This page was generated from examples/integrated_gradients_transformers.ipynb.

Integrated gradients for transformers models

In this example, we apply the integrated gradients method to two different sentiment analysis models. The first one is a pretrained sentiment analysis model from the transformers library. The second model is a combination of a pretrained (distil)BERT model and a simple feed forward network. The entire model, (distil)BERT and feed forward network, is trained on the IMDB reviews dataset.

In text classification models, integrated gradients (IG) define an attribution value for each word in the input sentence. The attributions are calculated considering the integral of the model gradients with respect to the word embedding layer along a straight path from a baseline instance \(x^\prime\) to the input instance \(x.\) A description of the method can be found here. Integrated gradients was originally proposed in Sundararajan et al., “Axiomatic Attribution for Deep Networks”


To enable support for IntegratedGradients, you may need to run

pip install alibi[tensorflow]
[ ]:
import os
os.environ["TF_USE_LEGACY_KERAS"] = "1"

import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl

from typing import Optional, Union, List, Dict, Tuple
from IPython.display import HTML

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.keras as keras
from tensorflow.keras.datasets import imdb
from transformers.optimization_tf import WarmUp
from transformers import TFAutoModelForSequenceClassification, AutoTokenizer, PreTrainedTokenizer

from alibi.explainers import IntegratedGradients

Here we define some functions needed to process the data and visualize. For consistency with other text examples in alibi, we will use the IMDB reviews dataset provided by Keras. Since the dataset consists of reviews that are already tokenized, we need to decode each sentence and re-convert them into tokens using the (distil)BERT tokenizer.

def decode_sentence(x: List[int], reverse_index: Dict[int, str], unk_token: str = '[UNK]') -> str:
    Decodes the tokenized sentences from keras IMDB dataset into plain text.

        List of integers to be docoded.
        Reverse index map, from `int` to `str`.
        Unkown token to be used.

        Decoded sentence.
    # the `-3` offset is due to the special tokens used by keras
    # see
    return " ".join([reverse_index.get(i - 3, unk_token) for i in x])

def process_sentences(sentence: List[str],
                      tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizer,
                      max_len: int) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]:
    Tokenize the text sentences.

        Sentence to be processed.
        Tokenizer to be used.
        Controls the maximum length to use by one of the truncation/padding parameters.

    Tokenized representation containing:
     - input_ids
     - attention_mask
    # since we are using the model for classification, we need to include special char (i.e, '[CLS]', ''[SEP]')
    # check the example here:
    z = tokenizer(sentence,
                  return_attention_mask = True,
    return z

def process_input(sentence: List[str],
                  tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizer,
                  max_len: int) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, dict]:
    Preprocess input sentence befor sending to transformer model.

        Sentence to be processed.
        Tokenizer to be used.
        Controls the maximum length to use by one of the truncation/padding parameters.

    Tuple consisting of the input_ids and a dictionary contaning the attention_mask.
    # tokenize the sentences using the transformer's tokenizer.
    tokenized_samples = process_sentences(sentence, tokenizer, max_len)
    X_test = tokenized_samples['input_ids'].astype(np.int32)

    # the values of the kwargs have to be `tf.Tensor`.
    # see transformers issue #14404:
    # solved from v4.16.0
    kwargs = {k: tf.constant(v) for k, v in tokenized_samples.items() if k != 'input_ids'}
    return X_test, kwargs
def  hlstr(string: str , color: str = 'white') -> str:
    Return HTML markup highlighting text with the desired color.
    return f"<mark style=background-color:{color}>{string} </mark>"

def colorize(attrs: np.ndarray, cmap: str = 'PiYG') -> List:
    Compute hex colors based on the attributions for a single instance.
    Uses a diverging colorscale by default and normalizes and scales
    the colormap so that colors are consistent with the attributions.

        Attributions to be visualized.
        Matplotlib cmap type.
    cmap_bound = np.abs(attrs).max()
    norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=-cmap_bound, vmax=cmap_bound)
    cmap =
    return list(map(lambda x: mpl.colors.rgb2hex(cmap(norm(x))), attrs))

def display(X: np.ndarray,
            attrs: np.ndarray,
            tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizer,
            pred: np.ndarray) -> None:
    Display the attribution of a given instance.

        Instance to display the attributions for.
        Attributions values for the given instance.
        Tokenizer to be used for decoding.
        Classification label (prediction) for the given instance.
    pred_dict = {1: 'Positive review', 0: 'Negative review'}

    # remove padding
    fst_pad_indices = np.where(X ==tokenizer.pad_token_id)[0]
    if len(fst_pad_indices) > 0:
        X, attrs = X[:fst_pad_indices[0]], attrs[:fst_pad_indices[0]]

    # decode tokens and get colors
    tokens = [tokenizer.decode([X[i]]) for i in range(len(X))]
    colors = colorize(attrs)

    print(f'Predicted label =  {pred}: {pred_dict[pred]}')
    return HTML("".join(list(map(hlstr, tokens, colors))))


In this section, we will use the Tensorflow auto model for sequence classification provided by the transformers library.

