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Kernel SHAP explanation for SVM models
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pip install alibi[shap]
[ ]:
# shap.summary_plot currently doesn't work with matplotlib>=3.6.0,
# see bug report:
!pip install matplotlib==3.5.3
In this example, we show how to explain a multi-class classification model based on the SVM algorithm using the KernelSHAP
method. We show how to perform instance-level (or local) explanations on this model as well as how to draw insights about the model behaviour in general by aggregating information from explanations across many instances (that is, perform global explanations).
[ ]:
import shap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from alibi.explainers import KernelShap
from sklearn import svm
from sklearn.datasets import load_wine
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, ConfusionMatrixDisplay
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.svm import SVC
Data preparation
wine = load_wine()
dict_keys(['data', 'target', 'frame', 'target_names', 'DESCR', 'feature_names'])
data =
target =
target_names = wine.target_names
feature_names = wine.feature_names
Split data into testing and training sets and normalize it.
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(data,
print("Training records: {}".format(X_train.shape[0]))
print("Testing records: {}".format(X_test.shape[0]))
Training records: 142
Testing records: 36
scaler = StandardScaler().fit(X_train)
X_train_norm = scaler.transform(X_train)
X_test_norm = scaler.transform(X_test)
Fitting a support vector classifier (SVC) to the Wine dataset
SVM, is a binary classifier, so multiple classifiers are fitted in order to support multiclass classification. The algorithm output is explained here.
classifier = SVC(
kernel = 'rbf',
gamma = 0.1,
decision_function_shape='ovr', # n_cls trained with data from one class as postive and remainder of data as neg
random_state = 0,
), y_train)
SVC(C=1, gamma=0.1, random_state=0)In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
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SVC(C=1, gamma=0.1, random_state=0)
Model assessment
Look at confusion matrix.
y_pred = classifier.predict(X_test_norm)
cm = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred)
title = 'Confusion matrix for SVC classifier'
disp = ConfusionMatrixDisplay.from_estimator(classifier,

