Source code for alibi.explainers.shap_wrappers

import copy
import logging
from functools import partial
from typing import (TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional,
                    Sequence, Tuple, Union)

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import shap
import shap.utils._legacy as shap_utils
from scipy import sparse
from scipy.special import expit
from shap import KernelExplainer

from alibi.api.defaults import (DEFAULT_DATA_KERNEL_SHAP,
from alibi.api.interfaces import Explainer, Explanation, FitMixin
from alibi.utils.wrappers import methdispatch

    from alibi.utils.distributed import DistributedExplainer
    import catboost  # noqa F401
    from alibi.utils import DistributedExplainer

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs] def rank_by_importance(shap_values: List[np.ndarray], feature_names: Union[List[str], Tuple[str], None] = None) -> Dict: """ Given the shap values estimated for a multi-output model, this function ranks features according to their importance. The feature importance is the average absolute value for a given feature. Parameters ---------- shap_values Each element corresponds to a `samples x features` array of shap values corresponding to each model output. feature_names Each element is the name of the column with the corresponding index in each of the arrays in the `shap_values` list. Returns ------- importances A dictionary of the form:: { '0': {'ranked_effect': array([0.2, 0.5, ...]), 'names': ['feat_3', 'feat_5', ...]}, '1': {'ranked_effect': array([0.3, 0.2, ...]), 'names': ['feat_6', 'feat_1', ...]}, ... 'aggregated': {'ranked_effect': array([0.9, 0.7, ...]), 'names': ['feat_3', 'feat_6', ...]} } The keys of the first level represent the index of the model output. The feature effects in `ranked_effect` and the corresponding feature names in `names` are sorted from highest (most important) to lowest (least important). The values in the `aggregated` field are obtained by summing the shap values for all the model outputs and then computing the effects. Given an output, the effects are defined as the average magnitude of the shap values across the instances to be explained. """ if len(shap_values[0].shape) == 1: shap_values = [np.atleast_2d(arr) for arr in shap_values] if not feature_names: feature_names = ['feature_{}'.format(i) for i in range(shap_values[0].shape[1])] else: if len(feature_names) != shap_values[0].shape[1]: msg = "The feature names provided do not match the number of shap values estimated. " \ "Received {} feature names but estimated {} shap values!" logger.warning(msg.format(len(feature_names), shap_values[0].shape[1])) feature_names = ['feature_{}'.format(i) for i in range(shap_values[0].shape[1])] importances: Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[np.ndarray, List[str]]]] = {} avg_mag: List = [] # rank the features by average shap value for each class in turn for class_idx in range(len(shap_values)): avg_mag_shap = np.abs(shap_values[class_idx]).mean(axis=0) avg_mag.append(avg_mag_shap) feature_order = np.argsort(avg_mag_shap)[::-1] most_important = avg_mag_shap[feature_order] most_important_names = [feature_names[i] for i in feature_order] importances[str(class_idx)] = { 'ranked_effect': most_important, 'names': most_important_names, } # rank feature by average shap value for aggregated classes combined_shap = np.sum(avg_mag, axis=0) feature_order = np.argsort(combined_shap)[::-1] most_important_c = combined_shap[feature_order] most_important_c_names = [feature_names[i] for i in feature_order] importances['aggregated'] = { 'ranked_effect': most_important_c, 'names': most_important_c_names } return importances
[docs] def sum_categories(values: np.ndarray, start_idx: Sequence[int], enc_feat_dim: Sequence[int]): """ This function is used to reduce specified slices in a two- or three- dimensional array. For two-dimensional `values` arrays, for each entry in `start_idx`, the function sums the following `k` columns where `k` is the corresponding entry in the `enc_feat_dim` sequence. The columns whose indices are not in `start_idx` are left unchanged. This arises when the slices contain the shap values for each dimension of an encoded categorical variable and a single shap value for each variable is desired. For three-dimensional `values` arrays, the reduction is applied for each rank 2 subarray, first along the column dimension and then across the row dimension. This arises when summarising shap interaction values. Each rank 2 array is a `E x E` matrix of shap interaction values, where `E` is the dimension of the data after one-hot encoding. The result of applying the reduction yields a rank 2 array of dimension `F x F`, where `F` is the number of features (i.e., the feature dimension of the data matrix before encoding). By applying this transformation, a single value describing the interaction of categorical features i and j and a single value describing the interaction of `j` and `i` is returned. Parameters ---------- values A two or three dimensional array to be reduced, as described above. start_idx The start indices of the columns to be summed. enc_feat_dim The number of columns to be summed, one for each start index. Returns ------- new_values An array whose columns have been summed according to the entries in `start_idx` and `enc_feat_dim`. """ if start_idx is None or enc_feat_dim is None: raise ValueError("Both the start indices or the encoding dimension need to be specified!") if not len(enc_feat_dim) == len(start_idx): raise ValueError("The lengths of the sequences of start indices and encodings must be equal!") n_encoded_levels = sum(enc_feat_dim) if n_encoded_levels > values.shape[-1]: raise ValueError("The sum of the encoded features dimensions exceeds data dimension!") if len(values.shape) not in (2, 3): raise ValueError( f"Shap value summarisation can only be applied to arrays of shap values (dim=2) or shap " f"interaction values (dim=3). The array to be summarised had dimension {values.shape}!" ) def _get_slices(start: Sequence[int], dim: Sequence[int], arr_trailing_dim: int) -> List[int]: """ Given start indices, encoding dimensions and the array trailing shape, this function returns an array where contiguous numbers are slices. This array is used to reduce along an axis only the slices `slice(start[i], start[i] + dim[i], 1)` from an array and leave all other slices unchanged. """ slices: List[int] = [] # first columns may not be reduced if start[0] > 0: slices.extend(tuple(range(start[0]))) # add all slices to reduce slices.extend([start[0], start[0] + dim[0]]) for s_idx, d in zip(start[1:], dim[1:]): last_idx = slices[-1] # some columns might not be reduced if last_idx < s_idx - 1: slices.extend(tuple(range(last_idx + 1, s_idx))) last_idx += (s_idx - last_idx - 2) # handle contiguous slices if s_idx == last_idx: slices.append(s_idx + d) else: slices.extend((s_idx, s_idx + d)) # avoid index error if start[-1] + dim[-1] == arr_trailing_dim: slices.pop() return slices # last few columns may not be reduced last_idx = slices[-1] if last_idx < arr_trailing_dim: slices.extend(tuple(range(last_idx + 1, arr_trailing_dim))) return slices def _reduction(arr, axis, indices=None): return np.add.reduceat(arr, indices, axis) # create array of slices to be reduced slices = _get_slices(start_idx, enc_feat_dim, values.shape[-1]) if len(values.shape) == 3: reduction = partial(_reduction, indices=slices) return np.apply_over_axes(reduction, values, axes=(2, 1)) return np.add.reduceat(values, slices, axis=1)
DISTRIBUTED_OPTS: Dict = { 'n_cpus': None, 'batch_size': 1, } """ Default distributed options for KernelShap: - ``'ncpus'`` : ``int`` - number of available CPUs available to parallelize explanations. Performance \ is significantly boosted when the number specified represents physical CPUs, but small (nonlinear) gains are \ observed when virtual CPUs are specified. If set to ``None``, the code will run sequentially. - ``'batch_size'``: ``int``, how many instances are explained in the same remote process at once. The `shap` library \ of KernelShap is not vectorised, so no significant gains are made by specifying batches. See blog `post`_ for batch \ size experiments results. If set to `None`, an input array is split in (roughly) equal parts and distributed across \ the available CPUs. .. _post: """ # noqa
