
Once you have created your inference graph as a JSON or YAML Seldon Deployment resource you can deploy to Kubernetes with kubectl. For example, if your deployment is packaged in my_ml_deployment.yaml:

kubectl apply -f my_ml_deployment.yaml

Helm Charts¶

You can use Helm to manage your deployment as illustrated in the Helm examples notebook.

We have a selection of templated helm charts you can use as a basis for your deployments.

Ksonnet Apps¶

You can use Ksonnet to manage your deployments as illustrated in the Ksonnet examples notebook.

We have a selection of Ksonnet prototypes you can use as a basis for your deployments.

Validate your Deployment¶

You can check the status of the running deployments using kubectl

For example:

kubectl get sdep -o jsonpath='{.items[].status}'