Seldon Core Native Integration with Kubeflow¶

The Seldon Core team is part of the core Kubeflow team, which means that we are continuously ensuring Seldon Core is fully integrated with the Kubeflow Stack.

Seldon Core comes installed with Kubeflow. The Seldon Core documentation site provides full documentation for running Seldon Core inference.

If you have a saved model in a PersistentVolume (PV), Google Cloud Storage bucket or Amazon S3 Storage you can use one of the prepackaged model servers provided by Seldon Core.

Seldon Core also provides language specific model wrappers to wrap your inference code for it to run in Seldon Core.

Kubeflow specifics¶

You need to ensure the namespace where your models will be served has:

  • An Istio gateway named kubeflow-gateway

  • A label set as

The following example applies the label my-namespace to the namespace for serving:

kubectl label namespace my-namespace

Create a gateway called kubeflow-gateway in namespace my-namespace:

kind: Gateway
  name: kubeflow-gateway
  namespace: my-namespace
    istio: ingressgateway
  - hosts:
    - '*'
      name: http
      number: 80
      protocol: HTTP

Save the above resource and apply it with kubectl.