Source code for alibi.explainers.backends.tensorflow.cfrl_base

This module contains utility functions for the Counterfactual with Reinforcement Learning base class,
:py:class:`alibi.explainers.cfrl_base`, for the Tensorflow backend.

import os
import random
from typing import Any, List, Dict, Callable, Union, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.keras as keras

from alibi.explainers.backends.cfrl_base import CounterfactualRLDataset
from alibi.models.tensorflow.actor_critic import Actor, Critic

    from alibi.explainers.cfrl_base import NormalActionNoise

[docs] class TfCounterfactualRLDataset(CounterfactualRLDataset, keras.utils.Sequence): """ Tensorflow backend datasets. """
[docs] def __init__(self, X: np.ndarray, preprocessor: Callable, predictor: Callable, conditional_func: Callable, batch_size: int, shuffle: bool = True) -> None: """ Constructor. Parameters ---------- X Array of input instances. The input should NOT be preprocessed as it will be preprocessed when calling the `preprocessor` function. preprocessor Preprocessor function. This function correspond to the preprocessing steps applied to the encoder/auto-encoder model. predictor Prediction function. The classifier function should expect the input in the original format and preprocess it internally in the `predictor` if necessary. conditional_func Conditional function generator. Given an pre-processed input array, the functions generates a conditional array. batch_size Dimension of the batch used during training. The same batch size is used to infer the classification labels of the input dataset. shuffle Whether to shuffle the dataset each epoch. ``True`` by default. """ super().__init__() self.X = X self.preprocessor = preprocessor self.predictor = predictor self.conditional_func = conditional_func self.batch_size = batch_size self.shuffle = shuffle # Infer the classification labels of the input dataset. This is performed in batches. self.Y_m = self.predict_batches(X=self.X, predictor=self.predictor, batch_size=self.batch_size) # Define number of classes for classification & minimum and maximum labels for regression if self.Y_m.shape[1] > 1: self.num_classes = self.Y_m.shape[1] else: self.min_m = np.min(self.Y_m) self.max_m = np.max(self.Y_m) # Preprocess data. self.X = self.preprocessor(self.X) # Generate shuffled indexes. self.on_epoch_end()
[docs] def on_epoch_end(self) -> None: """ This method is called every epoch and performs dataset shuffling. """ self.indexes = np.arange(self.X.shape[0]) if self.shuffle: np.random.shuffle(self.indexes)
def __len__(self) -> int: return self.X.shape[0] // self.batch_size def __getitem__(self, idx) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: if hasattr(self, 'num_classes'): # Generate random targets for classification task. tgts = np.random.randint(low=0, high=self.num_classes, size=self.batch_size) Y_t = np.zeros((self.batch_size, self.num_classes)) Y_t[np.arange(self.batch_size), tgts] = 1 else: # Generate random target for regression task Y_t = np.random.uniform(low=self.min_m, high=self.max_m, size=(self.batch_size, 1)) # Select indices to be returned. indexes = self.indexes[idx * self.batch_size:(idx + 1) * self.batch_size] # Compute conditional vector. C = self.conditional_func(self.X[indexes]) return { "X": self.X[indexes], "Y_m": self.Y_m[indexes], "Y_t": Y_t, "C": C }
[docs] def get_optimizer(model: Optional[keras.layers.Layer] = None, lr: float = 1e-3) -> keras.optimizers.Optimizer: """ Constructs default `Adam` optimizer. Parameters ---------- model Model to get the optimizer for. Not required for `tensorflow` backend. lr Learning rate. Returns ------- Default optimizer. """ return keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=lr)
[docs] def get_actor(hidden_dim: int, output_dim: int) -> keras.layers.Layer: """ Constructs the actor network. Parameters ---------- hidden_dim Actor's hidden dimension output_dim Actor's output dimension. Returns ------- Actor network. """ return Actor(hidden_dim=hidden_dim, output_dim=output_dim)