The model is pretrained on the Stanford Sentiment Treebank (SST) dataset. The Stanford Sentiment Treebank is the first corpus with fully labeled parse trees that allows for a complete analysis of the compositional effects of sentiment in language.

Each phrase is labeled as either negative, somewhat negative, neutral, somewhat positive or positive. The corpus with all 5 labels is referred to as SST-5 or SST fine-grained. Binary classification experiments on full sentences (negative or somewhat negative vs somewhat positive or positive with neutral sentences discarded) refer to the dataset as SST-2 or SST binary. In this example, we will use a text classifier pretrained on the SST-2 dataset.

# load model and tokenizer
model_name = "distilbert-base-uncased-finetuned-sst-2-english"
auto_model_distilbert = TFAutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_name)
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)
All model checkpoint layers were used when initializing TFDistilBertForSequenceClassification.

All the layers of TFDistilBertForSequenceClassification were initialized from the model checkpoint at distilbert-base-uncased-finetuned-sst-2-english.
If your task is similar to the task the model of the checkpoint was trained on, you can already use TFDistilBertForSequenceClassification for predictions without further training.

The auto_model_distilbert output is a custom object containing the output logits. We use a wrapper to transform the output into a tensor and apply a softmax function to the logits.

class AutoModelWrapper(keras.Model):
    def __init__(self, transformer: keras.Model, **kwargs):

            Transformer to be wrapped.
        self.transformer = transformer

    def call(self,
             input_ids: Union[np.ndarray, tf.Tensor],
             attention_mask: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, tf.Tensor]] = None,
             training: bool = False):
        Performs forward pass throguh the model.

            Indices of input sequence tokens in the vocabulary.
            Mask to avoid performing attention on padding token indices.

        Classification probabilities.
        out = self.transformer(input_ids=input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask, training=training)
        return tf.nn.softmax(out.logits, axis=-1)

    def get_config(self):
        return {}

    def from_config(cls, config):
        return cls(**config)
auto_model = AutoModelWrapper(auto_model_distilbert)

Calculate integrated gradients

The auto model consists of a main distilBERT layer (layer 0) followed by two dense layers.

[<transformers.models.distilbert.modeling_tf_distilbert.TFDistilBertMainLayer at 0x7f4cb5435e80>,
 <keras.layers.core.dense.Dense at 0x7f4ca8058c10>,
 <keras.layers.core.dense.Dense at 0x7f4ca8058e80>,
 <keras.layers.core.dropout.Dropout at 0x7f4ca01db1f0>]

We will proceed with the embedding layer from distilBERT. We calculate attributions to the outputs of the embedding layer for which we can easily construct an appropriate baseline for the IG by replacing the regular tokens with the [PAD] token (i.e. a neutral token) and keeping the other special tokens (e.g. [CLS], [SEP], [UNK], [PAD]). By including special tokens such as [CLS], [SEP], [UNK], we ensure that the attribution for those tokens will be 0 if we use the embedding layer. The 0 attribution is due to integration between \([x, x]\) which is 0. Note that if we considered a hidden layer instead, we would inevitably capture higher order interaction between the input tokens. Moreover, the embedding layer is our first choice since we cannot compute attributions for the raw input due to its discrete structure (i.e., we cannot differentiate the output of the model with respect to the discrete input representation). That being said, you can use any other layer and compute attributions to the outputs of it instead.

#  Extracting the embeddings layer
layer = auto_model.layers[0].layers[0].embeddings

# # Extract the first layer from the transformer
# layer = auto_model.layers[0].layers[0].transformer.layer[0]
n_steps = 50
internal_batch_size = 5
method = "gausslegendre"

# define Integrated Gradients explainer
ig  = IntegratedGradients(auto_model,

Here we consider some simple sentences such as “I love you, I like you”, “I love you, I like you, but I also kind of dislike you” .

# define some text to be explained
text_samples = [
    'I love you, I like you',
    'I love you, I like you, but I also kind of dislike you',
    'Everything is so nice about you'

# process input to be explained
X_test, kwargs = process_input(sentence=text_samples,
# get predictions
predictions = auto_model(X_test, **kwargs).numpy().argmax(axis=1)

# get the baseline
mask = np.isin(X_test, tokenizer.all_special_ids)
baselines = X_test * mask + tokenizer.pad_token_id * (1 - mask)

# get explanation
explanation = ig.explain(X_test,

Let’s check the attributions’ shapes.

