# Seldon Core Community ## Slack Channel For any questions, as well as to keep up to date with any announcements please feel free to [join our Slack Channel through this link](https://join.slack.com/t/seldondev/shared_invite/zt-vejg6ttd-ksZiQs3O_HOtPQsen_labg). ## Working Group Calls The Seldon Core team organises fornightly calls with the community to provide updates on current development, best practices and key findings such as tips on upgrading, backwards compatibility, etc. The community call is also a great opportunity for the community to ask questions as well as suggestions around Seldon Core. **Dates & times** The dates for the community call is on Thursday every 2 weeks at 16:00 UK Time. We always announce the community call in our Community Slack and social media so make sure you are able to join to stay up to date. **Joining the call** We use Zoom for the conference calls. Details can found: * [Working Group Agenda Document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gAmiJoD-1NHSr0gvDQBhYGR5ryrgWVWRu3nOOxPdKJk/edit?usp=sharing) * [Google Calendar](https://calendar.google.com/event?action=TEMPLATE&tmeid=MmpzaWliOTQxdjEzbmduMTkyaHF0MnBpcGZfMjAyMTExMDRUMTYwMDAwWiBzZWxkb24uaW9fbTRuMnZtcmZubDI3M3FsczVnYjlwNjVpMHNAZw&tmsrc=seldon.io_m4n2vmrfnl273qls5gb9p65i0s%40group.calendar.google.com&scp=ALL) * [iCal](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/seldon.io_m4n2vmrfnl273qls5gb9p65i0s%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics) If you have any topics you would like to add or discuss, please feel free to add to the agenda point for the next meeting, or alternatively you can add an in-line comment. ## Meetup We organise a regular [MLOps Community Meetup](https://mlops.london/). The events are "hybrid"; feel free to attend in person if you're near to London or otherwise follow the [YouTube Channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSBfllj_pRPB36TAZJfjXWg). ## X (formerly Twitter) Follow our [Seldon](https://x.com/seldon_io) account on X (formerly Twitter) for product releases and announcements. We also have [Seldon Research](https://x.com/SeldonResearch) for the latest in research around Drift/Outlier Detection and Explainability.