[docs] def get_critic(hidden_dim: int) -> keras.layers.Layer: """ Constructs the critic network. Parameters ---------- hidden_dim: Critic's hidden dimension. Returns ------- Critic network. """ return Critic(hidden_dim=hidden_dim)
[docs] def sparsity_loss(X_hat_cf: tf.Tensor, X: tf.Tensor) -> Dict[str, tf.Tensor]: """ Default L1 sparsity loss. Parameters ---------- X_hat_cf Auto-encoder counterfactual reconstruction. X Input instance. Returns ------- L1 sparsity loss. """ return {"sparsity_loss": tf.reduce_mean(tf.abs(X_hat_cf - X))}
[docs] def consistency_loss(Z_cf_pred: tf.Tensor, Z_cf_tgt: tf.Tensor): """ Default 0 consistency loss. Parameters ---------- Z_cf_pred Counterfactual embedding prediction. Z_cf_tgt Counterfactual embedding target. Returns ------- 0 consistency loss. """ return {"consistency_loss": 0}
[docs] def data_generator(X: np.ndarray, encoder_preprocessor: Callable, predictor: Callable, conditional_func: Callable, batch_size: int, shuffle: bool = True, **kwargs): """ Constructs a `tensorflow` data generator. Parameters ---------- X Array of input instances. The input should NOT be preprocessed as it will be preprocessed when calling the `preprocessor` function. encoder_preprocessor Preprocessor function. This function correspond to the preprocessing steps applied to the encoder/auto-encoder model. predictor Prediction function. The classifier function should expect the input in the original format and preprocess it internally in the `predictor` if necessary. conditional_func Conditional function generator. Given an preprocessed input array, the functions generates a conditional array. batch_size Dimension of the batch used during training. The same batch size is used to infer the classification labels of the input dataset. shuffle Whether to shuffle the dataset each epoch. ``True`` by default. **kwargs Other arguments. Not used. """ return TfCounterfactualRLDataset(X=X, preprocessor=encoder_preprocessor, predictor=predictor, conditional_func=conditional_func, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=shuffle)
[docs] def encode(X: Union[tf.Tensor, np.ndarray], encoder: keras.Model, **kwargs) -> tf.Tensor: """ Encodes the input tensor. Parameters ---------- X Input to be encoded. encoder Pretrained encoder network. **kwargs Other arguments. Not used. Returns ------- Input encoding. """ return encoder(X, training=False)
[docs] def decode(Z: Union[tf.Tensor, np.ndarray], decoder: keras.Model, **kwargs): """ Decodes an embedding tensor. Parameters ---------- Z Embedding tensor to be decoded. decoder Pretrained decoder network. **kwargs Other arguments. Not used. Returns ------- Embedding tensor decoding. """ return decoder(Z, training=False)
[docs] def generate_cf(Z: Union[np.ndarray, tf.Tensor], Y_m: Union[np.ndarray, tf.Tensor], Y_t: Union[np.ndarray, tf.Tensor], C: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, tf.Tensor]], actor: keras.Model, **kwargs) -> tf.Tensor: """ Generates counterfactual embedding. Parameters ---------- Z Input embedding tensor. Y_m Input classification label. Y_t Target counterfactual classification label. C Conditional tensor. actor Actor network. The model generates the counterfactual embedding. **kwargs Other arguments. Not used. Returns ------- Z_cf Counterfactual embedding. """ # Convert labels, targets and condition float32 Y_m = tf.cast(Y_m, dtype=tf.float32) Y_t = tf.cast(Y_t, dtype=tf.float32) C = tf.cast(C, dtype=tf.float32) if (C is not None) else C # Concatenate z_mean, y_m_ohe, y_t_ohe to create the input representation for the projection network (actor). state = [Z, Y_m, Y_t] + ([C] if (C is not None) else []) state = tf.concat(state, axis=1) # Pass the new input to the projection network (actor) to get the counterfactual embedding Z_cf = actor(state, training=False) return Z_cf
