Source code for

import numpy as np
from scipy.special import softmax
from scipy.stats import entropy
from typing import Callable, Union

[docs] def classifier_uncertainty( x: Union[np.ndarray, list], model_fn: Callable, preds_type: str = 'probs', uncertainty_type: str = 'entropy', margin_width: float = 0.1, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Evaluate model_fn on x and transform predictions to prediction uncertainties. Parameters ---------- x Batch of instances. model_fn Function that evaluates a classification model on x in a single call (contains batching logic if necessary). preds_type Type of prediction output by the model. Options are 'probs' (in [0,1]) or 'logits' (in [-inf,inf]). uncertainty_type Method for determining the model's uncertainty for a given instance. Options are 'entropy' or 'margin'. margin_width Width of the margin if uncertainty_type = 'margin'. The model is considered uncertain on an instance if the highest two class probabilities it assigns to the instance differ by less than margin_width. Returns ------- A scalar indication of uncertainty of the model on each instance in x. """ preds = model_fn(x) if preds_type == 'probs': if np.abs(1 - np.sum(preds, axis=-1)).mean() > 1e-6: raise ValueError("Probabilities across labels should sum to 1") probs = preds elif preds_type == 'logits': probs = softmax(preds, axis=-1) else: raise NotImplementedError("Only prediction types 'probs' and 'logits' supported.") if uncertainty_type == 'entropy': uncertainties = entropy(probs, axis=-1) elif uncertainty_type == 'margin': top_2_probs = -np.partition(-probs, kth=1, axis=-1)[:, :2] diff = top_2_probs[:, 0] - top_2_probs[:, 1] uncertainties = (diff < margin_width).astype(int) else: raise NotImplementedError("Only uncertainty types 'entropy' or 'margin' supported") return uncertainties[:, None] # Detectors expect N x d
[docs] def regressor_uncertainty( x: Union[np.ndarray, list], model_fn: Callable, uncertainty_type: str = 'mc_dropout', n_evals: int = 25, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Evaluate model_fn on x and transform predictions to prediction uncertainties. Parameters ---------- x Batch of instances. model_fn Function that evaluates a regression model on x in a single call (contains batching logic if necessary). uncertainty_type Method for determining the model's uncertainty for a given instance. Options are 'mc_dropout' or 'ensemble'. The former should output a scalar per instance. The latter should output a vector of predictions per instance. n_evals: The number of times to evaluate the model under different dropout configurations. Only relavent when using the 'mc_dropout' uncertainty type. Returns ------- A scalar indication of uncertainty of the model on each instance in x. """ if uncertainty_type == 'mc_dropout': preds = np.concatenate([model_fn(x) for _ in range(n_evals)], axis=-1) elif uncertainty_type == 'ensemble': preds = model_fn(x) else: raise NotImplementedError("Only 'mc_dropout' and 'ensemble' are supported uncertainty types for regressors.") uncertainties = np.std(preds, axis=-1) return uncertainties[:, None] # Detectors expect N x d