Source code for alibi.explainers.anchors.anchor_explanation

from typing import Optional, Union

import numpy as np

[docs] class AnchorExplanation:
[docs] def __init__(self, exp_type: str, exp_map: dict) -> None: """ Class used to unpack the anchors and metadata from the explainer dictionary. Parameters ---------- exp_type Type of explainer: tabular, text or image. exp_map Dictionary with the anchors and explainer metadata for an observation. """ self.type = exp_type self.exp_map = exp_map
[docs] def names(self, partial_index: Optional[int] = None) -> list: """ Parameters ---------- partial_index Get the result until a certain index. For example, if the result is ``(A=1, B=2, C=2)`` and ``partial_index=1``, this will return ``["A=1", "B=2"]``. Returns ------- names Names with the result conditions. """ names = self.exp_map['names'] if partial_index is not None: names = names[:partial_index + 1] return names
[docs] def features(self, partial_index: Optional[int] = None) -> list: """ Parameters ---------- partial_index Get the result until a certain index. For example, if the result uses ``segment_labels=(1, 2, 3)`` and ``partial_index=1``, this will return ``[1, 2]``. Returns ------- segment_labels Features used in the result conditions. """ features = self.exp_map['feature'] if partial_index is not None: features = features[:partial_index + 1] return features
[docs] def precision(self, partial_index: Optional[int] = None) -> float: """ Parameters ---------- partial_index Get the result precision until a certain index. For example, if the result has precisions ``[0.1, 0.5, 0.95]`` and ``partial_index=1``, this will return ``0.5``. Returns ------- precision Anchor precision. """ precision = self.exp_map['precision'] if len(precision) == 0: return self.exp_map['all_precision'] if partial_index is not None: return precision[partial_index] else: return precision[-1]
[docs] def coverage(self, partial_index: Optional[int] = None) -> float: """ Parameters ---------- partial_index Get the result coverage until a certain index. For example, if the result has precisions ``[0.1, 0.5, 0.95]`` and ``partial_index=1``, this will return ``0.5``. Returns ------- coverage Anchor coverage. """ coverage = self.exp_map['coverage'] if len(coverage) == 0: return 1 if partial_index is not None: return coverage[partial_index] else: return coverage[-1]
[docs] def examples(self, only_different_prediction: bool = False, only_same_prediction: bool = False, partial_index: Optional[int] = None) -> Union[list, np.ndarray]: """ Parameters ---------- only_different_prediction If ``True``, will only return examples where the result makes a different prediction than the original model. only_same_prediction If ``True``, will only return examples where the result makes the same prediction than the original model. partial_index Get the examples from the partial result until a certain index. Returns ------- Examples covered by result. """ if only_different_prediction and only_same_prediction: print('Error: you cannot have only_different_prediction and only_same_prediction at the same time') return [] key = 'covered' if only_different_prediction: key = 'covered_false' if only_same_prediction: key = 'covered_true' size = len(self.exp_map['examples']) idx = partial_index if partial_index is not None else size - 1 if idx < 0 or idx > size: return [] return self.exp_map['examples'][idx][key]