[docs] def add_noise(Z_cf: Union[tf.Tensor, np.ndarray], noise: 'NormalActionNoise', act_low: float, act_high: float, step: int, exploration_steps: int, **kwargs) -> tf.Tensor: """ Add noise to the counterfactual embedding. Parameters ---------- Z_cf Counterfactual embedding. noise Noise generator object. act_low Noise lower bound. act_high Noise upper bound. step Training step. exploration_steps Number of exploration steps. For the first `exploration_steps`, the noised counterfactual embedding is sampled uniformly at random. **kwargs Other arguments. Not used. Returns ------- Z_cf_tilde Noised counterfactual embedding. """ # Generate noise. eps = noise(Z_cf.shape) if step > exploration_steps: Z_cf_tilde = Z_cf + eps Z_cf_tilde = tf.clip_by_value(Z_cf_tilde, clip_value_min=act_low, clip_value_max=act_high) else: # for the first exploration_steps, the action is sampled from a uniform distribution between # [act_low, act_high] to encourage exploration. After that, the algorithm returns to the normal exploration. Z_cf_tilde = tf.random.uniform(Z_cf.shape, minval=act_low, maxval=act_high) return Z_cf_tilde
[docs] def initialize_optimizer(optimizer: keras.optimizers.Optimizer, model: keras.Model) -> None: """ Initializes an optimizer given a model. Parameters ---------- optimizer Optimizer to be initialized. model Model to be optimized """ # Dummy zero gradients. zero_grads = [tf.zeros_like(w) for w in model.trainable_weights] # Apply gradients which don't do nothing. optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(zero_grads, model.trainable_weights))
[docs] def initialize_optimizers(optimizer_actor, optimizer_critic, actor, critic, **kwargs) -> None: """ Initializes the actor and critic optimizers. Parameters ---------- optimizer_actor Actor optimizer to be initialized. optimizer_critic Critic optimizer to be initialized. actor Actor model to be optimized. critic Critic model to be optimized. **kwargs Other arguments. Not used. """ initialize_optimizer(optimizer=optimizer_actor, model=actor) initialize_optimizer(optimizer=optimizer_critic, model=critic)
[docs] def initialize_actor_critic(actor, critic, Z, Z_cf_tilde, Y_m, Y_t, C, **kwargs): """ Initialize actor and critic layers by passing a dummy zero tensor. Parameters ---------- actor Actor model. critic Critic model. Z Input embedding. Z_cf_tilde Noised counterfactual embedding. Y_m Input classification label. Y_t Target counterfactual classification label. C Conditional tensor. **kwargs Other arguments. Not used. """ # Define zero data. Z = tf.zeros((1, *Z.shape[1:]), dtype=tf.float32) Z_cf_tilde = tf.zeros((1, *Z_cf_tilde.shape[1:]), dtype=tf.float32) Y_m = tf.zeros((1, *Y_m.shape[1:]), dtype=tf.float32) Y_t = tf.zeros((1, *Y_t.shape[1:]), dtype=tf.float32) # Define actor input. actor_input = [Z, Y_m, Y_t] if C is not None: C = tf.zeros((1, *C.shape[1:]), dtype=tf.float32) actor_input += [C] actor_input = tf.concat(actor_input, axis=1) # Define critic input. critic_input = [actor_input, Z_cf_tilde] critic_input = tf.concat(critic_input, axis=1) # Build actor and critic. actor(actor_input) critic(critic_input)
@tf.function() def update_actor_critic(encoder: keras.Model, decoder: keras.Model, critic: keras.Model, actor: keras.Model, optimizer_critic: keras.optimizers.Optimizer, optimizer_actor: keras.optimizers.Optimizer, sparsity_loss: Callable, consistency_loss: Callable, coeff_sparsity: float, coeff_consistency: float, X: np.ndarray, X_cf: np.ndarray, Z: np.ndarray, Z_cf_tilde: np.ndarray, Y_m: np.ndarray, Y_t: np.ndarray, C: Optional[np.ndarray], R_tilde: np.ndarray, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Training step. Updates actor and critic networks including additional losses. Parameters ---------- encoder Pretrained encoder network. decoder Pretrained decoder network. critic Critic network. actor Actor network. optimizer_critic Critic's optimizer. optimizer_actor Actor's optimizer. sparsity_loss Sparsity loss function. consistency_loss Consistency loss function. coeff_sparsity Sparsity loss coefficient. coeff_consistency Consistency loss coefficient X Input array. X_cf Counterfactual array. Z Input embedding. Z_cf_tilde Noised counterfactual embedding. Y_m Input classification label. Y_t Target counterfactual classification label. C Conditional