Source code for seldon_core.gunicorn_utils

import atexit
import logging
import os
from multiprocessing.util import _exit_function
from typing import Dict, Union

from import BaseApplication

from seldon_core.metrics import SeldonMetrics
from seldon_core.utils import setup_tracing

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def post_worker_init(worker): # Remove the atexit handler set up by the parent process # atexit.unregister(_exit_function)
[docs]def worker_exit(server, worker, seldon_metrics: SeldonMetrics): # Clear all metrics from dying worker seldon_metrics.clear()
[docs]def accesslog(flag: bool) -> Union[str, None]: """ Enable / disable access log in Gunicorn depending on the flag. """ if flag: return "-" return None
[docs]def threads(threads: int, single_threaded: bool) -> int: """ Number of threads to run in each Gunicorn worker. """ if single_threaded: return 1 return threads
[docs]class StandaloneApplication(BaseApplication): """ Standalone Application to run a Flask app in Gunicorn. """ def __init__(self, app, options: Dict = None): self.application = app self.options = options super().__init__()
[docs] def load_config(self): config = dict( [ (key, value) for key, value in self.options.items() if key in self.cfg.settings and value is not None ] ) for key, value in config.items(): self.cfg.set(key.lower(), value)
[docs] def load(self): return self.application
[docs]class UserModelApplication(StandaloneApplication): """ Gunicorn application to run a Flask app in Gunicorn loading first the user's model. """ def __init__( self, app, user_object, tracing, jaeger_extra_tags, interface_name, options: Dict = None, ): self.user_object = user_object self.tracing = tracing self.jaeger_extra_tags = jaeger_extra_tags self.interface_name = interface_name super().__init__(app, options)
[docs] def load(self): if self.tracing and self.jaeger_extra_tags is not None:"Tracing branch is active") from flask_opentracing import FlaskTracing tracer = setup_tracing(self.interface_name)"Set JAEGER_EXTRA_TAGS %s", self.jaeger_extra_tags) FlaskTracing(tracer, True, self.application, self.jaeger_extra_tags) else:"Tracing not active") logger.debug("LOADING APP %d", os.getpid()) try: logger.debug("Calling user load method") self.user_object.load() except (NotImplementedError, AttributeError): logger.debug("No load method in user model") return self.application