# Seldon Core Helm Charts Helm charts are published to our official repo. ## Core Charts The core charts for installing Seldon Core are shown below. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 seldon-core-operator <../charts/seldon-core-operator> For further details see [here](../workflow/install.md). ## Inference Graph Templates A set of charts to provide example templates for creating particular inference graphs using Seldon Core .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 seldon-single-model <../charts/seldon-single-model> seldon-abtest <../charts/seldon-abtest> seldon-mab <../charts/seldon-mab> seldon-od-model <../charts/seldon-od-model> seldon-od-transformer <../charts/seldon-od-transformer> [A notebook with examples of using the above charts](https://docs.seldon.io/projects/seldon-core/en/latest/examples/helm_examples.html) is provided. ## Misc .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 seldon-core-loadtesting <../charts/seldon-core-loadtesting> seldon-core-analytics <../charts/seldon-core-analytics>