The confusion matrix show the classifier is perfect - let’s understand what patterns in the data help the SVC perform so well!
Apply KernelSHAP to explain the model
The model needs access to a function that takes as an input samples and returns predictions to be explained. For an input \(z\) the decision function of an binary SVM classifier is given by:
where \(\beta\) is the best separating hyperplane (linear combination of support vectors, the training points closest to the separating hyperplane) and \(b\) is the bias of the model.
For the ‘one-vs-rest’ SVM, nclass
binary SVM algorithms are fitted using each class as the positive class and the remainder as negative class. The classification decision is taken by assigning the label from the classifier with the maximum absolute decision score. Therefore, to explain our model we could consider explaining the SVM model which outputs the highest decision score. Click here to go back to source.
To do so, the KernelSHAP explainer must receive a callable that returns a set of scores when called with an input \(X\), in this case the decision_function
attribute of our classifier.
pred_fcn = classifier.decision_function
svm_explainer = KernelShap(pred_fcn)
Using 142 background data samples could cause slower run times. Consider using shap.sample(data, K) or shap.kmeans(data, K) to summarize the background as K samples.
'name': 'KernelShap',
'type': ['blackbox'],
'task': 'classification',
'explanations': ['local', 'global'],
'params': {
'link': 'identity',
'group_names': None,
'grouped': False,
'groups': None,
'weights': None,
'summarise_background': False,
'summarise_result': None,
'transpose': False,
'kwargs': {}}
'version': '0.7.1dev'}
Note that the explainer is fit to the classifier training set . This training set is used for two purposes:
To determine the model output when all inputs are missing (\(\phi_0\) in eq. \((5)\) of [1]. Because the SVM model does not accept arbitrary inputs, this quantity is approximated by averaging the decision score for each class, across the samples in
as shown below and it is stored as theexpected_value
attribute of the explainerThe values of the features in the \(N \times D\)
dataset are used to replace the values missing during the feature attribution (\(\phi_i\)) estimation process. Specifically,nsamples
copies ofX_train_norm
are tiled to create a dataset where, for each copy, a subset of features \(z'\) of size \(s = |z'|\) are replaced by the values in the instance to be explained and the complement of this subset is left to the background dataset value. These background values simulate the effect of missing values, since most models cannot cope with arbitrary patterns of missing values at inference time. Therefore, when computing the shap value of a particular feature, \(\phi_i\),nsamples
regression targets (\(f(h_x(z'))\) in eq \((5)\) of [1]) are computed as the expected prediction of the model to be explained when a given subset of features is missing as opposed to replacing the missing feature with a single value. Note that the averaging operation can be replaced by weighted averaging by specifying theweights
argument to thefit
method. (a)
For the above reason, this is sometimes referred to as the background dataset; a larger dataset increases the runtime of the algorithm, so for large datasets, a subset of it should be used. An option to deal with the runtime issue while still providing meaningful values for missing values is to summarise the dataset using the shap.kmeans
function. This function wraps the sklearn
k-means clustering implementation, while ensuring that the clusters returned have values that are found in
the training data. In addition, the samples are weighted according to the cluster sizes.
# expected_values attribute stores average scores across training set for every binary SVM
mean_scores_train = pred_fcn(X_train_norm).mean(axis=0)
# are stored in the expected value attibute of the explainer ...
print(mean_scores_train - svm_explainer.expected_value)
[-1.11022302e-16 4.44089210e-16 -4.44089210e-16]
svm_explanation = svm_explainer.explain(X_test_norm, l1_reg=False)
In cases where the feature space has higher dimensionality, only a small fraction of the missing subsets can be enumerated for a given number of samples nsamples
. If the the fraction of the subsets enumerated falls below a fraction (0.2
for version 0.3.2
) and the regularisation is set to auto
, a least angle regression with the AIC information criterion for selecting the regularisation coefficient \(\alpha\) is performed in order to select features. The regularisation has no
effect if the fraction is greater than this threshold and l1_reg
is not set to auto
. Other options for regularisations are: - l1_reg="num_features(10)"
: in this case, the LARS algorithm [2] is used to which 10 features to estimate the shap values for. - l1_reg="bic"
: in this case, the least angle regression is run with the Bayes Information Criterion - l1_reg=0.02
: if a float is specified, the \(\ell_1\)-regularised regression coefficient is set to this
Local explanation
Because the SVM algorithm returns a score for each of the \(3\) classes, the shap_values are computed for each class in turn. Moreover, the attributions are computed for each data point to be explained and for each feature, resulting in a \(N_e \times D\) matrix of shap values for each classs, where \(N_e\) is the number of instances to be explained and \(D\) is the number of features.
print("Output type:", type(svm_explanation.shap_values))
print("Output size:", len(svm_explanation.shap_values))
print("Class output size:", svm_explanation.shap_values[0].shape)
Output type: <class 'list'>
Output size: 3
Class output size: (36, 13)
For a given instance, we can visualise the attributions using a force plot. Let’s choose the first example in the testing set as an example.
idx = 0
instance = X_test_norm[idx][None, :]
pred = classifier.predict(instance)
scores = classifier.decision_function(instance)
class_idx = pred.item()
print("The predicted class for the X_test_norm[{}] is {}.".format(idx, *pred))
print("OVR decision function values are {}.".format(*scores))
The predicted class for the X_test_norm[0] is 0.
OVR decision function values are [ 2.24071294 0.85398239 -0.21510456].
We see that class \(0\) is predicted because the SVM model trained with class \(0\) as a positive class and classes \(1\) and \(2\) combined as a negative class returned the largest score.
To create this force plot, we have provided the plotting function with four inputs: - the expected predicted score by the class-0 SVM assuming all inputs are missing. This is marked as the base value on the force plot - the feature attributions for the instance to be explained - the instance to be explained - the feature names
svm_explanation.shap_values[class_idx][idx, :] ,
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The force plot depicts the contribution of each feature to the process of moving the value of the decision score from the base value (estimation of the decision score if all inputs were missing) to the value predicted by the classifier. We see that all features contribute to increasing the decision score, and that the largest increases are due to the proline
feature with a value of 1.049
and the flavanoids
feature with a value of 0.9778
. The lengths of the bars are the
corresponding feature attributions.
Similarly, below we see that the proline
and alcohol
features contribute the to decreasing the decision score of the SVM predicting class 1
as positive and that the malic_acid
feature increases the decision score.
svm_explanation.shap_values[1][idx, :] ,
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An alternative way to visualise local explanations for multi-output models is a multioutput decision plot. This plot can be especially useful when the number of features is large and the force plot might not be readable.
def class_labels(classifier, instance, class_names=None):
Creates a set of legend labels based on the decision
scores of a classifier and, optionally, the class names.
decision_scores = classifier.decision_function(instance)
if not class_names:
class_names = [f'Class {i}' for i in range(decision_scores.shape[1])]
for i, score in enumerate(np.nditer(decision_scores)):
class_names[i] = class_names[i] + ' ({})'.format(round(score.item(),3))
return class_names
legend_labels = class_labels(classifier, instance)
r = shap.multioutput_decision_plot(svm_explainer.expected_value.tolist(),
legend_location='lower right')

The decision plots shows how the individual features influence contribute to the classification into each of the three classes (a prediction path). One sees that, for this example, the model can easily separate the three classes. It also shows, for example, that a wine with the given alcohol content is typical of class 0
(because the alcohol
feature contributes positively to a classification of class 0
as negatively to classification in classes 1
and 2
Note that the feature ordering is determined by summing the shap value magnitudes corresponding to each feature across classes and then ordering the feature_names
in descending order of cumulative magniture. The plot origin, marked by the gray vertical line, is the average base values across the classes. The dashed line represents the model prediction - in general we can highlight a particular class by passing the class index in the highlight
Suppose now that we want to analyse instance 5
but realise that the feature importances are different for this instance.
idx = 5
instance = X_test_norm[idx][None, :]
pred = classifier.predict(instance)
instance_shap = np.array(svm_explanation.shap_values)[:, idx, :]
feature_order = np.argsort(np.sum(np.abs(instance_shap),axis=0))[::-1]
feat_importance = [feature_names[i] for i in feature_order]
['flavanoids', 'alcalinity_of_ash', 'od280/od315_of_diluted_wines', 'alcohol', 'ash', 'total_phenols', 'proline', 'magnesium', 'proanthocyanins', 'hue', 'malic_acid', 'nonflavanoid_phenols', 'color_intensity']
We want to create a multi-output decision plot with the same feature order and scale. This is possible, since by passing the return_objects=True
to the plotting function in the example above, we retrieved the feature indices and the axis limits and can reuse them to display the decision plot for instance 5
with the same feature order as above.
legend_location='lower right',