# Get attributions values from the explanation object
attrs = explanation.attributions[0]
print('Attributions shape:', attrs.shape)
Attributions shape: (3, 256, 768)

As you can see, the attribution of each token corresponds to a tensor of 768 elements. We compress all this information into a single number buy summing up all 768 components. The nice thing about this is that we still remain consistent with the Completeness Axiom, which states that the attributions add up to the difference between the output of our model for the given instance and the output of our model for the given baseline.

attrs = attrs.sum(axis=2)
print('Attributions shape:', attrs.shape)
Attributions shape: (3, 256)
index = 1
display(X=X_test[index], attrs=attrs[index], pred=predictions[index], tokenizer=tokenizer)
Predicted label =  0: Negative review
[CLS] i love you , i like you , but i also kind of dislike you [SEP]

Note that since the sentence is classified as negative, words like ``dislike`` contribute positively to the score while words like ``love`` contribute negatively.

Sentiment analysis on IMDB with fine-tuned model head.

Load and process data

# constants
max_features = 10000

# load imdb reviews datasets.
(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = imdb.load_data(num_words=max_features)

# remove the first integer token which is a special character that marks the beginning of the sentence
x_train = [x[1:] for x in x_train]
x_test = [x[1:] for x in x_test]

# get mappings. The keys are transformed to lower case since we will use uncased models.
reverse_index = {value: key.lower() for (key, value) in imdb.get_word_index().items()}

Load model and corresponding tokenizer

Now we have to load the model and the corresponding tokenizer. You can chose between the BERT model or the distilBERT model. Note that we will be finetuning those models which will require access to a GPU. In our experiments, we trained distilBERT on a single Quadro RTX 5000 which requires around 5GB of memory. The entire training took around 5-6 min. We recommend using distilBERT as it is lighter and we did not noticed a big difference in performance between the two models after finetuning.

# choose whether to use the BERT or distilBERT model by selecting the appropriate name
model_name = 'distilbert-base-uncased'
# model_name = 'bert-base-uncased'
# load model and tokenizer
model = TFAutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_name, num_labels=2)
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)

# define maximum input length
max_len = 256

if model_name == 'bert-base-uncased':
    # training parameters:
    init_lr = 5e-05
    min_lr_ratio = 0
    batch_size = 8
    num_warmup_steps = 1546
    num_train_steps = 15468
    power = 1.0

elif model_name == 'distilbert-base-uncased':
    # training parameters:
    init_lr = 5e-05
    min_lr_ratio = 0
    batch_size = 16
    num_warmup_steps = 0
    num_train_steps = int(np.ceil(len(x_train) / batch_size))
    power = 1.0

    raise ValueError('Unknown model name.')
Some layers from the model checkpoint at distilbert-base-uncased were not used when initializing TFDistilBertForSequenceClassification: ['vocab_transform', 'vocab_projector', 'activation_13', 'vocab_layer_norm']
- This IS expected if you are initializing TFDistilBertForSequenceClassification from the checkpoint of a model trained on another task or with another architecture (e.g. initializing a BertForSequenceClassification model from a BertForPreTraining model).
- This IS NOT expected if you are initializing TFDistilBertForSequenceClassification from the checkpoint of a model that you expect to be exactly identical (initializing a BertForSequenceClassification model from a BertForSequenceClassification model).
Some layers of TFDistilBertForSequenceClassification were not initialized from the model checkpoint at distilbert-base-uncased and are newly initialized: ['dropout_39', 'pre_classifier', 'classifier']
You should probably TRAIN this model on a down-stream task to be able to use it for predictions and inference.

Decoding each sentence in the Keras IMDB tokenized dataset to obtain the corresponding plain text. The dataset is already in a pretty good shape, so we don’t need to do extra preprocessing. The only thing that we do is to replace the unknown tokens with the appropriate tokenizer’s unknown token (i.e., [UNK])

X_train, X_test = [], []

# decode training sentences
for i in range(len(x_train)):
    tr_sentence = decode_sentence(x_train[i], reverse_index, unk_token=tokenizer.unk_token)

# decode testing sentences
for i in range(len(x_test)):
    te_sentence = decode_sentence(x_test[i], reverse_index, unk_token=tokenizer.unk_token)

Retokenizing the plain text using the (distil)BERT tokenizer.

