# Troubleshooting Guide If your Seldon Deployment does not seem to be running here are some tips to diagnose the issue. ## My model does not seem to be running Check whether the Seldon Deployment is running: ```bash kubectl get sdep ``` If it exists, check its status, for a Seldon deployment called ``: ```bash kubectl get sdep -o jsonpath='{.status}' ``` This might look like: ```bash >kubectl get sdep NAME AGE mymodel 1m >kubectl get sdep mymodel -o jsonpath='{.status}' map[predictorStatus:[map[name:mymodel-mymodel-7cd068f replicas:1 replicasAvailable:1]] state:Available] ``` If you have the `jq` tool installed you can get a nicer output with: ```bash >kubectl get sdep mymodel -o json | jq .status { "predictorStatus": [ { "name": "mymodel-mymodel-7cd068f", "replicas": 1, "replicasAvailable": 1 } ], "state": "Available" } ``` For a model with invalid json/yaml an example is shown below: ```bash >kubectl get sdep seldon-model -o json | jq .status { "description": "Cannot find field: imagename in message k8s.io.api.core.v1.Container", "state": "Failed" } ``` ## Check all events on the SeldonDeployment ```bash kubectl describe sdep mysdep ``` This will show each event from the operator including create, update, delete and error events. ## My Seldon Deployment remains in "creating" state Check if the pods are running successfully. ## I get 500s when calling my model over the API Check the logs of your running model pods. ## My Seldon Deployment is not listed Check the logs of the Seldon Operator. This is the pod which handles the Seldon Deployment graphs sent to Kubernetes. On a default installation, you can find the operator pod on the `seldon-system` namespace. The pod will be labelled as `control-plane=seldon-controller-manager`, so to get the logs you can run: ```bash kubectl logs -n seldon-system -l control-plane=seldon-controller-manager ``` ### Invalid memory address On some cases, you will see an error message on the operator logs like the following: ``` panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference ``` This error can be caused by empty or unexpected values in the `SeldonDeployment` spec. The main cause is usually a misconfiguration of the mutating webhook. To fix it, you can try to [re-install Seldon Core](./install.md) in your cluster. ## I have tried the above and I'm still confused - Contact our [Slack Community](https://join.slack.com/t/seldondev/shared_invite/enQtMzA2Mzk1Mzg0NjczLTJlNjQ1NTE5Y2MzMWIwMGUzYjNmZGFjZjUxODU5Y2EyMDY0M2U3ZmRiYTBkOTRjMzZhZjA4NjJkNDkxZTA2YmU) - Create an [issue on Seldon Core's Github repo](https://github.com/SeldonIO/seldon-core/issues). Please make sure to add any diagnostics from the above suggestions to help us diagnose your issue.