[docs] class KernelExplainerWrapper(KernelExplainer): """ A wrapper around `shap.KernelExplainer` that supports: - fixing the seed when instantiating the KernelExplainer in a separate process. - passing a batch index to the explainer so that a parallel explainer pool can return batches in \ arbitrary order. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ----------- *args, **kwargs Arguments and keyword arguments for `shap.KernelExplainer` constructor. """ if 'seed' in kwargs: seed = kwargs.pop('seed') np.random.seed(seed) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_explanation(self, X: Union[Tuple[int, np.ndarray], np.ndarray], **kwargs) -> \ Union[Tuple[int, np.ndarray], Tuple[int, List[np.ndarray]], np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]]: """ Wrapper around `shap.KernelExplainer.shap_values` that allows calling the method with a tuple containing a batch index and a batch of instances. Parameters ---------- X When called from a distributed context, it is a tuple containing a batch index and a batch to be explained. Otherwise, it is an array of instances to be explained. **kwargs `shap.KernelExplainer.shap_values` kwarg values. """ # handle call from distributed context if isinstance(X, tuple): batch_idx, batch = X shap_values = super().shap_values(batch, **kwargs) return batch_idx, shap_values else: shap_values = super().shap_values(X, **kwargs) return shap_values
[docs] def return_attribute(self, name: str) -> Any: """ Returns an attribute specified by its name. Used in a distributed context where the actor properties cannot be accessed using the dot syntax. """ return self.__getattribute__(name)
[docs] class KernelShap(Explainer, FitMixin): # object that implements the explanation algorithm (set in fit) _explainer: Union[KernelExplainerWrapper, 'DistributedExplainer']
[docs] def __init__(self, predictor: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray], link: str = 'identity', feature_names: Optional[Union[List[str], Tuple[str]]] = None, categorical_names: Optional[Dict[int, List[str]]] = None, task: str = 'classification', seed: Optional[int] = None, distributed_opts: Optional[Dict] = None ): """ A wrapper around the `shap.KernelExplainer` class. It extends the current `shap` library functionality by allowing the user to specify variable groups in order to treat one-hot encoded categorical as one during sampling. The user can also specify whether to aggregate the `shap` values estimate for the encoded levels of categorical variables as an optional argument to `explain`, if grouping arguments are not passed to `fit`. Parameters ---------- predictor A callable that takes as an input a `samples x features` array and outputs a `samples x n_outputs` model outputs. The `n_outputs` should represent model output in margin space. If the model outputs probabilities, then the link should be set to ``'logit'`` to ensure correct force plots. link Valid values are ``'identity'`` or ``'logit'``. A generalized linear model link to connect the feature importance values to the model output. Since the feature importance values, :math:`\phi`, sum up to the model output, it often makes sense to connect them to the ouput with a link function where :math:`link(output - expected\_value) = sum(\phi)`. Therefore, for a model which outputs probabilities, ``link='logit'`` makes the feature effects have log-odds (evidence) units and ``link='identity'`` means that the feature effects have probability units. Please see this `example`_ for an in-depth discussion about the semantics of explaining the model in the probability or margin space. .. _example: feature_names Used to infer group names when categorical data is treated by grouping and `group_names` input to `fit` is not specified, assuming it has the same length as the `groups` argument of `fit` method. It is also used to compute the `names` field, which appears as a key in each of the values of `['raw']['importances']`. categorical_names Keys are feature column indices in the `background_data` matrix (see `fit`). Each value contains strings with the names of the categories for the feature. Used to select the method for background data summarisation (if specified, subsampling is performed as opposed to k-means clustering). In the future it may be used for visualisation. task Can have values ``'classification'`` and ``'regression'``. It is only used to set the contents of `['raw']['prediction']` seed Fixes the random number stream, which influences which subsets are sampled during shap value estimation. distributed_opts A dictionary that controls the algorithm distributed execution. See :py:data:`alibi.explainers.shap_wrappers.DISTRIBUTED_OPTS` documentation for details. """ # noqa W605 super().__init__(meta=copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_META_KERNEL_SHAP)) = link self.predictor = predictor self.feature_names = feature_names if feature_names else [] self.categorical_names = categorical_names if categorical_names else {} self.task = task self.seed = seed self._update_metadata({"task": self.task}) self._update_metadata({"link":}, params=True) # if the user specifies groups but no names, the groups are automatically named self.use_groups = False # changes if feature groups indices are passed but not names self.create_group_names = False # if sum of groups entries matches first dimension as opposed to second, warn user self.transposed = False # if weights are not correctly specified, they are ignored self.ignore_weights = False # sums up shap values for each level of categorical var self.summarise_result = False # selects a subset of the background data to avoid excessively slow runtimes self.summarise_background = False self._fitted = False self.distributed_opts = copy.deepcopy(DISTRIBUTED_OPTS) if distributed_opts: self.distributed_opts.update(distributed_opts) self.distributed_opts['algorithm'] = 'kernel_shap' self.distribute = True if self.distributed_opts['n_cpus'] else False
def _check_inputs(self, background_data: Union[shap_utils.Data, pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray, sparse.spmatrix], group_names: Union[Tuple, List, None], groups: Optional[List[Union[Tuple[int], List[int]]]], weights: Union[Union[List[float], Tuple[float]], np.ndarray, None]) -> None: """ If user specifies parameter grouping, then we check input is correct or inform them if the settings they put might not behave as expected. """ if isinstance(background_data, shap_utils.Data): # don't provide checks for situations where the user passes # the data object directly if not self.summarise_background: self.use_groups = False return # if summarisation took place, we do the checks to ensure everything is correct else: background_data = if isinstance(background_data, np.ndarray) and background_data.ndim == 1: background_data = np.atleast_2d(background_data) if background_data.shape[0] > KERNEL_SHAP_BACKGROUND_THRESHOLD: msg = "Large datasets can cause slow runtimes for shap. The background dataset " \ "provided has {} records. Consider passing a subset or allowing the algorithm " \ "to automatically summarize the data by setting the summarise_background=True or" \ "setting summarise_background to 'auto' which will default to {} samples!" logger.warning(msg.format(background_data.shape[0], KERNEL_SHAP_BACKGROUND_THRESHOLD)) if group_names and not groups: "Specified group_names but no corresponding sequence 'groups' with indices " "for each group was specified. All groups will have len=1." ) if not len(group_names) in background_data.shape: msg = "Specified {} group names but data dimension is {}. When grouping " \ "indices are not specifies the number of group names should equal " \ "one of the data dimensions! Igoring grouping inputs!" logger.warning(msg.format(len(group_names), background_data.shape)) self.use_groups = False if groups and not group_names: logger.warning( "No group names specified but groups specified! Automatically " "assigning 'group_' name for every index group specified!") if self.feature_names: n_groups = len(groups) n_features = len(self.feature_names) if n_features != n_groups: msg = "Number of feature names specified did not match the number of groups." \ "Specified {} groups and {} features names. Creating default names for " \ "specified groups" logger.warning(msg.format(n_groups, n_features)) self.create_group_names = True else: group_names = self.feature_names else: self.create_group_names = True if groups: if not (isinstance(groups[0], tuple) or isinstance(groups[0], list)): msg = "groups should be specified as List[Union[Tuple[int], List[int]]] where each " \ "sublist represents a group and int represent group instance. Specified group " \ "elements have type {}. Ignoring grouping inputs!" logger.warning(msg.format(type(groups[0]))) self.use_groups = False expected_dim = sum(len(g) for g in groups) if background_data.ndim == 1: actual_dim = background_data.shape[0] else: actual_dim = background_data.shape[1] if expected_dim != actual_dim: if background_data.shape[0] == expected_dim: logger.warning( "The sum of the group indices list did not match the " "data dimension along axis=1 but matched dimension " "along axis=0. Consider transposing the data!" ) self.transposed = True else: msg = "The sum of the group sizes specified did not match the number of features. " \ "Sum of group sizes: {}. Number of features: {}. Ignoring grouping inputs!" logger.warning(msg.format(expected_dim, actual_dim)) self.use_groups = False if group_names: n_groups = len(groups) n_group_names = len(group_names) if n_group_names != n_groups: msg = "The number of group names specified does not match the number of groups. " \ "Received {} groups and {} names! Ignoring grouping inputs!" logger.warning(msg.format(n_groups, n_group_names)) self.use_groups = False if weights is not None: if background_data.ndim == 1 or background_data.shape[0] == 1: logger.warning( "Specified weights but the background data has only one record. " "Weights will be ignored!" ) self.ignore_weights = True else: data_dim = background_data.shape[0] feat_dim = background_data.shape[1] weights_dim = len(weights) if data_dim != weights_dim: if not (feat_dim == weights_dim and self.transposed): msg = "The number of weights specified did not match data dimension. " \ "Number of weights: {}. Number of datapoints: {}. Weights will " \ "be ignored!" logger.warning(msg.format(weights_dim, data_dim)) self.ignore_weights = True # NB: we have already summarised the data at this point if self.summarise_background: weights_dim = len(weights) if background_data.ndim == 1: n_background_samples = 1 else: if not self.transposed: n_background_samples = background_data.shape[0] else: n_background_samples = background_data.shape[1] if weights_dim != n_background_samples: msg = "The number of weights vector provided ({}) did not match the number of " \ "summary data points ({}). The weights provided will be ignored!" logger.warning(msg.format(weights_dim, n_background_samples)) self.ignore_weights = True def _summarise_background(self, background_data: Union[shap_utils.Data, pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray, sparse.spmatrix], n_background_samples: int) -> \ Union[shap_utils.Data, pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray, sparse.spmatrix]: """ Summarises the background data to `n_background_samples` in order to reduce the computational cost. If the background data is a `shap_utils.Data object`, no summarisation is performed. Returns ------- If the user has specified grouping, then the input object is subsampled and an object of the same \ type is returned. Otherwise, a `shap_utils.Data` object containing the result of a k-means algorithm \ is wrapped in a `shap_utils.DenseData` object and returned. The samples are weighted according to the \ frequency of the occurrence of the clusters in the original data. """ if isinstance(background_data, shap_utils.Data): msg = "Received option to summarise the data but the background_data object " \ "was an instance of shap_utils.Data. No summarisation will take place!" logger.warning(msg) return background_data if background_data.ndim == 1: msg = "Received option to summarise the data but the background_data object only had " \ "one record with {} features. No summarisation will take place!" logger.warning(msg.format(len(background_data))) return background_data self.summarise_background = True # if the input is sparse, we assume there are categorical variables and use random sampling, not kmeans if self.use_groups or self.categorical_names or isinstance(background_data, sparse.spmatrix): return shap.sample(background_data, nsamples=n_background_samples) else: "When summarising with kmeans, the samples are weighted in proportion to their " "cluster occurrence frequency. Please specify a different weighting of the samples " "through the by passing a weights of len=n_background_samples to the constructor!" ) return shap.kmeans(background_data, n_background_samples) @methdispatch def _get_data(self, background_data: Union[shap_utils.Data, pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray, sparse.spmatrix], group_names: Sequence, groups: List[Sequence[int]], weights: Sequence[Union[float, int]], **kwargs): """ Groups the data if grouping options are specified, returning a shap_utils.Data object in this case. Otherwise, the original data is returned and handled internally by the shap library. """ raise TypeError("Type {} is not supported for background data!".format(type(background_data))) @_get_data.register(shap_utils.Data) def _(self, background_data, *args, **kwargs) -> shap_utils.Data: """ Initialises background data if the user passes a `shap_utils.Data` object as input. Notes _____ If ``self.summarise_background=True``, then a `shap_utils.Data` object is returned if the user passed a `shap_utils.Data` object to `fit` or didn't specify groups. """ group_names, groups, weights = args if weights is not None and self.summarise_background: if not self.ignore_weights: background_data.weights = weights if self.use_groups: background_data.groups = groups background_data.group_names = group_names background_data.group_size = len(groups) return background_data @_get_data.register(np.ndarray) def _(self, background_data, *args, **kwargs) -> Union[np.ndarray, shap_utils.Data]: """ Initialises background data if the user passes an `np.ndarray` object as input. If the user specifies feature grouping then a `shap_utils.DenseData` object is returned. Weights are handled separately to avoid triggering assertion correct inside `shap` library. Otherwise, the original data is returned and is handled by the `shap` library internally. """ group_names, groups, weights = args new_args = (group_names, groups, weights) if weights is not None else (group_names, groups) if self.use_groups: return shap_utils.DenseData(background_data, *new_args) else: return background_data @_get_data.register(sparse.spmatrix) def _(self, background_data, *args, **kwargs) -> Union[shap_utils.Data, sparse.spmatrix]: """ Initialises background data if the user passes a sparse matrix as input. If the user specifies feature grouping, then the sparse array is converted to a dense array. Otherwise, the original array is returned and handled internally by `shap` library. """ group_names, groups, weights = args new_args = (group_names, groups, weights) if weights is not None else (group_names, groups) if self.use_groups: logger.warning( "Grouping is not currently compatible with sparse matrix inputs. " "Converting background data sparse array to dense