# Native Kafka Stream Processing Seldon provides a native kafka integration when you specify `serverType: kafka` in your SeldonDeployment. When `serverType: kafka` is specified you need to also specify environment variables in `svcOrchSpec` for KAFKA_BROKER, KAFKA_INPUT_TOPIC, KAFKA_OUTPUT_TOPIC. An example is shown below for a Tensorflow CIFAR10 model: ```yaml apiVersion: machinelearning.seldon.io/v1 kind: SeldonDeployment metadata: name: tfserving-cifar10 spec: protocol: tensorflow transport: rest serverType: kafka predictors: - componentSpecs: - spec: containers: - args: - --port=8500 - --rest_api_port=8501 - --model_name=resnet32 - --model_base_path=gs://seldon-models/tfserving/cifar10/resnet32 - --enable_batching image: tensorflow/serving name: resnet32 ports: - containerPort: 8501 name: http svcOrchSpec: env: - name: KAFKA_BROKER value: - name: KAFKA_INPUT_TOPIC value: cifar10-rest-input - name: KAFKA_OUTPUT_TOPIC value: cifar10-rest-output graph: name: resnet32 type: MODEL endpoint: service_port: 8501 name: model replicas: 1 ``` The above creates a REST tensorflow deployment using the tensorflow protocol and connects to input and output topics. ## Details For the SeldonDeployment: 1. Start with any Seldon inference graph 1. Set `spec.serverType` to `kafka` 1. Add a `spec.predictor[].svcOrchSpec.env` with settings for KAFKA_BROKER, KAFKA_INPUT_TOPIC, KAFKA_OUTPUT_TOPIC. For the input kafka topic: Create requests streams for the input prediction of your specified protocol and transport. * For REST: the JSON representation of a predict request in the given protocol. * For gRPC: the protobuffer binary serialization of the request for the given protocol. You should also add a metadata field called `proto-name` with the package name of the protobuffer so it can be decoded, for example `tensorflow.serving.PredictRequest`. We can only support proto buffers for native grpc protocols supported by Seldon. ## TLS Settings To allow TLS connections to Kafka for the consumer and produce use the following environment variables to the service orchestator section: * Set KAFKA_SECURITY_PROTOCOL to "ssl" * If you have the values for keys and certificates use: * KAFKA_SSL_CA_CERT * KAFKA_SSL_CLIENT_CERT * KAFKA_SSL_CLIENT_KEY * If you have the file locations for the certificates use: * KAFKA_SSL_CA_CERT_FILE * KAFKA_SSL_CLIENT_CERT_FILE * KAFKA_SSL_CLIENT_KEY_FILE * If you key is password protected then add * KAFKA_SSL_CLIENT_KEY_PASS (optional) An example spec that gets values from screts is shown below and comes from the [Kafka KEDA demo](../examples/kafka_keda.html). ```yaml svcOrchSpec: env: - name: KAFKA_BROKER value: :9093 - name: KAFKA_INPUT_TOPIC value: cifar10-rest-input - name: KAFKA_OUTPUT_TOPIC value: cifar10-rest-output - name: KAFKA_SECURITY_PROTOCOL value: ssl - name: KAFKA_SSL_CA_CERT valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: seldon-cluster-ca-cert key: ca.crt - name: KAFKA_SSL_CLIENT_CERT valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: seldon-user key: user.crt - name: KAFKA_SSL_CLIENT_KEY valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: seldon-user key: user.key - name: KAFKA_SSL_CLIENT_KEY_PASS valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: seldon-user key: user.password ``` ## KEDA Scaling KEDA can be used to scale Kafka SeldonDeployments by looking at the consumer lag. ```yaml kedaSpec: pollingInterval: 15 minReplicaCount: 1 maxReplicaCount: 2 triggers: - type: kafka metadata: bootstrapServers: :9093 consumerGroup: model.tfserving-cifar10.kafka lagThreshold: "50" topic: cifar10-rest-input offsetResetPolicy: latest #authMode: sasl_ssl (for latest KEDA - not released yet) authenticationRef: name: seldon-kafka-auth ``` In the above we: * define bootstrap servers for KEDA to connect to via `bootstrapServer` * define consumer group to monitor via `consumerGroup` * set the lag to scale up on via `lagThreshold` * monitor a particular topic via `topic` * define TLS authentication via a AuthenticanTrigger via `authenticationRef` The authentication trigger we used for this was extracting the TLS details from secrets, e.g. ```yaml apiVersion: keda.sh/v1alpha1 kind: TriggerAuthentication metadata: name: seldon-kafka-auth namespace: kafka spec: secretTargetRef: - parameter: tls name: keda-enable-tls key: tls - parameter: ca name: seldon-cluster-ca-cert key: ca.crt - parameter: cert name: seldon-user key: user.crt - parameter: key name: seldon-user key: user.key ``` A worked example can be found [here](../examples/kafka_keda.html). ## Examples * [A worked example for a CIFAR10 image classifier is available](../examples/cifar10_kafka.html). * [A worked example for Kafka with KEDA scaling using TLS connections to Kafka](../examples/kafka_keda.html).