========= Notebooks ========= Seldon Core Setup ----------------- .. toctree:: :titlesonly: Install Seldon Core Install MinIO Prepackaged Inference Server Examples ------------------------------------- .. toctree:: :titlesonly: Deploy a Scikit-learn Model Binary <../servers/sklearn.md> Deploy a Tensorflow Exported Model <../servers/tensorflow.md> MLflow Pre-packaged Model Server A/B Test MLflow v2 Protocol End to End Workflow (Incubating) Deploy a XGBoost Model Binary <../servers/xgboost.md> Deploy Pre-packaged Model Server with Cluster's MinIO Custom Pre-packaged LightGBM Server Python Language Wrapper Examples -------------------------------- .. toctree:: :titlesonly: SKLearn Spacy NLP SKLearn Iris Classifier Sagemaker SKLearn Example TFserving MNIST Statsmodels Holt-Winter's time-series model Runtime Metrics & Tags Triton GPT2 Example Specialised Framework Examples ------------------------------ .. toctree:: :titlesonly: NVIDIA TensorRT MNIST OpenVINO ImageNet OpenVINO ImageNet Ensemble Triton Examples Incubating Projects Examples ---------------------------- .. toctree:: :titlesonly: Kubeflow Seldon E2E Pipeline H2O Java MoJo Outlier Detection with Combiner Stream Processing with KNative Eventing Kafka CIFAR10 Kafka SpaCy SKlearn NLP Kafka KEDA Autoscaling CPP Wrapper Simple Single File CPP Wrapper Advanced Custom Build System Cloud-Specific Examples ----------------------- .. toctree:: :titlesonly: AWS EKS Tensorflow Deep MNIST Azure AKS Tensorflow Deep MNIST GKE with GPU Tensorflow Deep MNIST Alibaba Cloud Tensorflow Deep MNIST Triton GPT2 Example Azure Setup for Triton GPT2 Example Azure Advanced Machine Learning Monitoring --------------------------------------- .. toctree:: :titlesonly: Real Time Monitoring of Statistical Metrics Model Explainer Example Model Explainer V2 protocol Example (Incubating) Outlier Detection on CIFAR10 Training Outlier Detector for CIFAR10 with Poetry Batch Processing with Seldon Core --------------------------------- .. toctree:: :titlesonly: Batch Processing with Argo Workflows and S3 / Minio Batch Processing with Argo Workflows and HDFS Batch Processing with Kubeflow Pipelines MLOps: Scaling and Monitoring and Observability ----------------------------------------------- .. toctree:: :titlesonly: Autoscaling Example KEDA Autoscaling example Request Payload Logging with ELK Custom Metrics with Grafana & Prometheus Distributed Tracing with Jaeger CI / CD with Jenkins Classic CI / CD with Jenkins X Replica control Production Configurations and Integrations ------------------------------------------ .. toctree:: :titlesonly: Example Helm Deployments Max gRPC Message Size Deploy Multiple Seldon Core Operators Protocol Examples Configurable timeouts Custom Protobuf Data Example Disruption Budgets Example AB Tests and Progressive Rollouts --------------------------------- .. toctree:: :titlesonly: Istio AB Test Ambassador AB Test Seldon/Iter8 - Progressive AB Test with Single Seldon Deployment Seldon/Iter8 - Progressive AB Test with Multiple Seldon Deployments Complex Graph Examples ---------------------- .. toctree:: :titlesonly: Chainer MNIST Custom pre-processors with the V2 Protocol graph-examples Ingress ------- .. toctree:: :titlesonly: Ambassador Canary Ambassador Shadow Ambassador Headers Istio Examples Istio Canary Infrastructure -------------- .. toctree:: :titlesonly: Patch Volumes for Version 1.2.0 Upgrade Benchmarking and Load Tests --------------------------- .. toctree:: :titlesonly: Service Orchestrator Overhead Tensorflow Benchmark Argo Workflows Benchmarking Python Serialization Cost Benchmark KMP_AFFINITY Benchmarking Example Kafka Payload Logging Upgrading Examples ------------------ .. toctree:: :titlesonly: RClone Storage Initializer - testing new secret format RClone Storage Initializer - upgrading your cluster (AWS S3 / MinIO)