matrix." ) background_data = background_data.toarray() return shap_utils.DenseData( background_data, *new_args, ) return background_data @_get_data.register(pd.core.frame.DataFrame) def _(self, background_data, *args, **kwargs) -> Union[shap_utils.Data, pd.core.frame.DataFrame]: """ Initialises background data if the user passes a `pandas.core.frame.DataFrame` as input. If the user has specified groups and given a data frame, it initialises a `shap_utils.DenseData` object explicitly as this is not handled by `shap` library internally. Otherwise, data initialisation, is left to the `shap` library. """ _, groups, weights = args new_args = (groups, weights) if weights is not None else (groups,) if self.use_groups:"Group names are specified by column headers, group_names will be ignored!") keep_index = kwargs.get("keep_index", False) if keep_index: return shap_utils.DenseDataWithIndex( background_data.values, list(background_data.columns), background_data.index.values,, *new_args, ) else: return shap_utils.DenseData( background_data.values, list(background_data.columns), *new_args, ) else: return background_data @_get_data.register(pd.core.frame.Series) def _(self, background_data, *args, **kwargs) -> Union[shap_utils.Data, pd.core.frame.Series]: """ Initialises background data if the user passes a `pandas.Series` object as input. Original object is returned as this is initialised internally by `shap` is there is no group structure specified. Otherwise, a `shap_utils.DenseData` object is initialised. """ _, groups, _ = args if self.use_groups: return shap_utils.DenseData( background_data.values.reshape(1, len(background_data)), list(background_data.index), groups, ) return background_data
[docs] def fit(self, # type: ignore background_data: Union[np.ndarray, sparse.spmatrix, pd.DataFrame, shap_utils.Data], summarise_background: Union[bool, str] = False, n_background_samples: int = KERNEL_SHAP_BACKGROUND_THRESHOLD, group_names: Union[Tuple[str], List[str], None] = None, groups: Optional[List[Union[Tuple[int], List[int]]]] = None, weights: Union[Union[List[float], Tuple[float]], np.ndarray, None] = None, **kwargs) -> "KernelShap": """ This takes a background dataset (usually a subsample of the training set) as an input along with several user specified options and initialises a `KernelShap` explainer. The runtime of the algorithm depends on the number of samples in this dataset and on the number of features in the dataset. To reduce the size of the dataset, the `summarise_background` option and `n_background_samples` should be used. To reduce the feature dimensionality, encoded categorical variables can be treated as one during the feature perturbation process; this decreases the effective feature dimensionality, can reduce the variance of the shap values estimation and reduces slightly the number of calls to the predictor. Further runtime savings can be achieved by changing the `nsamples` parameter in the call to explain. Runtime reduction comes with an accuracy trade-off, so it is better to experiment with a runtime reduction method and understand results stability before using the system. Parameters ----------- background_data Data used to estimate feature contributions and baseline values for force plots. The rows of the background data should represent samples and the columns features. summarise_background A large background dataset impacts the runtime and memory footprint of the algorithm. By setting this argument to ``True``, only `n_background_samples` from the provided data are selected. If group_names or groups arguments are specified, the algorithm assumes that the data contains categorical variables so the records are selected uniformly at random. Otherwise, `shap.kmeans` (a wrapper around `sklearn` k-means implementation) is used for selection. If set to ``'auto'``, a default of `KERNEL_SHAP_BACKGROUND_THRESHOLD` samples is selected. n_background_samples The number of samples to keep in the background dataset if ``summarise_background=True``. groups: A list containing sub-lists specifying the indices of features belonging to the same group. group_names: If specified, this array is used to treat groups of features as one during feature perturbation. This feature can be useful, for example, to treat encoded categorical variables as one and can result in computational savings (this may require adjusting the `nsamples` parameter). weights: A sequence or array of weights. This is used only if grouping is specified and assigns a weight to each point in the dataset. **kwargs: Expected keyword arguments include `keep_index` (bool) and should be used if a data frame containing an index column is passed to the algorithm. """ np.random.seed(self.seed) self._fitted = True # user has specified variable groups use_groups = groups is not None or group_names is not None self.use_groups = use_groups if summarise_background: if isinstance(summarise_background, str): if not isinstance(background_data, shap_utils.Data): n_samples = background_data.shape[0] else: n_samples =[0] n_background_samples = min(n_samples, KERNEL_SHAP_BACKGROUND_THRESHOLD) background_data = self._summarise_background(background_data, n_background_samples) # check user inputs to provide warnings if input is incorrect self._check_inputs(background_data, group_names, groups, weights) if self.create_group_names and groups: group_names = ['group_{}'.format(i) for i in range(len(groups))] # disable grouping or data weights if inputs are not correct if self.ignore_weights: weights = None if not self.use_groups: group_names, groups = None, None else: self.feature_names = group_names # type: ignore[assignment] # perform grouping if requested by the user self.background_data = self._get_data(background_data, group_names, groups, weights, **kwargs) self._explainer = self._init_shap_object() self.expected_value = self._explainer.expected_value if not self._explainer.vector_out: logger.warning( "Predictor returned a scalar value. Ensure the output represents a probability or decision score as " "opposed to a classification label!" ) # update metadata params = { 'groups': groups, 'group_names': group_names, 'weights': weights, 'kwargs': kwargs, 'summarise_background': self.summarise_background, 'grouped': self.use_groups, 'transpose': self.transposed, } self._update_metadata(params, params=True) return self
def _init_shap_object(self) -> Union[KernelExplainerWrapper, 'DistributedExplainer']: """ Initialize explainer as a `KernelExplainerWrapper` or as a `DistributedExplainer`. """ explainer_args = (self.predictor, self.background_data) explainer_kwargs: Dict[str, Union[str, int, None]] = {'link':} # distribute computation if self.distribute: # set seed for each process explainer_kwargs['seed'] = self.seed return DistributedExplainer( self.distributed_opts, KernelExplainerWrapper, explainer_args, explainer_kwargs, ) return KernelExplainerWrapper(*explainer_args, **explainer_kwargs)