# tokenize datasets
X_train = process_sentences(X_train, tokenizer, max_len)
X_test = process_sentences(X_test, tokenizer, max_len)

Construct the Tensorflow datasets for training and testing.

train_ds =*X_train.values() ,), y_train))
train_ds = train_ds.shuffle(1024).batch(batch_size).repeat()

test_ds =*X_test.values(), ), y_test))
test_ds = test_ds.batch(batch_size)

Train model

Here we train a classification model by leveraging the pretrained (distil)BERT transformer.

filepath = './model_transformers/'  # change to desired save directory
checkpoint_path = os.path.join(filepath, model_name)
load_model = False

# define linear learning schedules
lr_schedule = tf.keras.optimizers.schedules.PolynomialDecay(
    decay_steps=num_train_steps - num_warmup_steps,
    end_learning_rate=init_lr * min_lr_ratio,

# include learning rate warmup
if num_warmup_steps:
    lr_schedule = WarmUp(

if not load_model:
    # compile the model
        optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=lr_schedule, beta_1=0.9, beta_2=0.999, epsilon=1e-08),

    # fit and save the model, validation_data=test_ds, steps_per_epoch=num_train_steps)
    # load and compile the model
    model = model.from_pretrained(checkpoint_path)

    # evaluate the model
1563/1563 [==============================] - 459s 291ms/step - loss: 0.2721 - sparse_categorical_accuracy: 0.8859 - val_loss: 0.2141 - val_sparse_categorical_accuracy: 0.9142
# wrap the finetuned model
auto_model = AutoModelWrapper(model)

Calculate integrated gradients

We pick the first 10 sentences from the test set as examples. You can easily add some of your text here too, as we exemplify it.

# include IMDB reviews from the test dataset
text_samples = [decode_sentence(x_test[i], reverse_index, unk_token=tokenizer.unk_token) for i in range(10)]

# inlcude your text here
text_samples.append("best movie i've ever seen nothing bad to say about it")

# process input before passing it to the explainer
X_test, kwargs = process_input(sentence=text_samples,

We calculate the attributions with respect to the first embedding layer of the (distil)BERT. You can choose any other layer.

if model_name == 'bert-base-uncased':
    layer = auto_model.layers[0].layers[0].embeddings
    # layer = auto_model.layers[0].layers[0].encoder.layer[2]

elif model_name == 'distilbert-base-uncased':
    layer = auto_model.layers[0].layers[0].embeddings
    # layer = auto_model.layers[0].layers[0].transformer.layer[0]

    raise ValueError('Unknown model name.')
n_steps = 50
method = "gausslegendre"
internal_batch_size = 5

# define Integrated Gradients explainer
ig  = IntegratedGradients(auto_model,
# compute model's prediction and construct baselines
predictions = auto_model(X_test, **kwargs).numpy().argmax(axis=1)

# construct the baseline as before
mask = np.isin(X_test, tokenizer.all_special_ids)
baselines = X_test * mask + tokenizer.pad_token_id * (1 - mask)

# get explanation
explanation = ig.explain(X_test,
# Get attributions values from the explanation object
attrs = explanation.attributions[0]
print('Attributions shape:', attrs.shape)
Attributions shape: (11, 256, 768)
attrs = attrs.sum(axis=2)
print('Attributions shape:', attrs.shape)
Attributions shape: (11, 256)

Check attributions for our example

index = -1
display(X=X_test[index], attrs=attrs[index], pred=predictions[index], tokenizer=tokenizer)
Predicted label =  1: Positive review
[CLS] best movie i ' ve ever seen nothing bad to say about it [SEP]

Check attribution for some test examples

index = 0
display(X=X_test[index], attrs=attrs[index], pred=predictions[index], tokenizer=tokenizer)
Predicted label =  0: Negative review
[CLS] please give this one a miss br br [UNK] [UNK] and the rest of the cast rendered terrible performances the show is flat flat flat br br i don ' t know how michael madison could have allowed this one on his plate he almost seemed to know this wasn ' t going to work out and his performance was quite [UNK] so all you madison fans give this a miss [SEP]
index = 1
display(X=X_test[index], attrs=attrs[index], pred=predictions[index], tokenizer=tokenizer)
Predicted label =  1: Positive review
[CLS] this film requires a lot of patience because it focuses on mood and character development the plot is very simple and many of the scenes take place on the same set in frances [UNK] the sandy dennis character apartment but the film builds to a disturbing climax br br the characters create an atmosphere [UNK] with sexual tension and psychological [UNK] it ' s very interesting that robert alt ##man directed this considering the style and structure of his other films still the trademark alt ##man audio style is evident here and there i think what really makes this film work is the brilliant performance by sandy dennis it ' s definitely one of her darker characters but she plays it so perfectly and convincing ##ly that it ' s scary michael burns does a good job as the mute young man regular alt ##man player michael murphy has a small part the [UNK] moody set fits the content of the story very well in short this movie is a powerful study of loneliness sexual [UNK] and desperation be patient [UNK] up the atmosphere and pay attention to the wonderful ##ly written script br br i praise robert alt ##man this is one of his many films that deals with unconventional fascinating subject matter this film is disturbing but it ' s sincere and it ' s sure to [UNK] a strong emotional response from the viewer if you want to see an unusual film some might even say bizarre this is worth the [SEP]