the desired number of samples has been found. tolerance Tolerance to distinguish two counterfactual instances. Returns ------- Explanation object containing the diverse counterfactuals. """ # Check if condition. If no conditioning was used during training, the method can not generate a diverse # set of counterfactual instances if C is None: raise ValueError("A diverse set of counterfactual can not be generated if a `None` conditioning is " "used during training. Use the `explain` method to generate a counterfactual. The " "generation process is deterministic in its core. If conditioning is used during training " "a diverse set of counterfactual can be generated by restricting each feature condition " "to a subset to remain feasible.") # Check the number of inputs if X.shape[0] != 1: raise ValueError("Only a single input instance can be passed.") # Check the number of labels. if Y_t.shape[0] != 1: raise ValueError("Only a single label can be passed.") # Check the number of conditions. if (C is not None) and len(C) > 1: raise ValueError("At most, one condition can be passed.") # Generate a batch of data. X_repeated = np.tile(X, (batch_size, 1)) Y_t = np.tile(np.atleast_2d(Y_t), (batch_size, 1)) # Define counterfactual buffer. X_cf_buff = None for i in tqdm(count()): if i == patience: break if (X_cf_buff is not None) and (X_cf_buff.shape[0] >= num_samples): break # Generate conditional vector. C_vec = get_conditional_vector(X=X_repeated, condition=C[0] if len(C) else {}, preprocessor=self.params["encoder_preprocessor"], feature_names=self.params["feature_names"], category_map=self.params["category_map"], stats=self.params["stats"], immutable_features=self.params["immutable_features"], diverse=True) # Generate counterfactuals. results = self._compute_counterfactual(X=X_repeated, Y_t=Y_t, C=C_vec) X_cf, Y_m_cf, Y_t = results["X_cf"], results["Y_m_cf"], results["Y_t"] # type: ignore[assignment] X_cf = cast(np.ndarray, X_cf) # help mypy out # Select only counterfactuals where prediction matches the target. X_cf = X_cf[Y_t == Y_m_cf] X_cf = cast(np.ndarray, X_cf) # help mypy out if X_cf.shape[0] == 0: continue # Find unique counterfactuals. _, indices = np.unique(np.floor(X_cf / tolerance).astype(int), return_index=True, axis=0) # Add them to the unique buffer but make sure not to add duplicates. if X_cf_buff is None: X_cf_buff = X_cf[indices] else: X_cf_buff = np.concatenate([X_cf_buff, X_cf[indices]], axis=0) _, indices = np.unique(np.floor(X_cf_buff / tolerance).astype(int), return_index=True, axis=0) X_cf_buff = X_cf_buff[indices] # Construct counterfactuals to the explanation. X_cf = X_cf_buff[:num_samples] if (X_cf_buff is not None) else np.array([]) # Compute model's prediction on the counterfactual instances Y_m_cf = self.params["predictor"](X_cf) if X_cf.shape[0] != 0 else np.array([]) if self._is_classification(pred=Y_m_cf): Y_m_cf = np.argmax(Y_m_cf, axis=1) # Compute model's prediction on the original input. Y_m = self.params["predictor"](X) if self._is_classification(Y_m): Y_m = np.argmax(Y_m, axis=1) # Update target representation if necessary. if self._is_classification(Y_t): Y_t = np.argmax(Y_t, axis=1) return self._build_explanation(X=X, Y_m=Y_m, X_cf=X_cf, Y_m_cf=Y_m_cf, Y_t=Y_t, C=C) # type: ignore[arg-type]