[docs] def explain(self, X: Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, sparse.spmatrix], summarise_result: bool = False, cat_vars_start_idx: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, cat_vars_enc_dim: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, **kwargs) -> Explanation: """ Explains the instances in the array `X`. Parameters ---------- X Instances to be explained. summarise_result Specifies whether the shap values corresponding to dimensions of encoded categorical variables should be summed so that a single shap value is returned for each categorical variable. Both the start indices of the categorical variables (`cat_vars_start_idx`) and the encoding dimensions (`cat_vars_enc_dim`) have to be specified cat_vars_start_idx The start indices of the categorical variables. If specified, `cat_vars_enc_dim` should also be specified. cat_vars_enc_dim The length of the encoding dimension for each categorical variable. If specified `cat_vars_start_idx` should also be specified. **kwargs Keyword arguments specifying explain behaviour. Valid arguments are: - `nsamples` - controls the number of predictor calls and therefore runtime. - `l1_reg` - the algorithm is exponential in the feature dimension. If set to `auto` the algorithm will \ first run a feature selection algorithm to select the top features, provided the fraction of sampled \ sets of missing features is less than 0.2 from the number of total subsets. The Akaike Information \ Criterion is used in this case. See our examples for more details about available settings for this \ parameter. Note that by first running a feature selection step, the shapley values of the remainder of \ the features will be different to those estimated from the entire set. For more details, please see the shap library `documentation`_ . .. _documentation: Returns ------- explanation An explanation object containing the shap values and prediction in the `data` field, along with a `meta` field containing additional data. See usage at `KernelSHAP examples`_ for details. .. _KernelSHAP examples: """ # noqa W605 if not self._fitted: raise TypeError( "Called explain on an unfitted object! Please fit the explainer using the .fit method first!" ) if self.distribute: if isinstance(X, sparse.spmatrix) or isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame): raise TypeError( "Incorrect type for `X` due to distributed context. Cast `X` to np.ndarray." ) # convert data to dense format if sparse if self.use_groups and isinstance(X, sparse.spmatrix): X = X.toarray() shap_values = self._explainer.get_explanation(X, **kwargs) self.expected_value = self._explainer.expected_value expected_value = self.expected_value # for scalar model outputs a single numpy array is returned if isinstance(shap_values, np.ndarray): shap_values = [shap_values] if isinstance(expected_value, float): expected_value = [expected_value] # TODO: @janis: the type is ignored because the distributed explainer can also return a generator or something # else than a list of objects (because it's a generic class). An API update is necessary in order to seamlessly # deal with this. Ignoring with the assumption that this feature is WIP and will not be used for now # (aka, return_generator=True is not passed to the DistributedExplainer) explanation = self._build_explanation( X, shap_values, # type: ignore expected_value, summarise_result=summarise_result, cat_vars_start_idx=cat_vars_start_idx, cat_vars_enc_dim=cat_vars_enc_dim, ) return explanation
def _build_explanation(self, X: Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, sparse.spmatrix], shap_values: List[np.ndarray], expected_value: List[float], **kwargs) -> Explanation: """ Create an explanation object. If output summarisation is required and all inputs necessary for this operation are passed, the raw shap values are summed first so that a single shap value is returned for each categorical variable, as opposed to a shap value per dimension of categorical variable encoding. Parameters ---------- X Instances to be explained. shap_values Each entry is a `n_instances x n_features array`, and the length of the list equals the dimensionality of the predictor output. The rows of each array correspond to the shap values for the instances with the corresponding row index in `X`. The length of the list equals the number of model outputs. expected_value A list containing the expected value of the prediction for each class. Its length should be equal to that of `shap_values`. Returns ------- explanation An explanation object containing the shap values and prediction in the `data` field, along with a `meta` field containing additional data. See usage at `KernelSHAP examples`_ for details. .. _KernelSHAP examples: """ # TODO: DEFINE COMPLETE SCHEMA FOR THE METADATA (ONGOING) # TODO: Plotting default should be same space as the explanation? How do we figure out what space they # explain in? cat_vars_start_idx: Sequence[int] = kwargs.get('cat_vars_start_idx', ()) cat_vars_enc_dim: Sequence[int] = kwargs.get('cat_vars_enc_dim', ()) summarise_result: bool = kwargs.get('summarise_result', False) if summarise_result: self._check_result_summarisation(summarise_result, cat_vars_start_idx, cat_vars_enc_dim) if self.summarise_result: summarised_shap = [] for shap_array in shap_values: summarised_shap.append(sum_categories(shap_array, cat_vars_start_idx, cat_vars_enc_dim)) shap_values = summarised_shap raw_predictions = self._explainer.linkfv(self.predictor(X)) if self.task != 'regression': argmax_pred = np.argmax(np.atleast_2d(raw_predictions), axis=1) else: argmax_pred = [] importances = rank_by_importance(shap_values, feature_names=self.feature_names) if isinstance(X, sparse.spmatrix): X = X.toarray() else: X = np.array(X) # output explanation dictionary data = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_DATA_KERNEL_SHAP) data.update( shap_values=shap_values, expected_value=np.array(expected_value), categorical_names=self.categorical_names, feature_names=self.feature_names ) data['raw'].update( raw_prediction=raw_predictions, prediction=argmax_pred, instances=X, importances=importances ) self._update_metadata({"summarise_result": self.summarise_result}, params=True) return Explanation(meta=copy.deepcopy(self.meta), data=data) def _check_result_summarisation(self, summarise_result: bool, cat_vars_start_idx: Sequence[int], cat_vars_enc_dim: Sequence[int]) -> None: """ This function checks whether the result summarisation option is correct given the inputs and explainer setup. Parameters ---------- summarise_result, cat_vars_start_idx, cat_vars_enc_dim See :py:meth:`alibi.exapliners.KernelShap.shap_wrapper.explain` documentation. """ self.summarise_result = summarise_result if summarise_result: if not cat_vars_start_idx or not cat_vars_enc_dim: logger.warning( "Results cannot be summarised as either the" "start indices for categorical variables or" "the encoding dimensions were not passed!" ) self.summarise_result = False elif self.use_groups: logger.warning( "Specified both groups as well as summarisation for categorical variables. " "By grouping, only one shap value is estimated for each categorical variable. " "Summarisation is not necessary!" ) self.summarise_result = False
[docs] def reset_predictor(self, predictor: Callable) -> None: """ Resets the prediction function. Parameters ---------- predictor New prediction function. """ self.predictor = predictor self._explainer = self._init_shap_object()
# TODO: Look into pyspark support requirements if requested # TODO: catboost.Pool not supported for fit stage (due to summarisation) but can do if there is a user need TREE_SHAP_BACKGROUND_SUPPORTED_SIZE = 100 TREE_SHAP_BACKGROUND_WARNING_THRESHOLD = 1000 TREE_SHAP_MODEL_OUTPUT = ['raw', 'probability', 'probability_doubled', 'log_loss']
[docs] class TreeShap(Explainer, FitMixin):
