Seldon Core CRD and controller helm chart for Kubernetes.
To use this chart, you will first need to add the seldonio
Helm repo:
helm repo add seldonio
helm repo update
Once that’s done, you should then be able to deploy the chart as:
kubectl create namespace seldon-system
helm install seldon-core-operator seldonio/seldon-core-operator --namespace seldon-system
Source Code¶
Key |
Type |
Default |
Description |
ambassador.enabled |
bool |
ambassador.singleNamespace |
bool |
ambassador.version |
string |
certManager.enabled |
bool |
controllerId |
string |
crd.annotations |
object |
crd.create |
bool |
crd.forceV1 |
bool |
crd.forceV1beta1 |
bool |
credentials.gcs.gcsCredentialFileName |
string |
credentials.s3.s3AccessKeyIDName |
string |
credentials.s3.s3SecretAccessKeyName |
string |
defaultUserID |
string |
executor.fullHealthChecks |
bool |
executor.image.pullPolicy |
string |
executor.image.registry |
string |
executor.image.repository |
string |
executor.image.tag |
string |
executor.metricsPortName |
string |
executor.port |
int |
executor.prometheus.path |
string |
executor.requestLogger.defaultEndpoint |
string |
executor.requestLogger.workQueueSize |
int |
executor.requestLogger.writeTimeoutMs |
int |
executor.resources.cpuLimit |
string |
executor.resources.cpuRequest |
string |
executor.resources.memoryLimit |
string |
executor.resources.memoryRequest |
string |
| |
string |
executor.user |
int |
explainer.image |
string |
explainer.image_v2 |
string |
hostNetwork |
bool |
image.pullPolicy |
string |
image.registry |
string |
image.repository |
string |
image.tag |
string |
istio.enabled |
bool |
istio.gateway |
string |
istio.tlsMode |
string |
keda.enabled |
bool |
kubeflow |
bool |
manager.annotations |
object |
manager.containerSecurityContext |
object |
manager.cpuLimit |
string |
manager.cpuRequest |
string |
manager.deploymentNameAsPrefix |
bool |
manager.leaderElectionID |
string |
manager.leaderElectionLeaseDurationSecs |
int |
manager.leaderElectionRenewDeadlineSecs |
int |
manager.leaderElectionResourceLock |
string |
manager.leaderElectionRetryPeriodSecs |
int |
manager.logLevel |
string |
manager.memoryLimit |
string |
manager.memoryRequest |
string |
manager.priorityClassName |
string |
managerCreateResources |
bool |
managerUserID |
int |
metrics.port |
int |
namespaceOverride |
string |
predictiveUnit.defaultEnvSecretRefName |
string |
predictiveUnit.grpcPort |
int |
predictiveUnit.httpPort |
int |
predictiveUnit.metricsPortName |
string |
predictor_servers.HUGGINGFACE_SERVER.protocols.v2.defaultImageVersion |
string |
predictor_servers.HUGGINGFACE_SERVER.protocols.v2.image |
string |
predictor_servers.MLFLOW_SERVER.protocols.seldon.defaultImageVersion |
string |
predictor_servers.MLFLOW_SERVER.protocols.seldon.image |
string |
predictor_servers.MLFLOW_SERVER.protocols.v2.defaultImageVersion |
string |
predictor_servers.MLFLOW_SERVER.protocols.v2.image |
string |
predictor_servers.SKLEARN_SERVER.protocols.seldon.defaultImageVersion |
string |
predictor_servers.SKLEARN_SERVER.protocols.seldon.image |
string |
predictor_servers.SKLEARN_SERVER.protocols.v2.defaultImageVersion |
string |
predictor_servers.SKLEARN_SERVER.protocols.v2.image |
string |
predictor_servers.TEMPO_SERVER.protocols.v2.defaultImageVersion |
string |
predictor_servers.TEMPO_SERVER.protocols.v2.image |
string |
predictor_servers.TENSORFLOW_SERVER.protocols.seldon.defaultImageVersion |
string |
predictor_servers.TENSORFLOW_SERVER.protocols.seldon.image |
string |
predictor_servers.TENSORFLOW_SERVER.protocols.tensorflow.defaultImageVersion |
string |
predictor_servers.TENSORFLOW_SERVER.protocols.tensorflow.image |
string |
predictor_servers.TRITON_SERVER.protocols.v2.defaultImageVersion |
string |
predictor_servers.TRITON_SERVER.protocols.v2.image |
string |
predictor_servers.XGBOOST_SERVER.protocols.seldon.defaultImageVersion |
string |
predictor_servers.XGBOOST_SERVER.protocols.seldon.image |
string |
predictor_servers.XGBOOST_SERVER.protocols.v2.defaultImageVersion |
string |
predictor_servers.XGBOOST_SERVER.protocols.v2.image |
string |
rbac.configmap.create |
bool |
rbac.create |
bool |
serviceAccount.create |
bool |
| |
string |
singleNamespace |
bool |
storageInitializer.cpuLimit |
string |
storageInitializer.cpuRequest |
string |
storageInitializer.image |
string |
storageInitializer.memoryLimit |
string |
storageInitializer.memoryRequest |
string |
usageMetrics.enabled |
bool |
webhook.port |
int |