Global explanation
As shown above, the force plot allows us to understand how the individual features contribute to a classification output given an instance. However, the particular explanation does not tell us about the model behaviour in general. Below, we show how such insights can be drawn.
Stacked force plots
The simplest way we can do this is to stack the force plot for a number of instances, which can be achieved by calling the force_plot
function with the same arguments as before but replacing instance
with the whole testing set, X_test_norm
class_idx = 0 # we explain the predicted label
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In the default configuration, the x
axis is represented by the 36
instances in X_test_norm
whereas the y
axis represents the decision score. Note that, like before, the decision score is for class 0
. For a given instance, the height in between two horizontal lines is equal to the shap value of the feature, and hovering over a plot shows a list of the features along with their values, sorted by shap values. As before, the blue shading shows a negative contribution to the
decision score (moves the score away from the baseline value) whereas the pink shading shows a positive contribution to the decision score. Hovering over the plot, tells us, for example, that to achieve a high decision score (equivalent to class 0
membership) the features proline
and flavanoids
are generally the most important and that positive proline
values lead to higher decision scores for belonging to this class whereas negative proline values provide evidence against this
one belonging to 0
To see the relationship between decision scores and the values more clearly, we can permute the x
axis so that the instances are sorted according to the value of the proline
feature by selecting proline
from the horizontal drop down menu.
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You can also explore the effect of a particular feature across the testing dataset. For example, in the plot below, by selecting flavanoids
from the top drop-down, the instances are ordered on the x
axis in increasing value of the flavanoids
Similarly, selecting flavanoids effects
from the side drop-down will plot the shap value as opposed to the model output. The effect of this feature generally increases as its value increases and the large negative values of this feature reduce the decision score for classification as 0
. Note that the shap values are respresented with resepect to the base value for this class (0.798, as shown below).
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[0.79821894 1.41710253 0.69461514]
Summary plots
To visualise the impact of the features on the decision scores associated with class 0
, we can use a summary plot. In this plot, the features are sorted by the sum of their SHAP values magnitudes across all instances in X_test_norm
. Therefore, the features with the highest impact on the decision score for class class_idx
are displayed at the top of the plot.
shap.summary_plot(svm_explanation.shap_values[0], X_test_norm, feature_names)

In this case, the proline
and flavanoids
have the most impact on the model output; as the values of the features increase, their impact also increases and the model is more likely to predict class 0
. On the other hand, high values of the nonflavonoid_phenols
have a negative impact on the model output, potentially contributing to the classification of the particular wine in a different class. To see this, we do a summary plot with respect to class_2
shap.summary_plot(svm_explanation.shap_values[1], X_test_norm, feature_names)

We see that, indeed, a higher value of the nonflavonoid_phenols
feature contributes to a sample being classified as class 1
, but that this effect is rather limited compared to features such as proline
or alcohol
To visualise the impact of the feature across all classes, that is, the importance of a particular feature for the model, we simply pass all the shap values to the summary_plot
functions. We see, that, for example, the color_intensity
feature is much more important for deciding whether an instance should be classified as class_2
then in class_0
shap.summary_plot(svm_explanation.shap_values, X_test_norm, feature_names)

Dependence plots
Another way to visualise the model dependence on a particular feature is through a dependence plot. This plot shows the impact of the feature value on its importance for classification with respect to class 0
feature = 'flavanoids'

The colour of the individual instances is represented by the value of the feature nonflavanoid_phenols
. By specifying interaction_index=auto
, the nonflavanoid_phenols
was estimated as a the feature with the strongest interaction with the flavanoids_feature
; this interaction is approximate, and is estimate by computing the Pearson Correlation Coefficient between the shap values of the reference feature (flavanoids
in this case) and the value of each feature in turn on bins
along the feature value.
We see that, for class 0
wines, a higher value for nonfavanoid_phenols
is generally associated with a low value in flavanoids
and that they have a negative impact on the score for class 0
(a) The weights are applied to each point in a copy, so the number of weights should be the same as the number of samples in the data.
[1] Lundberg, S.M. and Lee, S.I., 2017. A unified approach to interpreting model predictions. In Advances in neural information processing systems (pp. 4765-4774).
[2] Wikipedia entry on the Least-angle regression: