Source code for alibi_detect.od.prophet

from prophet import Prophet
import logging
import pandas as pd
from typing import Dict, List, Union
from alibi_detect.base import BaseDetector, FitMixin, outlier_prediction_dict

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class OutlierProphet(BaseDetector, FitMixin):
[docs] def __init__(self, threshold: float = .8, growth: str = 'linear', cap: float = None, holidays: pd.DataFrame = None, holidays_prior_scale: float = 10., country_holidays: str = None, changepoint_prior_scale: float = .05, changepoint_range: float = .8, seasonality_mode: str = 'additive', daily_seasonality: Union[str, bool, int] = 'auto', weekly_seasonality: Union[str, bool, int] = 'auto', yearly_seasonality: Union[str, bool, int] = 'auto', add_seasonality: List = None, seasonality_prior_scale: float = 10., uncertainty_samples: int = 1000, mcmc_samples: int = 0 ) -> None: """ Outlier detector for time series data using fbprophet. See for more details. Parameters ---------- threshold Width of the uncertainty intervals of the forecast, used as outlier threshold. Equivalent to `interval_width`. If the instance lies outside of the uncertainty intervals, it is flagged as an outlier. If `mcmc_samples` equals 0, it is the uncertainty in the trend using the MAP estimate of the extrapolated model. If `mcmc_samples` >0, then uncertainty over all parameters is used. growth 'linear' or 'logistic' to specify a linear or logistic trend. cap Growth cap in case growth equals 'logistic'. holidays pandas DataFrame with columns `holiday` (string) and `ds` (dates) and optionally columns `lower_window` and `upper_window` which specify a range of days around the date to be included as holidays. holidays_prior_scale Parameter controlling the strength of the holiday components model. Higher values imply a more flexible trend, more prone to more overfitting. country_holidays Include country-specific holidays via country abbreviations. The holidays for each country are provided by the holidays package in Python. A list of available countries and the country name to use is available on: Additionally, Prophet includes holidays for: Brazil (BR), Indonesia (ID), India (IN), Malaysia (MY), Vietnam (VN), Thailand (TH), Philippines (PH), Turkey (TU), Pakistan (PK), Bangladesh (BD), Egypt (EG), China (CN) and Russian (RU). changepoint_prior_scale Parameter controlling the flexibility of the automatic changepoint selection. Large values will allow many changepoints, potentially leading to overfitting. changepoint_range Proportion of history in which trend changepoints will be estimated. Higher values means more changepoints, potentially leading to overfitting. seasonality_mode Either 'additive' or 'multiplicative'. daily_seasonality Can be 'auto', True, False, or a number of Fourier terms to generate. weekly_seasonality Can be 'auto', True, False, or a number of Fourier terms to generate. yearly_seasonality Can be 'auto', True, False, or a number of Fourier terms to generate. add_seasonality Manually add one or more seasonality components. Pass a list of dicts containing the keys `name`, `period`, `fourier_order` (obligatory), `prior_scale` and `mode` (optional). seasonality_prior_scale Parameter controlling the strength of the seasonality model. Larger values allow the model to fit larger seasonal fluctuations, potentially leading to overfitting. uncertainty_samples Number of simulated draws used to estimate uncertainty intervals. mcmc_samples If >0, will do full Bayesian inference with the specified number of MCMC samples. If 0, will do MAP estimation. """ super().__init__() # initialize Prophet model # TODO: add conditional seasonalities kwargs = { 'growth': growth, 'interval_width': threshold, 'holidays': holidays, 'holidays_prior_scale': holidays_prior_scale, 'changepoint_prior_scale': changepoint_prior_scale, 'changepoint_range': changepoint_range, 'seasonality_mode': seasonality_mode, 'daily_seasonality': daily_seasonality, 'weekly_seasonality': weekly_seasonality, 'yearly_seasonality': yearly_seasonality, 'seasonality_prior_scale': seasonality_prior_scale, 'uncertainty_samples': uncertainty_samples, 'mcmc_samples': mcmc_samples } self.model = Prophet(**kwargs) if country_holidays: self.model.add_country_holidays(country_name=country_holidays) if add_seasonality: for s in add_seasonality: self.model.add_seasonality(**s) self.cap = cap # set metadata self.meta['detector_type'] = 'outlier' self.meta['data_type'] = 'time-series' self.meta['online'] = False
[docs] def fit(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> None: """ Fit Prophet model on normal (inlier) data. Parameters ---------- df Dataframe with columns `ds` with timestamps and `y` with target values. """ if self.cap: df['cap'] = self.cap
[docs] def score(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Compute outlier scores. Parameters ---------- df DataFrame with columns `ds` with timestamps and `y` with values which need to be flagged as outlier or not. Returns ------- Array with outlier scores for each instance in the batch. """ if self.cap: df['cap'] = self.cap forecast = self.model.predict(df) forecast['y'] = df['y'].values forecast['score'] = ( (forecast['y'] - forecast['yhat_upper']) * (forecast['y'] >= forecast['yhat']) + (forecast['yhat_lower'] - forecast['y']) * (forecast['y'] < forecast['yhat']) ) return forecast
[docs] def predict(self, df: pd.DataFrame, return_instance_score: bool = True, return_forecast: bool = True ) -> Dict[Dict[str, str], Dict[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]]: """ Compute outlier scores and transform into outlier predictions. Parameters ---------- df DataFrame with columns `ds` with timestamps and `y` with values which need to be flagged as outlier or not. return_instance_score Whether to return instance level outlier scores. return_forecast Whether to return the model forecast. Returns ------- Dictionary containing ``'meta'`` and ``'data'`` dictionaries. - ``'meta'`` has the model's metadata. - ``'data'`` contains the outlier predictions, instance level outlier scores and the model forecast. """ # compute outlier scores forecast = self.score(df) iscore = pd.DataFrame(data={ 'ds': df['ds'].values, 'instance_score': forecast['score'] }) # values above threshold are outliers outlier_pred = pd.DataFrame(data={ 'ds': df['ds'].values, 'is_outlier': (forecast['score'] > 0.).astype(int) }) # populate output dict od = outlier_prediction_dict() od['meta'] = self.meta od['data']['is_outlier'] = outlier_pred if return_instance_score: od['data']['instance_score'] = iscore if return_forecast: od['data']['forecast'] = forecast return od