Source code for alibi.explainers.similarity.metrics

from typing import Union

import numpy as np

[docs] def dot(X: np.ndarray, Y: np.ndarray) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: """ Performs a dot product between the vector(s) in X and vector Y. (:math:`X^T Y = \\sum_i X_i Y_i`). Each of `X` and `Y` should have a leading batch dimension of size at least 1. Parameters ---------- X Matrix of vectors. Y Matrix of vectors. Returns ------- Matrix of dot products between the vector(s) in X and vectors in Y. """ assert len(X.shape) > 1 and len(Y.shape) > 1, "The vectors `X` and `Y` should have a leading batch dimension." assert X.shape[1] == Y.shape[1], "The second dimension of `X` needs to be the same as the dimension of `Y`." return, Y.T)
[docs] def cos(X: np.ndarray, Y: np.ndarray, eps: float = 1e-7) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: """ Computes the cosine between the vector(s) in X and vector Y. (:math:`X^T Y/\\|X\\|\\|Y\\|`). Each of `X` and `Y` should have a leading batch dimension of size at least 1. Parameters ---------- X Matrix of vectors. Y Matrix of vectors. eps Numerical stability. Returns ------- Matrix of cosine similarities between the vector(s) in X and vectors in Y. """ assert len(X.shape) > 1 and len(Y.shape) > 1, "The vectors `X` and `Y` should have a leading batch dimension." assert X.shape[1] == Y.shape[1], "The second dimension of `X` needs to be the same as the dimension of `Y`." denominator = np.linalg.norm(X, axis=1)[:, None] @ np.linalg.norm(Y, axis=1)[None, :] return, Y.T) / (denominator + eps)
[docs] def asym_dot(X: np.ndarray, Y: np.ndarray, eps: float = 1e-7) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: """ Computes the influence of training instances `Y` to test instances `X`. This is an asymmetric kernel. (:math:`X^T Y/\\|Y\\|^2`). See the `paper <>`_ for more details. Each of `X` and `Y` should have a leading batch dimension of size at least 1. Parameters ---------- X Matrix of vectors. Y Matrix of vectors. eps Numerical stability. Returns ------- Matrix of asymmetric dot product similarity values between the vector(s) in X and vectors in Y. """ assert len(X.shape) > 1 and len(Y.shape) > 1, "The vectors `X` and `Y` should have a leading batch dimension." assert X.shape[1] == Y.shape[1], "The second dimension of `X` needs to be the same as the dimension of `Y`." denominator = np.linalg.norm(Y, axis=1) ** 2 return, Y.T) / (denominator + eps)[None, :]