[docs] def __init__(self, predictor: Any, model_output: str = 'raw', feature_names: Optional[Union[List[str], Tuple[str]]] = None, categorical_names: Optional[Dict[int, List[str]]] = None, task: str = 'classification', seed: Optional[int] = None): """ A wrapper around the `shap.TreeExplainer` class. It adds the following functionality: 1. Input summarisation options to allow control over background dataset size and hence runtime 2. Output summarisation for sklearn models with one-hot encoded categorical variables. Users are strongly encouraged to familiarise themselves with the algorithm by reading the method overview in the documentation. Parameters ---------- predictor A fitted model to be explained. `XGBoost`, `LightGBM`, `CatBoost` and most tree-based `scikit-learn` models are supported. In the future, `Pyspark` could also be supported. Please open an issue if this is a use case for you. model_output Supported values are: ``'raw'``, ``'probability'``, ``'probability_doubled'``, ``'log_loss'``: - ``'raw'`` - the raw model of the output, which varies by task, is explained. This option \ should always be used if the `fit` is called without arguments. It should also be set to compute \ shap interaction values. For regression models it is the standard output, for binary classification \ in `XGBoost` it is the log odds ratio. \ - ``'probability'`` - the probability output is explained. This option should only be used if `fit` \ was called with the `background_data` argument set. The effect of specifying this parameter is that \ the `shap` library will use this information to transform the shap values computed in margin space \ (aka using the raw output) to shap values that sum to the probability output by the model plus the \ model expected output probability. This requires knowledge of the type of output for `predictor` \ which is inferred by the `shap` library from the model type (e.g., most sklearn models with exception \ of `sklearn.tree.DecisionTreeClassifier`, `sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier`, \ `sklearn.ensemble.ExtraTreesClassifier` output logits) or on the basis of the mapping implemented in \ the `shap.TreeEnsemble` constructor. Only trees that output log odds and probabilities are supported \ currently. - ``'probability_doubled'`` - used for binary classification problem in situations where the model \ outputs the logits/probabilities for the positive class but shap values for both outcomes are desired. \ This option should be used only if `fit` was called with the `background_data` argument set. In \ this case the expected value for the negative class is 1 - expected_value for positive class and \ the shap values for the negative class are the negative values of the positive class shap values. \ As before, the explanation happens in the margin space, and the shap values are subsequently adjusted. \ convert the model output to probabilities. The same considerations as for `probability` apply for this \ output type too. - ``'log_loss'`` - logarithmic loss is explained. This option shoud be used only if `fit` was called \ with the `background_data` argument set and requires specifying labels, `y`, when calling `explain`. \ If the objective is squared error, then the transformation :math:`(output - y)^2` is applied. For \ binary cross-entropy objective, the transformation :math:`log(1 + exp(output)) - y * output` with \ :math:`y \in \{0, 1\}`. Currently only binary cross-entropy and squared error losses can be explained. \ feature_names Used to compute the `names` field, which appears as a key in each of the values of the `importances` sub-field of the response `raw` field. categorical_names Keys are feature column indices. Each value contains strings with the names of the categories for the feature. Used to select the method for background data summarisation (if specified, subsampling is performed as opposed to kmeans clustering). In the future it may be used for visualisation. task Can have values ``'classification'`` and ``'regression'``. It is only used to set the contents of the `prediction` field in the `data['raw']` response field. Notes ----- Tree SHAP is an additive attribution method so it is best suited to explaining output in margin space (the entire real line). For discussion related to explaining models in output vs probability space, please consult this resource_. .. _resource: """ # noqa W605 super().__init__(meta=copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_META_TREE_SHAP)) if model_output in TREE_SHAP_MODEL_OUTPUT: self.model_output = model_output else: logger.warning(f"Unrecognised model output {model_output}. Defaulting to model_output='raw'") self.model_output = 'raw' self.predictor = predictor self.feature_names = feature_names if feature_names else [] self.categorical_names = categorical_names if categorical_names else {} self.task = task self.seed = seed # sums up shap values for each level of categorical var self.summarise_result = False # selects a subset of the background data to avoid excessively slow runtimes self.summarise_background = False # checks if it has been fitted: self._fitted = False self._update_metadata({"task": self.task}) self._update_metadata({"model_output": self.model_output}, params=True)
[docs] def fit(self, # type: ignore[override] background_data: Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, None] = None, summarise_background: Union[bool, str] = False, n_background_samples: int = TREE_SHAP_BACKGROUND_WARNING_THRESHOLD, **kwargs) -> "TreeShap": """ This function instantiates an explainer which can then be use to explain instances using the `explain` method. If no background dataset is passed, the explainer uses the path-dependent feature perturbation algorithm to explain the values. As such, only the model raw output can be explained and this should be reflected by passing ``model_output='raw'`` when instantiating the explainer. If a background dataset is passed, the interventional feature perturbation algorithm is used. Using this algorithm, probability outputs can also be explained. Additionally, if the ``model_output='log_loss'`` option is passed to the explainer constructor, then the model loss function can be explained by passing the labels as the `y` argument to the explain method. A limited number of loss functions are supported, as detailed in the constructor documentation. Parameters ----------- background_data Data used to estimate feature contributions and baseline values for force plots. The rows of the background data should represent samples and the columns features. summarise_background A large background dataset may impact the runtime and memory footprint of the algorithm. By setting this argument to ``True``, only `n_background_samples` from the provided data are selected. If the `categorical_names` argument has been passed to the constructor, subsampling of the data is used. Otherwise, `shap.kmeans` (a wrapper around `sklearn.kmeans` implementation) is used for selection. If set to ``'auto'``, a default of `TREE_SHAP_BACKGROUND_WARNING_THRESHOLD` samples is selected. n_background_samples The number of samples to keep in the background dataset if ``summarise_background=True``. """ np.random.seed(self.seed) self._fitted = True if isinstance(background_data, pd.DataFrame): self.feature_names = list(background_data.columns) if background_data is not None: if isinstance(background_data, np.ndarray) and background_data.ndim == 1: background_data = np.atleast_2d(background_data) if summarise_background: n_samples = background_data.shape[0] if isinstance(summarise_background, str): if n_samples > TREE_SHAP_BACKGROUND_WARNING_THRESHOLD: background_data = self._summarise_background( background_data, TREE_SHAP_BACKGROUND_WARNING_THRESHOLD, ) else: if n_samples > n_background_samples: background_data = self._summarise_background( background_data, n_background_samples ) else: self._check_inputs(background_data) # summarisation can return a DenseData object n_samples = ( if isinstance(background_data, shap_utils.DenseData) else background_data).shape[0] # Warns the user that TreeShap supports only up to TREE_SHAP_BACKGROUND_SIZE(100) samples in the # background dataset. Note that there is a logic above related to the summarisation of the background # dataset which uses TREE_SHAP_BACKGROUND_WARNING_THRESHOLD(1000) as (warning) threshold. Although the # TREE_SHAP_BACKGROUND_WARNING_THRESHOLD > TREE_SHAP_BACKGROUND_SUPPORTED_SIZE which is contradictory, we # leave the logic above untouched. This approach has at least two benefits: # i) minimal refactoring # ii) return the correct result if a newer version of shap which fixes the issue is used before we # update our dependencies in alibi (i.e. just ignore the warning) if n_samples > TREE_SHAP_BACKGROUND_SUPPORTED_SIZE: logger.warning(f'The upstream implementation of interventional TreeShap supports only up to ' f'{TREE_SHAP_BACKGROUND_SUPPORTED_SIZE} samples in the background dataset. ' f'A larger background dataset will be sampled with replacement to ' f'{TREE_SHAP_BACKGROUND_SUPPORTED_SIZE} instances.') self.perturbation = 'interventional' if background_data is not None else 'tree_path_dependent' self.background_data = background_data self._explainer = self._init_shap_object() self.expected_value = self._explainer.expected_value self.scalar_output = False if self._explainer.model.num_outputs == 1: if self.task == 'classification': logger.warning( "Predictor returned a scalar value. Ensure the output represents a probability or decision score " "as opposed to a classification label!" ) self.scalar_output = True # update metadata params = { 'summarise_background': self.summarise_background, 'algorithm': self.perturbation, 'kwargs': kwargs, } self._update_metadata(params, params=True) return self