tensor. R_tilde Noised counterfactual reward. **kwargs Other arguments. Not used. Returns ------- Dictionary of losses. """ # Define dictionary of losses. losses: Dict[str, float] = dict() # Transform labels, target and condition to float32 Y_m = tf.cast(Y_m, dtype=tf.float32) Y_t = tf.cast(Y_t, dtype=tf.float32) C = tf.cast(C, dtype=tf.float32) if (C is not None) else None # Define state by concatenating the input embedding, the classification label, the target label, and optionally # the conditional vector if exists. state = [Z, Y_m, Y_t] + ([C] if C is not None else []) state = tf.concat(state, axis=1) # Define input for critic and compute q-values. with tf.GradientTape() as tape_critic: input_critic = tf.concat([state, Z_cf_tilde], axis=1) output_critic = tf.squeeze(critic(input_critic, training=True), axis=1) loss_critic = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(output_critic - R_tilde)) # Append critic's loss. losses.update({"critic_loss": loss_critic}) # Update critic by gradient step. grads_critic = tape_critic.gradient(loss_critic, critic.trainable_weights) optimizer_critic.apply_gradients(zip(grads_critic, critic.trainable_weights)) with tf.GradientTape() as tape_actor: # Compute counterfactual embedding. Z_cf = actor(state, training=True) # Compute critic's output. input_critic = tf.concat([state, Z_cf], axis=1) output_critic = critic(input_critic, training=False) # Compute actors' loss. loss_actor = -tf.reduce_mean(output_critic) losses.update({"actor_loss": loss_actor}) # Decode the counterfactual embedding. X_hat_cf = decoder(Z_cf, training=False) # Compute sparsity losses and append sparsity loss. loss_sparsity = sparsity_loss(X_hat_cf, X) losses.update(loss_sparsity) # Add sparsity loss to the overall actor loss. for key in loss_sparsity.keys(): loss_actor += coeff_sparsity * loss_sparsity[key] # Compute consistency loss and append consistency loss. Z_cf_tgt = encoder(X_cf, training=False) loss_consistency = consistency_loss(Z_cf_pred=Z_cf, Z_cf_tgt=Z_cf_tgt) losses.update(loss_consistency) # Add consistency loss to the overall actor loss. for key in loss_consistency.keys(): loss_actor += coeff_consistency * loss_consistency[key] # Update by gradient descent. grads_actor = tape_actor.gradient(loss_actor, actor.trainable_weights) optimizer_actor.apply_gradients(zip(grads_actor, actor.trainable_weights)) # Return dictionary of losses for potential logging. return losses
[docs] def to_numpy(X: Optional[Union[List, np.ndarray, tf.Tensor]]) -> Optional[Union[List, np.ndarray]]: """ Converts given tensor to `numpy` array. Parameters ---------- X Input tensor to be converted to `numpy` array. Returns ------- `Numpy` representation of the input tensor. """ if X is not None: if isinstance(X, np.ndarray): return X if isinstance(X, tf.Tensor): return X.numpy() if isinstance(X, list): return [to_numpy(e) for e in X] return np.array(X) return None
[docs] def to_tensor(X: Union[np.ndarray, tf.Tensor], **kwargs) -> Optional[tf.Tensor]: """ Converts tensor to `tf.Tensor`. Parameters ---------- X Input array/tensor to be converted. **kwargs Other arguments. Not used. Returns ------- `tf.Tensor` conversion. """ if X is not None: if isinstance(X, tf.Tensor): return X return tf.constant(X) return None
[docs] def save_model(path: Union[str, os.PathLike], model: keras.layers.Layer) -> None: """ Saves a model and its optimizer. Parameters ---------- path Path to the saving location. model Model to be saved. """, save_format="tf")
[docs] def load_model(path: Union[str, os.PathLike]) -> keras.Model: """ Loads a model and its optimizer. Parameters ---------- path Path to the loading location. Returns ------- Loaded model. """ return keras.models.load_model(path, compile=False)
[docs] def set_seed(seed: int = 13): """ Sets a seed to ensure reproducibility. Does NOT ensure reproducibility. Parameters ---------- seed seed to be set """ # others os.environ['PYTHONHASHSEED'] = str(seed) random.seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) # tf random tf.random.set_seed(seed)