def _init_shap_object(self) -> shap.TreeExplainer: """ Initialize explainer as a `shap.TreeExplainer`. """ return shap.TreeExplainer( self.predictor, data=self.background_data, model_output=self.model_output, feature_perturbation=self.perturbation, ) @staticmethod def _check_inputs(background_data: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]) -> None: """ This function warns the user if slow runtime can occur due to the background dataset. Parameters ---------- background_data Background dataset. """ if background_data.shape[0] > TREE_SHAP_BACKGROUND_WARNING_THRESHOLD: msg = "Large datasets may cause slow runtimes for shap. The background dataset " \ "provided has {} records. If the runtime is too slow, consider passing a " \ "subset or allowing the algorithm to automatically summarize the data by " \ "setting the summarise_background=True or setting summarise_background to " \ "'auto' which will default to {} samples!" logger.warning(msg.format(background_data.shape[0], TREE_SHAP_BACKGROUND_WARNING_THRESHOLD)) def _summarise_background(self, background_data: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray], n_background_samples: int) -> Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, shap_utils.DenseData]: """ Summarises the background data to n_background_samples in order to reduce the computational cost. Returns ------- If the `categorical_names` argument to the constructor is specified, then an object of the same type as input containing only `n_background_samples` is returned. Otherwise, a `shap_utils.Data` containing an `np.ndarray` object of `n_background_samples` in the `data` field is returned. """ self.summarise_background = True if self.categorical_names: return shap.sample(background_data, nsamples=n_background_samples) else: return shap.kmeans(background_data, n_background_samples)
[docs] def explain(self, X: Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, 'catboost.Pool'], y: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, interactions: bool = False, approximate: bool = False, check_additivity: bool = True, tree_limit: Optional[int] = None, summarise_result: bool = False, cat_vars_start_idx: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, cat_vars_enc_dim: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, **kwargs) -> "Explanation": """ Explains the instances in `X`. `y` should be passed if the model loss function is to be explained, which can be useful in order to understand how various features affect model performance over time. This is only possible if the explainer has been fitted with a background dataset and requires setting `model_output='log_loss'`. Parameters ---------- X Instances to be explained. y Labels corresponding to rows of `X`. Should be passed only if a background dataset was passed to the `fit` method. interactions If ``True``, the shap value for every feature of every instance in `X` is decomposed into `X.shape[1] - 1` shap value interactions and one main effect. This is only supported if `fit` is called with `background_dataset=None`. approximate If ``True``, an approximation to the shap values that does not account for feature order is computed. This was proposed by `Ando Sabaas`_ here . Check `this`_ resource for more details. This option is currently only supported for `xgboost` and `sklearn` models. .. _Ando Sabaas: .. _this: check_additivity If ``True``, output correctness is ensured if ``model_output='raw'`` has been passed to the constructor. tree_limit Explain the output of a subset of the first `tree_limit` trees in an ensemble model. summarise_result This should be set to ``True`` only when some of the columns in `X` represent encoded dimensions of a categorical variable and one single shap value per categorical variable is desired. Both `cat_vars_start_idx` and `cat_vars_enc_dim` should be specified as detailed below to allow this. cat_vars_start_idx The start indices of the categorical variables. cat_vars_enc_dim The length of the encoding dimension for each categorical variable. Returns ------- explanation An `Explanation` object containing the shap values and prediction in the `data` field, along with a `meta` field containing additional data. See usage at `TreeSHAP examples`_ for details. .. _TreeSHAP examples: """ # noqa: E501 if not self._fitted: raise TypeError( "Called explain on an unfitted object! Please fit the " "explainer using the .fit method first!" ) self.tree_limit = tree_limit self.approximate = approximate self.interactions = interactions self.summarise_result = summarise_result if interactions: self._check_interactions(approximate, self.background_data, y) if self._explainer.model.model_type == 'xgboost': shap_output = self._xgboost_interactions(X) else: shap_output = self._explainer.shap_interaction_values(X, tree_limit=tree_limit) else: self._check_explainer_setup(self.background_data, self.model_output, y) shap_output = self._explainer.shap_values( X, y=y, tree_limit=tree_limit, approximate=self.approximate, check_additivity=check_additivity, ) self.expected_value = self._explainer.expected_value expected_value = self.expected_value if isinstance(shap_output, np.ndarray): shap_output = [shap_output] if isinstance(expected_value, float): expected_value = [expected_value] self._update_metadata( {'interactions': self.interactions, 'explain_loss': True if y is not None else False, 'approximate': self.approximate, }, params=True ) explanation = self._build_explanation( X, shap_output, expected_value, y=y, summarise_result=summarise_result, cat_vars_start_idx=cat_vars_start_idx, cat_vars_enc_dim=cat_vars_enc_dim, ) return explanation
def _xgboost_interactions(self, X: Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame]) -> Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]]: """ `shap` library handling of `xgboost` causes a `ValueError` due to `xgboost` (features name mismatch) if you call `shap_interaction_values` with a `numpy` array (likely only if the user declares their `xgboost.DMatrix` object with the `feature_names` keyword argument). This method converts the incoming numpy array to an `xgboost.DMatrix` object with feature names that match the predictor. """ import xgboost dexplain = xgboost.DMatrix(X, feature_names=self.predictor.feature_names) shap_output = self._explainer.shap_interaction_values(dexplain, tree_limit=self.tree_limit) return shap_output def _check_interactions(self, approximate: bool, background_data: Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, None], y: Optional[np.ndarray]) -> None: """ Checks if the inputs to the explain method match the explainer setup if shap interaction values are to be explained. Parameters ---------- approximate See `explain` documentation. background_data See `fit` documentation. y See `explain` documentation. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If a background dataset is passed to the `fit` method or argument `y` is specified to the `explain` method. These algorithms are not yet supported in the `shap` library. Warns ----- If approximate values are requested. These values are not defined for interactions. """ self.approximate = approximate if approximate: logger.warning("Approximate shap values are not defined for shap interaction values, " "ignoring argument!") self.approximate = False if background_data is not None: raise NotImplementedError( "Interactions can currently only be computed if no background dataset is specified. " "Re-instantiate the explainer and run fit without any arguments to compute shap " "interaction values!") if y is not None: raise NotImplementedError( "Interactions can currently only be computed if no background dataset is specified " "but explaining loss functions requires a background dataset. Re-instantiate the " "explainer with model_output='log_loss' and run fit(background_data=my_data) to " "explain loss values!!" ) def _check_explainer_setup(self, background_data: Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, None], model_output: str, y: Optional[np.ndarray]) -> None: """ Checks whether the inputs to the `explain` method match the explainer setup if shap interaction values are not required Parameters ---------- background_data See `fit` method documentation. model_output See `TreeShap` constructor documentation. y See `explain` method documentation. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the users passes labels to the `explain` method but does not specify a background dataset or if the user does not pass a background dataset to `fit` and specifies a `model_output` other than `'raw'` when initialising the explainer. ValueError If the user passes labels to the `explain` method but has not set `model_output='log_loss'` when initialising the explainer. """ # check settings are correct for loss value explanations if y is not None: if background_data is None: raise NotImplementedError( "Loss values can only currently be explained with respect to the value over a background dataset. " "Re-instantiate the explainer and run fit(background_data=my_data)!") if model_output != 'log_loss': raise ValueError( "Model output should be set to 'log_loss' in order to explain loss values. Re-instantiate the model" "with the option `model_output='log_loss' passed to the constructor, call " "fit(background_data=my_data) and then explain with the default arguments." ) # check model output data is compatible with background data setting else: if background_data is None: if model_output != 'raw': raise NotImplementedError( f"Without a background dataset, only raw output can be explained currently. " f"To explain output {model_output}, select a background dataset, re-instanstiate the " f"explainer with the desired model output option and then call fit(background_data=my_data)!" ) def _build_explanation(self, X: Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, 'catboost.Pool'], shap_output: List[np.ndarray], expected_value: List[float], **kwargs) -> Explanation: """ Create an explanation object. If output summarisation is required and all inputs necessary for this operation are passed, the raw shap values are summed first so that a single shap value is returned for each categorical variable, as opposed to a shap value per dimension of categorical variable encoding. Similarly, the shap interaction values are summed such that they represent the interaction between categorical variables as opposed to levels of categorical variables. If the interaction option has been specified during `explain`, this method computes the shap values given the interactions prior to creating the response. Parameters ---------- X Instances to be explained. shap_output If `explain` is callled with ``interactions=True`` then the list contains arrays of dimensionality `n_instances x n_features x n_features` of shap interaction values. Otherwise, it contains arrays of dimension `n_instances x n_features` representing shap values. The length of the list equals the number of model outputs. expected_value A list containing the expected value of the prediction for each class. Its length is equal to that of `shap_output`. Returns ------- explanation An `Explanation` object containing the shap values and prediction in the `data` field, along with a `meta` field containing additional data. See usage at `TreeSHAP examples`_ for details. .. _TreeSHAP examples: """ y = kwargs.get('y') if y is None: y = np.array([]) cat_vars_start_idx: Sequence[int] = kwargs.get('cat_vars_start_idx', ()) cat_vars_enc_dim: Sequence[int] = kwargs.get('cat_vars_enc_dim', ()) summarise_result: bool = kwargs.get('summarise_result', False) # check if interactions were computed if len(shap_output[0].shape) == 3: shap_interaction_values = shap_output # shap values are the sum over all shap interaction values for each instance shap_values = [interactions.sum(axis=2) for interactions in shap_output] else: shap_interaction_values = [np.array([])] shap_values = shap_output if summarise_result: self._check_result_summarisation(summarise_result, cat_vars_start_idx, cat_vars_enc_dim) if self.summarise_result: summarised_shap = [] for shap_array in shap_values: summarised_shap.append(sum_categories(shap_array, cat_vars_start_idx, cat_vars_enc_dim)) shap_values = summarised_shap if shap_interaction_values[0].size != 0: summarised_shap_interactions = [] for shap_array in shap_interaction_values: summarised_shap_interactions.append( sum_categories(shap_array, cat_vars_start_idx, cat_vars_enc_dim) ) shap_interaction_values = summarised_shap_interactions # NB: Can't get the raw prediction from model when model_output = 'log_loss` as shap library does # not support this (issue raised). We may be able to support this if there's a compelling need. # NB: raw output of a regression or classification task will not work for pyspark (predict not implemented) if self.model_output == 'log_loss': loss = self._explainer.model.predict(X, y, tree_limit=self.tree_limit) raw_predictions: Any = [] else: loss = [] raw_predictions = self._explainer.model.predict(X, tree_limit=self.tree_limit) # flatten array of predictions if the trailing dimension is 1 if raw_predictions.shape[-1] == 1: raw_predictions = raw_predictions.squeeze(-1) # predicted class argmax_pred: Any = [] if self.task != 'regression': if not isinstance(raw_predictions, list): if self.scalar_output: if self.model_output == 'raw': probas = expit(raw_predictions) else: probas = raw_predictions argmax_pred = (probas > 0.5).astype(int) else: argmax_pred = np.argmax(np.atleast_2d(raw_predictions), axis=1) importances = rank_by_importance(shap_values, feature_names=self.feature_names) if self._explainer.model.model_type == 'catboost': import catboost # noqa: F811 if isinstance(X, catboost.Pool): X = X.get_features() # output explanation dictionary data = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_DATA_TREE_SHAP) data.update( shap_values=shap_values, shap_interaction_values=shap_interaction_values, expected_value=expected_value, categorical_names=self.categorical_names, feature_names=self.feature_names, ) data['raw'].update( raw_prediction=raw_predictions, loss=loss, prediction=argmax_pred, instances=np.array(X), labels=y, importances=importances, ) self._update_metadata({"summarise_result": self.summarise_result}, params=True) return Explanation(meta=copy.deepcopy(self.meta), data=data) def _check_result_summarisation(self, summarise_result: bool, cat_vars_start_idx: Sequence[int], cat_vars_enc_dim: Sequence[int]): """ This function checks whether the result summarisation option is correct given the inputs and explainer setup. Parameters ---------- summarise_result, cat_vars_start_idx, cat_vars_enc_dim See :py:meth:`alibi.exapliners.shap_wrappers.TreeShap.explain` documentation. """ self.summarise_result = summarise_result if not cat_vars_start_idx or not cat_vars_enc_dim: logger.warning( "Results cannot be summarised as either the" "start indices for categorical variables or" "the encoding dimensions were not passed!" ) self.summarise_result = False
[docs] def reset_predictor(self, predictor: Any) -> None: """ Resets the predictor. Parameters ---------- predictor New prediction. """ # TODO: check what else should be done (e.g. validate dtypes again?) self.predictor = predictor self._explainer = self._init_shap_object()